
In all her bitchy glory stands my dear sister, with the way her fingers twitches and her breath labours, you can definitely tell she's mad.

Furiously mad. If looks can kill, I'll be 6'ft under the ground, at least there, I will never have to listen to her squeaky voice again.

"Can anyone of you give me an answer?" She asks, like the damn bitchy queen she is.

You know- like all those boss-ladies, female CEOs, like a woman who has made a name for herself and everyone always try their possible best to get into her good book for little grace.

Well, most students in our school answers to her, that counts, right? I mean, as a boss-lady?

"It was your bitch of a sister babe." The idiotic coward, Jake, responds as expected.

When the queen asks, you reply.

"What?!" Leslie and I both yell at the same exact time.

"You were the one shoving your tongue down my throat Jake" I mutter under my breath, it's obvious none of them heard me. I dare not justify myself, toying with Jake is like playing with fire and I don't want to get burned.

Leslie has being awfully quiet, she looks as if she is forcing herself to believe Jake's words.

"I knew it, you always wanted everything I owned you this whore!" she shrieks. As if, everyone knows she's the bigger whore but they are too scared to say it to her face. At least I'm not the one that opens legs for guys because they are college students. Sick mentality I tell you.

"I never initiated it, believe me." I reply back.

"Believe you?" She chuckles, "Dear sister you're the jealous bitch, so tell me, who should I believe, Jake or you? It's no use talking to your ugly ass anyway, I'm gonna report you to daddy!" She says with one brow raised. Daddy? No! No! No!

"Please don't, I'm sorry Leslie," She rolls her eyes.

If dad hears about this, I'm toast.

She glances at Jerk and signals at him to come with her. They both walk out but not before throwing her backpack at me. That's my life. A lapdog.

"You wanted to snatch your sister's boyfriend Charlotte?"

"Step-sister." Leslie inputs. As if I want to be related to her. Devil's spawn.

"I raised you better than that," Lucifer himself growls. You never raised me at all, I want to say but I shut my lips.

Do not speak unless ordered to. These are my father's words to me. Words that are my guide.

He fumes, he grabs the belt from Leslie's hand and strikes me with it, he continues to yell hurtful profanities.

Everywhere hurts, my body and my heart. After the little torture session, father sends me off to bed hungry.

Punishment for being a slut. Not the first time though, and definitely not the last either.

You see, father's wasn't always like this- he used to be a loving husband and father. He would take me to park, our favourite place, build sand castles with me. We both loved shopping, either toys or clothes, we had so much in common, so much. Well, happiness don't last long right? Mine didn't too. It didn't take long for my little bubble to burst.

Mama was sick, nurses were always coming and going out of her house. I didn't understand any medical terms then, but she had cancer, brain tumour. Dad was so restless during those times, he would grab my hand and whisper in my ear, words I need to hear, that was until the flatline.

Like a fleeting star, mama was gone and that was just the beginning to my misery. Dad still continued to be all he was before mama's demise, the last affectionate side I saw of him wad at her funeral.

I understand him, everything he's going through, I just want him to let me in but that's as wishing for a unicorn. It doesn't exist.

I can't sleep, not a first. Anytime I'm alone with my thoughts, I realise just how alone and empty I feel. No friends, no family. What a life!

The nurse's words stands out like a cold sore in my head, I know I need to act fast. I can't even tell my father or anyone else.

I'll be fine, that I know.

With that last thought, I enter dreamland.