
"Stubborn girl!" Mr. Wan complained after Xiao Ying left with a grunt. If not for Zhou Yu persuading, where would her daughter go? Right now, perhaps only Zhou Yu could make Xiao Ying obey.

"Report to me, how is this case going?" Master Wan then asked while looking at Zhou Yu.

"The dancing girl at the Meihua Pavilion is most likely the culprit. Unfortunately we lost track of her," concluded Zhou Yu after telling Mr. Wan about the pavilion.

"I know you've long suspected the culprit was there, but without evidence we can't catch them."

"We've been tricked again and again. There's definitely something odd about that place."

Mr Wan nodded.

"A suspicious place like that, you guys should be careful. If they can dazzle you, then they can go further."

"I know, but the perpetrator still must be captured even if he or she uses any tactics."

Master Wan nodded again and patted the man's shoulder.

"Be careful. I believe in you. Your judge might be true, but you must be still careful."

This time, it was Zhou Yu who is nodded.

"You'd better rest now. Xiao Ying will definitely come back to make you fulfill your promise."

Zhou Yu nodded obediently and rushed out of the room. Before her left, Xiao Ying had indeed made Zhou Yu promise to accompany her for a walk. Zhou Yu agreed because he wanted to immediately report the case to the girl's father.

'Maybe I should have refused. I have to get this case over with before there's another victim. Where is the time to have a walk?' Zhou Yu muttered to himself.


Night had fallen, Xiao Ying immediately invited Zhou Yu to go with her. Just as Zhou Yu was about to refuse, the girl's face immediately turned sullen.

"You promised," she muttered.

"Why do you and dad always can't kept promises?"

"Okay, then I will accompany you," said Zhou Yu as he closed the book he was reading. A smile spread across Xiao Ying's face. Excitedly, she helped Zhou Yu to pack the books, then took the man's hand to leave immediately.


Along the way, Xiao Ying kept holding Zhou Yu's hand. The man just obeyed Xiao Ying's invitation to the crowded place. He can see lantern decorations hanging along the street, making the night bright. People seemed busy walking here and there.

"Ge, let's buy a lantern!" asked Xiao Ying. Zhou Yu just nodded. He was still thinking about the case of the red devil. It was implied in his mind that there might be another murder, while he was there instead of looking for that killer.

"Ge!" Xiao Ying scolded in an annoyed tone. She wanted to be making out, but the man just lost in thought . Zhou Yu then immediately turned his head to that girl. However, Xiao Ying instead let go of his hand and stomped away.

"Xiao Ying, wait!" call Zhou Yu. Xiao Ying still didn't stop. The girl walked so fast through the crowd.

"Xiao Ying!" called Zhou Yu once more. Xiao Ying still didn't stop, but a smile formed on her lips.

'Let him follow me!' She said in her heart.


Zhou Yu continued to chase Xiao Ying. Many people crowded in that place make it difficult for him to get to that girl. However, he still kept try to walk fast so can get Xiao Ying, but because he was so focused on chasing Xiao Ying, he instead bumped into a girl and make that girl fell.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Yu asked as he helped the girl up. The girl wearing a red hanfu and wearing a fox-shaped mask to cover part of her face just nodded. The clear black eyes behind the mask stared back at Zhou Yu with concern.

"Are you all right too?" she asked.

Zhou Yu nodded. The girl then immediately walked away. At that moment, Zhou Yu noticed that the girl's steps were slightly limp.

"You are hurt, come on, I'll help you," said Zhou Yu as he wrapped his arm around that girl's shoulder. The girl was stunned for a moment before thanking him.


Zhou Yu ran over to the girl who was sitting waiting on a bench. He then immediately opened a small bottle and smeared medicinal ointment on the girl's leg which was scratched by the wound.

"Does it hurt so much? I'm really sorry. This is all because I wasn't careful," he said when he saw the girl biting her lip.

"I wasn't careful either, so you don't have to feel guilty like that," the girl said with a smile.

"About your lantern...."

"It's okay. I'll buy again," said the girl quickly.

"Wait here. I'll buy that to you!" Zhou Yu said as he hurried away. The girl smiled slightly when she saw Zhou Yu walking away quickly.

Zhou Yu returned carrying a lotus-shaped lantern, but he did not see the girl. He immediately looked around, but the girl was nowhere to be seen. Someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind. Zhou Yu immediately turned around and smiled when he saw the girl he was looking for.

"Where did you go? Doesn't your leg hurt?" An anxious tone was in Zhou Yu's question.

"You've been so kind. At least I have to give you something," she said as she unwrapped the package in her hand and handed Zhou Yu a piece of cake.

"You don't have to bother like this, let alone your leg hurt like that!"

"It's not too hurt anymore, but I still make troublesome to you. I'd like to ask your help to put the lantern in the lake with me," said that girl.

Zhou Yu smiled again and nodded in agreement to the girl's request.


"Meng Yuan," Zhou Yu muttered under his breath when he saw the girl sitting beside him writing on the lantern.

"So that's your name?"

The girl nodded. He then turned to Zhou Yu.

"What's your name? I'll write on this lantern."

"You don't have to."

"Of course I have to write your name. You bought this lantern."

"But ...."

. . "Come on. Do you really don't want telling me your name when you know mine?"

"My name is Zhou Yu."

Meng Yuan smiled and immediately wrote down the man's name. Zhou Yu took a look and told the character his name.

"Well, that's done. Now help me drift this lantern in the lake!"

Zhou Yu nodded and helped Meng Yuan walk towards the river. The two of them crouched down and placed the lantern that had the candle lit in the lake. Immediately the lantern floated away.

"Let's say our wish!" said Meng Yuan as she then folded her arms and closed her eyes. Zhou Yu just silently stared at that girl. This was the first time he felt so close to a girl he just met. He is usually clumsy and keeps his distance. Somehow his feeling with Meng Yuan it was different. He became curious and wanted to get to know the girl better.

Meng Yuan opened her eyes and turned her head with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you done with your request?"

Zhou Yu nodded. He then grabbed Meng Yuan's hand.

"My request is that I want to know about you."