
27th March 1942

Washington D.C.

Oval Office, The White House.

Inside the oval office another meeting began regarding the state of the world. It is getting to the point where Potts and her staff are spending more time in the Oval office or the situation room more than any other place in the White House. Day after day, these meetings were being held, with Potts getting only three to four hours of sleep. Update after update of the situation was being provided, with additional information being revealed everyday. It was now clear to everyone in the top leadership they were in a world similar to theirs, but completely different at the same time.

This time, the Indian ambassador was summoned for another meeting, now regarding matters of India and a further course of action his nation is going to take.

New adversaries now existed, the Axis powers, and in due time, the Communist Bloc. The Colonial powers also had their own list, ranging from hostile, to neutral powers present during this time period. The British Empire's behaviour towards the United States marked as uncertain, as their old time ally and the old colonial masters of India, their present close and only ally in this world are about to go throw blows at each other.

Contact between the United Kingdom had been established, via Canada and the Royal Naval task force in the Indian ocean, however the British have been suspicious, and proper communication has not been established yet. This has resulted in suspending all joint operations from the British Empire as those agreements were with the old US.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose all of you know why we are gathered here?" Potts asked, leaning back in her chair.

Few individuals replied with a positive tone, rest just nodded.

Potts then sat up. "Right... I'll take it as a 'yes' and about the Axis... Does anyone in this room have a suggestion of what we should do next?"

"How about the method of eradicating the Axis with nukes, hmmm? I am sure that's the quickest way possible." Scorch replied with a smile on his face.

The comment sparked everyone, which led most of the members to mumble in a disappointed manner. Some of them spoke behind Scorch's suggestion. One fellow even had to say this to Scorch.

"You're crazy." Dav whimpered.

"No, I'm not." Scorch retorted. "We did it in WW2, we can do it again."

Then Petra, defense secretary, rose and asked, "Scorch, do you think your suggestion would be wise enough? Don't you know how catastrophic it will be and how severe the backlash we are going to receive onward? Not just from other nations, but even from our own people living would question us, if we choose this path?"

"Well, like I said that it will be the quickest way possible to put an end to the Nazis. Surely we will get some praise." Scorch replied.

Petra sighed. "Look, I know your grandparents had a history with those soldiers and I apologise for bringing this up. But hear me out, at this age you should know the power we possess is beyond our enemy's imagination. You called it."

Petra continued, "Here's the thing, one nuclear bomb or an ICBM carrying the power it contains can not only wipe out Berlin but also affect other states that are not on our list. Even other nations that are neighbours to Germany, especially the Soviet Union. I am talking about radiation here."

"Then how about Japan? We all know Japan is stubborn about not surrendering, it's their 'tradition'." Scorch suggested once again with a tint of anger to his voice.

"Do we really want a second Nagasaki and Hiroshima? I'm heavily doubting that the people want that, but certainly the war hawk politicians will be happy including yourself Scorch" Chairman of joint chiefs Mark Monarch replied.

"We need to think about it like this," (name/should be a admiral) interrupted.

"Our capabilities are not the same as were in World War Two. Even with their magic soldiers, our standoff technologies are far greater. We equip our fighters with anti-ship missiles and we can take out a task force with little losses. WIth Japan itself, our subs are superior to the old Gato -class. The only issue will be resupplying."

"I'm not a war hawk, I just don't like them," Scorch replied.

"And with all due respect, you Admirals and Generals have been saying that for a hundred years now, that the age of Infantry and land campaigns are over because of our mighty missiles and planes. Yet, every war we ever had required a large ground force. The only solution, and let us all be clear, the only conventional option is a mass ground campaign in both theaters, unless we nuke the bastards."

"Jason, you realize nukes are a last resort," Petra replied to him as she quietly yawned from tiredness.

"These are not the old A-bombs where they will kill only a few hundred thousand. This will kill tens of millions this time.

As both Scorch and Petra continued a heated argument, a knock on the door was heard and President Potts made a gesture to tone down the volume of their debate.

"We have other matters to deal with, and no time to argue over pointless things." Potts commented.

"Madam president, it is a foremost priority to intensify border security and port security. Who knows if there might be spies sent either from the Axis or the Soviet Union." Scorch said, bringing it up.

"Agreed Scorch, I'm going to give that job to you." Potts replied, paying attention to the main focus of the meeting.

"And what about British India?" Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark asked.

"Nalin Rao?" Potts asked the ambassador.

The Ambassador cleared his throat before speaking.

"Our Government has brought them under our fold, Madam President. The half hazard partition the British caused in our timeline forming the successor states to the British Raj, India and Pakistan after they left is the reason for all the strife conflicts that will be fought in the subcontinent.

The four major wars, the genocide of the Bengali people in 1971 and then the threat of a nuclear war breaking out since 1999 whenever one side even throws a rock to the other side of the border and not to forget the Kashmir insurgency, the proxy wars, constant border clashes and artillery duels all the time. We are going to undo that and bring forth a united India to the global stage. For that we would like to request your support in our endeavour to liberate and help our people and if possible stop this war before it escalates out of our hands."

Listening to the ambassador, Potts realized that this would be a political landmine. One wrong move and everything will blow up. If relations implode between the British Empire and India and war breaks out, the US will be forced to side with the British or stay out of the conflict completely. In fact, she can see a world where the Axis can win this war by just sitting idle while the Allies implode by infighting and god forbid if India decided to switch sides if threatened. The only way through this will be bold yet has to be flexible.

Meanwhile the rest of her staff also looked stunned by the ambassador's statement and his request, making it very clear to everyone, India is going to fight the British empire disregarding the fact that the British are an integral part of the Allies.

The Secretary of Defense Petra Rodriguez trembled just by imagining what would happen if the Belligerent Indians joined the Axis, if the Americans decided to support the British, a bloodbath of an unimaginable degree. The Axis already have a firm foothold in Europe and in East Asia, India joining them will lead to fall of entirety of Asian Southeast Asia, United States with all its might cannot wage a war of attrition on that scale and will be forced to use the ultimate destructive weapons of man, the Indians though doesn't have nukes in greater number will still retaliate.

While Scorch complemented the idea of supporting the British, which would inadvertently lead to a public outcry in the United States for America supporting, according to some, a brutal colonial power, exploiting and oppressing millions of souls, not unlike the brutal regime of Imperial Japan spreading a reign of terror over all its occupied land.

Other staff members also had contradicting thoughts, some views on supporting their present ally and some supporting their traditional one. It was not until Director Timmingson spoke that the chilly silence in the room broke.

"Of Course Mr. Ambassador we will do all we can to minimize the conflict but all can only be done after we establish proper contact with the British leadership and then only we will be able to convey our thoughts to them of a ceasefire or peace, it is though really crucial we have your government's continued support."

One of the office staff soon entered the office and walked towards Petra, and whispered into her ear. Her facial expression changed upon hearing what the staffer had to say and hurriedly interjected into the conversation.

"We got in contact with London!" Petra blurted out, to the surprise of the other members.

"A radio operator stationed at Fort Hamilton, up in New York, intercepted an encrypted radio transmission. Turns out, it was an automated message from the Brit's intelligence service that lost contact with the London embassy."

Before Petra can continue, Potts interrupts her,

"Wait, does the British ambassador know about this?"

"No ma'am. After the conversation up at Fort Hamilton, the operator redirected this 'agent Oswald' to the Pentagon. General James Auchincloss had a talk with him. I was informed, and now, the British Prime Minister wants to talk to you."

President Potts put her hand over her face, "This feels like a fever dream."

"Fever dream or not, this is reality and we need to deal with it." Scorch commented, snapping Potts back to reality.

"That's kinda harsh, Scorch." Monarch replied which then led Scorch to shoot him with a deadly glare.

Potts could only sigh, Scorch was going to be an issue in the future.


Meanwhile in a peculiar residence on 10th Downing Street, a somewhat chubby middle-aged man looks out the backyard window, as he smokes a fat cigar. Taking the cig out his mouth, he puffs a majestic cloud of nicotine. Tapping the cig, on the cig tray, he walks away from the window.

There is a beautifully crafted world map hanging firm on the wall of this room, the man walks over to it and stares. Red wool and pins are visible on it. But what most concerns him is North America.

All the otherworldly reports from the Canadian territory of the USA fascinated him. Towering glass structures, hovering aeroplanes, strange-design automobiles. None of this makes any sense. It's as if something catastrophic happened to the former British colony.

Walking back to his desk, the man put the cig back into his mouth and smoked the cig. Opening a tray, he pulls out the morning paper. It's the same as usual.

Rationing, the war, the colonies, and football (soccer for you Americans). Slapping the paper on the desk, he sighs, remembering the horrid reversals His Majesty's army has faced in British Raj by the hands of Indian Rebels. From all reports they got, the rebels are advancing rapidly on all fronts and any attempt to hold them has been met with defeat. Not to forget the Japanese threatening from the East.

"How could something like this happen... what an embarrassment of the empire." he whispers to himself, with his hands cupped over his face. "This all must be Tojo's fault. They are involved in this rebellion and I know it." Churchill said to himself.

Suddenly, the black telephone rings violently, on its idle spot on the wooden table. Picking it up he places it to his ears,

"Hello?" "Sir. Prime Minister, we got some news about the Yanks, and our embassy." the person on the other end said.

"Great news! Please, tell me what happened to our subjects, and the yanks?" the Prime Minister almost jumped up, after several burdenful days of public management.

"Sir. Prime Minister, it seems, from my data collection that the American ally that we knew is no more. Instead, they're magically replaced with a different America from another timeline. But that is just my current theory. Obscured? Yes. But one of their government officials questioned why there are aerial mages in our Canadian territory, so they might be mana deficient. Again, that is my current theory but it is the only thing that makes sense right now."

The information that was given confused Churchill. What the Director said made no sense but there seems to be no other answer. Raw information is still coming in however all facts are pointing to this reality. He has heard of Albert Einstein theories about time but never put much thought behind them. Other Earths at different times is a concept he is struggling with, same with the rest of his staff but it is a reality that is coming true it seems.

"Mhm... Please, director, go on." The man listens carefully as he slowly somes the cig.

"Okay, now, their president. The once president Franklin D. Roosevelt is now replaced with this Emily Potts woman."

Before the director on the other end continued, the Prime Minister interrupted, "A female president?"

"Yes, I was as shocked as you, to be honest. She said 'It'll be a pleasure to meet British Prime minister Winston Churchill.'" The director said, mimicking an American accent.

"Haha, am I really this popular with these Americans?" Churchill chuckles.

"It seems so, this Potts is giddy just by mentioning you, like some sort of historical figure!" the director added.

"Alright, put me on the line with this President Potts. Let me have a word with her. My day's been pretty tiresome. A little humour from these so-called Americans is good enough."

"Understood sir, let me redirect them to you."