
6:23 AM EST, 25th March 2025

New York,

United States of America.

It has been nearly three hours ever since the "Wall of light" incident occurred. An awakening America is finding out that the world they once knew is over. While everything appeared normal at first, signs that something had gone wrong quickly emerged among the populus. Satellite Internet gone and with cable all the foreign websites, social media, and content creators are missing. Contact with anyone outside the United States went dark. .

CNN, Fox News and other major news organizations were all cut off from their non-US subsidiaries. Multinational corporations unable to contact their foregin assets and personnel. Airliners losing all contact with aircraft outside the US borders. North and South Borders reporting no immagration, both legal and illegal.

As the day continues, society panics. The stock exchange took the largest dive in US history. The economy crashed as international trade vanished and the dollar began fluctuating.

The morning news was filled with reports of the occurrences, with CCTV cameras showing footage of the "Wall of Light" appearing, with one unlucky person's car being sawed in half, leaving melted metal and material on the spot was cut off.

What was further worrying was the Live footage, with National Guard vehicles in a long convoy moving into cities. There was zero explanation on what is going on, with the government not giving any explanation just yet.

For some reason, the Indians had somehow managed to re-establish contact with the United States, courtesy of Elon Musk's Starlink. They had also provided similar reports, showing that they faced the same abnormality as well. When this contact was released by the government, showing that the Americans are not alone eased the economic recession and aid in calming down riots.

Another report was that the American fleet in the Indian Ocean was safe and at an Indian port, which assured people who did not know better that American forces abroad were unaffected.

They were seriously wrong.


On board the USS Ronald Reagan.

The USS Ronald Reagan Carrier fleet coasting into the waters of New York. They had put out at sea from their Naval Base at Norfolk, on a mission to secure America's waters. With reports of a submarine attack from the US Coast Guard, giving locations on where Civilian Cargo ships had been attacked and sunk, a rough estimate on the possible location of the subs were made.

Commander William James was at the aircraft carrier's Combat information center, observing the ship's systems and monitoring any changes.

On the monitor, he can see an area affixed to the location of the sinkings. He can also see friendly ships, neutral civilian ships and aircraft in the air as well.

"What units do we have up in the air?" Commander James asked.

"Three F-35s providing CAP and one P-8 Poseidon on her way. We also have two Seahawk helicopters in the air, Captain." His XO replied.

The Commander of the Carrier battle group turned towards his sonar operator and the Communications officer.

"Are sonars picking up anything in the area?" He questioned.

"Con, Sonar. New contact bearing Zero-Two-Four, designate Sierra-14." The Sonar operator called out a new contact detected on his sonar.

"Right at the edge of the range of G-2." He pointed out on the digital map outlay.

"Check SAR display for any surface contacts." James ordered.

"Checking...clear! No surface contacts in that sector."

"Con, Sonar. Sierra-14 is classified as a submerged submarine," The Sonar operation reported after spending a minute identifying the contact.

"Get Narwal-One to that sector, bearing Zero-Two-Four. This is what we might be looking for. Tell them to prepare drops on Sierra-14, standby on D-I-P."

One MH-60R Seahawk adjusted its heading towards the target and descended some more. At the altitude they were hovering at, their AQS-13F Dipping Sonars were able to properly pick out any subsurface contacts.

Few Minutes later, active sonar detected the suspect. A submarine, rather noisy for the current generation of submarines in service. The crew of the submarine did not know that they were trapped. It was the easiest submarine kill for the Americans. There were no options left for the unknown submarine crew.

"We had confirmed detections on Sierra-14, positional fix achieved." The Senior sonar officer reported.

"Weapons free." James ordered,

The helicopters positioned themselves, and they soon launched their Mk-54 air-launched torpedoes.

"Torpedo in the water! Weapon acquired. Sierra-14 has begun cavitating, no countermeasures! Weapon is running active, straight and normal. Impact in ten seconds!"

Those few seconds ticked away as Cdr.James looked through his binoculars at the apparent location of the submarine.

"Impact! We have Impact! Multiple explosions on target."

"Con, Sonar, lost contact with Sierra/Master-14, Contact breaking up".

The Combat Information Centre was filled with cheer as the unknown submarine and its crew had perished under the Atlantic ocean.

"Okay people, back to work. Scratch Sierra-14 off the board and continue ASW ops. Inform Naval headquarters that we have sunk an unknown sub and send them the location."

The battle group continued on their Anti-Submarine Warfare operation, hunting down two more lurking unknown submarines on their way to attack convoys. This would not be the end of further submarine incursions, but the American navy would be ready and waiting.


Jamnagar AFB (Air Force Base)

22° 27' 59" N ; 070° 00' 41" E


Two MiG-29UPGs of the 28 Squadron 'First Supersonics', 33rd Wing, taxied towards the runway, preparing for take-off. Indian Radar detection sites had spotted two slow-moving aircraft approaching the border, with IFF failing to identify the Unknown aircraft. These two MiG-29s were scrambled to intercept them.

Wing Commander Subrat Singh was going through the last checks of his aircraft before preparing for take-off.

"Jamnagar ATC, this is Sonic-One, on runway 0-1, permission for takeoff," Subrat informed as he pushed his helmet's visor down.

"Sonic-One, this is Jamnagar ATC, climb to Thirteen thousand feet, and maintain bearing One-hundred-Sixty-five. Contact Hostiles designated Daanav-1 and Daanav-2, ten minutes out."

"Acknowledged ATC."

The two MiGs took off, turning their afterburners on as they flew towards the location where Air Traffic Control directed them towards.

Subrat checked his fuel monitor as they flew on their afterburners. The MiG-29 was not a High endurance fighter, and it required monitoring fuel as there were no Air Refueling tankers in the air.

"Sonic-Two, this is Sonic-One, keep radars on passive, we do not want to alert the bogeys, and weapons tight, no accidental fire."

"Roger that Sonic-One, weapons tight."


Two Tempest Mk.II fighters of the Royal Air Force's Indian Wing had taken off from Karachi Airbase.

Their mission? To investigate what was going on. The "Wall of Light" rumors had reached their base, and the loss of communication and orders from the mainland to investigate the occurrence.

For now, they were ordered to conduct recon. Whoever they could hear the sound of jets in the distance, where was it coming from? It was unknown.


"ATC, this is Sonic-One, permission to turn Active radar on." Subrat asked as he looked at his radar, which was on passive mode, as the bogey's RCS was something which was not expected.

"Sonic-One, permission granted."

Powerful emission of the radar from the MiG's Zhuk-ME, with detection capable with nearly one hundred and fifty kilometers or ninety three miles away. They soon spotted the Tempest Fighters on their radar.

"They don't seem to have an RCS similar to anything we have intercepted before, rather it's similar to one of those drones the pakies use....." The pilot of Sonic-Two spoke over the communication system.

"Can see why this looks suspicious, Sonic-Two. There might be some F-16s waiting to ambush us, however, continue on the intercept. We need to drive them away, but make sure you monitor your RWR." Subrat replied.

The two MiGs had made it to their intercept point, and what they saw surprised them, what was expected to be some sort of jet or drone, ended up being two propeller fighters.

"What the, shadow them! Bank and pull hard left and circle around!" Subrat ordered as he pulled hard, trying to circle around and fly next to them. His helmet mounted sight was locked on the lead tempest as he felt the G-forces as he turned his jet around.

The pilots of the Tempests panicked, and began turning away and back to their area, not before one accidentally fired a salvo of 20mm rounds at the general direction of the flying jets.

"They are firing on you, sir! I have them locked and I'm ready to fire!" The pilot of Sonic-Two spoke over the system, rather emotional after seeing his Wing Commander being shot at, had his finger on the Launch trigger.

"Negative Sonic-Two! It is likely an accidental discharge. They are now retreating. Doctrine informs us we cannot enter their airspace. We are barely in ours, Evac Shotgun!" Subrat ordered as he turned his jet back towards India.

He watched as his Wingman returned, all missiles still on their Pylons. That kept him satisfied, as this could have been bait to start a war with India as the aggressors.


8:00 AM EST / 10:00 PM IST

USA / India.

The world is completely confused, both the transferred and the existing nations. In both the teleported nations, there was a sense of unreality, similar to when 9/11 occured with America, with the destruction of the Twin towers, and 26/11, when terrorists laid siege in the city of Mumbai. The internet connection was still up, rather slower, and missing a lot of data.

Most people have zero idea on what is going on, but with the unbelievable reports from the news channels, social media, the internet, and even Government owned websites and news channels, had sent people into a panic.

The rumor mills were churning out rumors every second, military maneuvers, aliens, and nuclear war abroad are all circulating in group chats and social media posts. Local TV and YouTube Videos from places like Detroit and Pathankot are broadcasting unbelievable footage from Canada and Pakistan beyond the border, which has led to wild speculation.

Political Pundits are speechless, and only a small group of people who hang out on sites like Wattpad and make stories like "America Back In Time" begin to suggest time travel or a transference.

The rest of the world is also confused, but with not the same sense of urgency. Only people in the border regions of Canada and the authorities of British India are really aware of the change, and send frantic reports back in an attempt to explain the situation and are only met with disbelief in Ottawa and London.

At 8:15 AM EST, in the small cabin on Air Force One, Potts addresses the nation. She is clear, concise and calm. A "Wall of Light" surrounded the Continental United States, and the world seems to have changed. However, the Indians are stuck in the same situation, and a joint investigation is underway, but no obvious answers have been found yet. There Are reports of fighting from across the world, but the government can confirm nothing just yet, and she urges Americans to stay calm. Potts announces banks would be closed, and all wages and prices are frozen until further notice. She urges all Americans to remain in their homes, and stay attentive to news reports and that they would station National Guard units to prevent any law and order situations. Potts signs off, and orders Air force One to return to Washington DC.

A similar address to the nation, Prime Minister Tharoor assured the Indian populace that India would be secure and safe, and people can continue living and enjoying their life as usual.


9:30 AM EST, March 12, 1942

Camp Shilo, Royal Canadian Army

Dominion of Canada

Captain Glein took a glance at his Squadron, many young faces, some as young as eighteen years old boys, all charged up with their new gear the G58 Operation Orb issued to everyman along with their Mage issue Enfield SMLE rifles and ready to fly all the way to Europe and win the war on their lonesome by punching Hitler on his face. Many showed some form of disappointment that their first ever real combat flight was a recon mission far away from the front, into their giant neighbor the United States.

Unlike his men, Glein did think this mission was as important as battling out the German raiders on the skies of London. From the mission briefing he got from his Battalion commander, a bizarre bright white light had engulfed the entirety of the United states of America.

After the event any and all communication with the United states was broken. Nobody knew what the hell was going on. Advised by the American General Eisenhower, a deep recon mission was authorised by the supreme Allied command in London.

As reports flood in from the border towns, everything on the other side of the border had mysteriously changed.

Being the only available mage unit close to the US border, his battalion got the orders to conduct the mission.

It didn't surprise him, most of the mage battalions in Canada have already been moved either to the staging areas near the coasts or are already deployed in Europe and Africa. Those left at home are either the trainees and their instructors or green and understrength units like his kept at home for national defense.

"Captain," 2nd Lieutenant Leo came and saluted him, breaking him from his train of thoughts "the men are ready to go waiting for your orders."

Glein nods

The Lieutenant went back to the men and waited for his officer to address them.

"Alright men, listen up, today we are flying across the border into the United states. Our destination will be New York. As you all know a bizarre incident has occurred and we have lost contact with the Americans, our mission is to discern what has actually happened to our neighbor and report back to HQ. Also keep this in mind, the United States is our ally and under no circumstances any of you are allowed to use your weapon unless threatened. Am I clear ?"

"Yes sir !" The soldiers replied in unison.

One of his men asked why the government did not just drive to the border and find out. Basically, the politicians are too scared to go by themselves and want a recon mission to gather information before they decide what to do. All traditional lines of communication just disappeared and as the war rages in Europe, no one wants to jump into another mess. If this recon mission turned into a diplomatic crisis, his orders say they got lost and were forced to land in the nearby towns for directions.

"Move out !"

The 251th Mage took off from their base and started to fly towards the United states. Cruising at an Altitude of 5000 ft, the unit did not attempt to conceal their mana signatures as they got closer to the American airspace as the USA was still a major part of the Allied powers.


---Burlington/Intl (VT) (KBTV) AFB,---

Thirty-six bogeys were detected by American radar systems stationed at the Quebec-Vermont Border. In response to this, six armed to the teeth F-35As,from the 315th Fighter Squadron, were scrambled to intercept the air-borne threat.

"This is Devil-lead, maintaining speed at 500 knots, do not turn on active radar till we are near the border of visual combat." The pilot of the lead F-35A spoke out.

"Don't be so paranoid, Zoomie, it's just Canadians, they would not see us coming!" The pilot of Devil-Three spoke through the radio.

"Cut the chatter people, leave the jokes till after we are done." A voice boomed through the comms system.

"Sorry ATC, just joking around." Devil-Three apologised, to the silent giggles of the other pilots.

The F-35s flew in-formation as they soon turned their radars to active, with Devil-Three placed on watch duty, as he observed via the AN/AAQ-40 Electro-Optical Targeting System.

"Umm Devil-Lead, you are surely going to be surprised when you see who they are."

"What do you mean by that Devil-Three?"

"Humans on some sort of open contraptions, mid air, I'll break into their comms system to give them a surprise."

"Roger that Devil-Three"

Devil-Three easily broke through the mage's encrypted Mage Radar System, which was said to be unbreakable. He issued a pretty stern warning.

"Unidentified flying objects, you are entering U.S AIRSPACE, we advise that you return back to your airspace, or we will be forced to open fire on you and your men."

Just as this happened, the other five F-35s merged with the mage battlegroup, flying faster than the mages and quickly climbing altitude which the mages could only dream of reaching.


Glein, who was used to seeing Vampire jet aircraft flying, was surprised when he saw the F-35s with US marking nonetheless, and even more when were able to break into his secured and encrypted Mage Radio system touted to be unbreakable even by the Germans. Now broadcasting a warning towards them. Fearing something being off and above his pay grade, he quickly ordered his squadron to withdraw back to their base.

"Battalion! We are evacuating from this airspace, make sure they do not think you are hostile! No pointing your weapons at those flying craft, we all know what happened to Major Smith and his mages!"

Major Samuel Smith and his mages battalion was a classic example used to show how outmatched mages are compared to jets. While able to hover around and provide Close Air Support and fight other mages, jets have an unfair advantage over them, with Smith and his men being massacred during the Dunkirk evacuations by attacking German jets.


9:45 AM EST, 25th March, 2025

New York,

United States of America.

National guard units happened to station themself quickly around New York, with QRF units being quickly deployed to protect government buildings. This sudden deployment of such units, with other Federal units assisting them, led to panic around the city. The Mayor of Buffalo, wanting to show he was with the people, led a march from his Town Hall all the way to the American-Canadian border. People joined along with him as newsvans and reporters followed him, with news channels providing live footage of what he was doing.

They were stopped near the border crossing by a large force of Federal agents in Riot gear and National Guard Humvees blocking the path.

The Mayor soon walked up the mass of soldiers in his way, urging the mass not to follow and to stand their ground. He soon walked forward, only to be blocked by the National Guard soldiers.

"Sir, please disperse from this location with your group." A Captain from the National Guard told him.

"Do you know who I am? I am Rudy Rotts, mayor of Buffalo, New York and I demand to be let through!" The mayor started screeching at them, surprising them.

After much argument with the mayor regarding the safety, with it being a one-sided shout match, the captain decided to let him pass. Who cares if he died on the other side, the inquiry and paperwork would be much easier to deal with than arguing with the madman.

Roots walked down towards the canadian border, who was faced by awestuck people, even the local police constables watched him like he was something they have never seen before. All of the commotion from the other side, after the "wall of light" disappearance of the America they once knew and was familiar with, was replaced with something alien.

"Hi there! Could I know the date of today?" Roots asked one of the waiters in one cafe he entered, who was looking at him all stunned.

"Ah yes sir! Today is the 25th of March, would you like to have anything?" The stunned restaurant owner asked.

"Just a coffee would be nice, do you have a newspaper as well?" Roots asked as he sat on a chair next to the bar.

"By the way, all I have is sweet old american dollars." He continued.

"That would be more than enough sir, the fact that you are speaking English and not German is a relief." The owner continued.

After reading the newspaper thoroughly and drinking the coffee, Roots paid the man and thanked him and headed back to his borders with vital information in his hand. After the same National Guard units vetted him and let him in, the media swarmed him, and he displayed his findings in the newspaper.

Which reports the date as March 13, 1942, and is filled with war news, talking about how London is being bombed to ruins and the RAF are unable to counter, on how the African front has nearly collapsed, and that Burma was being overrun by the Japanese, along with reports of flying people called "Mages", who have a proficiency with something called "Mana'', and use "Operational Orbs" to harness it and fly and use magic, and used as Special forces in combat, seen images of their deadly effects.