Chapter 12

Lyanna's pov

"Thank you." I couldn't bring myself to look at Silas' face as he hands me the trousers and shirt, not caring they were men clothes I put them on. I was in so much pain but I didn't want him to know that, I tried my best to cover my wince as I got dressed. Still, in shock over what happened, I turned into a monster with wings. I almost killed Ryker and I hurt Silas all because I couldn't control my hunger.

"Do you still feel cold?"

"No," I whispered, I was shivering when Silas was bathing me.

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine," I lied.

"Look at me Lyanna." He commands, not being able to refuse I look up at him. He stares down at me as he dragged his thumb across my lips. "You didn't hurt anyone and it wasn't your fault. In time you will learn how to control your hunger like I did."

"What if I don't learn how to control it?" I was scared of what could happen

"You will, I will help you. I'm not going to let you hurt anyone."

"Are you sure?" A faint grin appeared on his face,

"I am, Now put on your cloak. We'll be passing a few towns and don't want people getting alarmed." Understanding he was right, I pull up the hood covering my hair.

"Are you sure you aren't too sore to ride?" I blush knowing he was talking about my lady part,

"It doesn't hurt anymore," that was the truth. My back is where most of my pain was, I haven't dared to look at it yet but I felt the scars. We left the tent, everyone else was ready to go. Walking to the front with the King. Ryker and Jon were on their horses waiting for us. My steps halted when I see a man hold a white horse, he hands the rein over to me. Hesitating, I collect it in love with the horse already. She was so beautiful, rubbing her coat and pressing my head against hers. I see Jon and Silas share a look. Getting on the horse, I hiss in pain when I throw my leg over the saddle.

"You okay?" Ryker asked worried, smiling gently at him. I was glad he was still talking to me, perhaps he wasn't angry with me.

"We have a long ride ahead of us my lady, you let us know if you need a break."

"I will," I tell him, glancing back when I felt eyes on me. It was Jon, watching me closely.

We rode all day and night, passing two towns. The people stood and watch as we rode past greeting their king. I stayed hidden in my cloak, watching people react to him. He was loved and feared by everyone. We were now further north, my cheek stung from the icy wind as we travelled through the frozen woods. Half of the trees were covered in frost, the clouds darkened the further we go. We stopped for the night, resting till the sun came out before we set out again. The sun didn't warm the air though, it got colder the farther in we went. It took us two nights before we were no longer surrounded by just trees. The weather grew colder and the snow thicker. The hood of my cloak had slipped at some point and I let it knowing there wasn't any town near us. I stare over the empty land covered with snow, wondering if it was owned by someone before.

Ryker stares over at me, at some point I wasn't at the front with Silas and Jon anymore. I fell back behind with some of the soldiers, Ryker never far from me this past few days. "You doing okay?" He asked, watching me closely.

"I can't feel my legs," I laugh.

"There's a tavern a few miles ahead, will stop there for the night. You can sleep in a proper bed and have a warm meal." He chuckles. My back was getting sore from sleeping on Silas makeshift bed and have been snacking in fruits and nuts as we rode.

"Great," I said, drawing in a deep breath.

"Where are we?" I asked knowing we are no longer in the shifters territory.

"We crossed into the witches territory last night."

"Is it safe?" I never met any witches before but I've heard terrible things about them. My grip tightened on the saddle.

"The witches are harmless, most of them can only do parties tricks now. They aren't stupid enough to attack the king." My brows knitted

"Party tricks?" I asked unsure what he meant

"Yes, like lighting candles and making feathers fly." He chuckles "all the spell books were burnt or locked away."

"By who?" Of course, I already knew the answer. The riders in front of us had slowed down. "Are we stopping?" I asked Ryker,

"Wait here," he rides forward. An unsettling feeling settled inside me. My horse takes a couple of steps back, whinnying I pet her trying to calm her down. Out of nowhere someone screams, I shudder. My eyes widen when I see the rider in front of me get pulled from his horse by something. 

"Critter!" Someone yells, i shake with fear. Critter wasn't average size rodents, they stood on two feet their mouth the same size as their heads. Scanning my surroundings, looking for the critters. They usually travel in packs, I don't see any maybe the person was mistaken. My heart kicked against my chest when something slammed against knocking the wind out of me. I was being pulled in the snow, my fingers dig into the snow screaming as something drags my legs. Suddenly I'm was being up, gazing up at a rider. Looking at the snow, it was the critter that had me now dead.

"Thank you." I look back at the man,

"Don't mention it," he nods

"Lyanna!" I hear the panic in Silas' voice, I see his black stallion horse coming at me. He jumps down perfectly, he had his sword out stained with blood and some on his face as well.

"Gods." He grunted, pulling me into his chest.

"I'm fine," I tell him skill shaking. He slams his mouth on mine harshly. This was the first time he's reacted towards me in front of his other men.

"I heard you scream, I thought they took you." He mutters jerking away, gazing down at my face.

"You riding with me from now on."  He says leaving no space for argument.