Water and Fire twins

Katahara stopped training and looked at the navy ships, especially the battleship that was leading the other two, where saw a man with lead hair and a scar on his left eye that reached his cheek, wearing a white suit with a light blue cross with a belt, along with a zipper and four golden buttons, along with his cloak of justice. Which also returned his gaze giving Katahara a bad feeling.

Katahara: Laffitte change course now, get us away from them now.

Meanwhile on the main ship of the navy.

Captain: Rear Admiral Regis, the ship in front of us belongs to the dark crows, shall we follow them?

Regis: So they were the ones who killed Daigin... Shu tell the other ships that we will follow and capture them, then we will go after the runaway slaves.

On another navy ship.

Soldier: Rear Admiral Akehende, Rear Admiral Regis ordered to follow the pirate ship.

Akehende is a man of solid build and tanned skin has a thin mustache and a small expansive beard on his face. He wears what appears to be headphones or some sort of protective covering over his ears that seems to hold back his thick but wavy brown hair instead wears a blue jacket under his navy coat with a light blue striped shirt and a striped tie.

Akehende: You won't be able to escape against 4 rear admirals and dozens of soldiers, start firing the front cannon.

And so two ships started firing in the direction of Katahara's ship.

Katahara: Shit 2 navy ships and 1 battleship what are they doing in this part of the sea... Dabi give us cover to escape.

Dabi just nodded and stood at the back of the boat.

Dabi: Flashfire Fist.

Unleashing a devastating flame attack in the direction of the navy ships, Dabi thought that with that attack he would finish off his pursuers underestimated his opponents too much.

2 people jumped out of the battleship to launch two powerful slashes that sent out a sharp compressed wind that split Dabi's flaming attack into 4.

Katahara: Shit, who the hell are those two.... I doubt we'll get out of this without a fight, Dabi keeps sending attacks to maintain cover.

Dabi: This is my strongest attack Arrow of Daw.

After that he points his two hands in the direction of Dabi and shoots a blue flaming arrow, which reached an impressive speed.

What I did not expect was that the two people who were in the battleship used Rokuogan launching devastating shockwaves that hit against Dabi's attack.

Regis: I didn't expect a user to be part of them, has control of his abilities.

Standing next to him was a tall man with red hair wearing a black suit along with the justice cape, was Regis' twin brother Weber who also held the title of Rear Admiral.

Weber: It looks like it ate the Mera Mera, this complicates things a bit, but there are 4 of us, I'm sure we can fight them.

Regis: A lodge eh, Weber tell the others to come to this battleship now.

Weber: Well, you're in charge of this mission, a little detour won't change anything.

On the second navy ship was Rear Admiral Yukimura who is a tall man with long brown hair and severe lines around certain areas of his face, he was also wearing a suit with a cape, carries a sword.

Yukimura: So that's Regis's plan, so that's how it's going to be done, keep shooting.

On Katahara's boat.

Dabi: Captain those two men are strong they destroy all the attacks I launch.

Katahara: Of course it does... those fuckers master the 6 powers of Rokushiki, Dabi keep providing cover I'll take care of the cannonballs.

Van Augur: Captain 4 men are closing in on us.

Katahara: Shit get ready.

As started making seals with his hands.

Katahara: One Hundred Scattered Crows.

At that instant a large number of crows began to appear and flew in the direction of their pursuers attacking them and blocking their visibility.

While they were being attacked, Regis and Weber used Soru and moved at a speed that surpassed the crows arriving to Katahara's ship.

Regis: I must say they have some very annoying abilities those crows almost made me lose sight of them, so who is Bloody Crow Katahara.

Weber: It must be you right.

The two launched themselves at an impressive speed, launching 2 slashes that Katahara could barely block with his sword, but was still thrown to the other side of the ship.

The instant Katahara blocked the attack the crows disappeared leaving the way clear for the two rear admirals.

Augur and Dabi attacked the two brothers, making them retreat.

Regis: I must say I didn't expect rookies to be this strong, if given time they will be a threat.

Weber: We have to kill them all brother.

Katahara didn't wait for the other two to arrive because knew it would be too much for them to face the 4 and decided to attack with the strongest he had.

Katahara: Shadow Sword.

Katahara's sword began to emit a kind of shadow around its edge. After that Katahara disappeared and reappeared in front of Regis who was being attacked by Augur and Dabi who could only see a shadow that rushed at him, being able to block the attack in time,

Regis: What kind of sword technique is that, I could only see a shadow, if I didn't react in time I would have been injured, it looks like I'll have to get serious.

At that moment Weber started to attack Katahara.

While Katahara, was facing Weber and Regis, Dabi was throwing flames of fire.

Katahara: I will take care of these two, you attack the two coming.

At that moment the Katahara began to emit a kind of shadow around him and his sword, then charged forward.

Katahara: Rain of blood.

Throwing powerful sword slashes imbued with that strange shadow.

Weber: First form: Unknown fire.

Regis: Second form: Water wheel

Weber charged forward at high speed, while Regis jumped and spun vertically forward in the air while launching a fluid attack in a circular motion, the two had perfect synchronicity.

The 3 attacks collided, causing waves of winds that destabilized the ship for a few moments, Katahara was beginning to feel pressure when facing the two techniques of his opponent, if it were not for the fact that had the Sharingan and could see all the attacks to be able to counter them.

The 3 attacks began to clash violently, but what Weber and Regis did not expect was that the shadow emitted by Katahara's sword, nullified almost all the cuts he threw.

Neither of the two brothers had expected that a rookie could bring them to a stalemate.

Weber: I didn't expect you to be able to resist, hahaha.

Regis: Concentrate Weber, is the first one who was able to come out unscathed from our coordinated attack, except for the master.

Katahara was feeling the pressure of facing the two brothers, but above all was surprised by what he had just seen.

Katahara: Who taught you that style of sword.

Weber: It's a style created by our master especially for us.

Shit then if there is another person who was sent to this world, from now on I have to be careful with everything I do, Katahara thought.

Meanwhile Dabi and Drust were facing Yukimura who was dodging all attacks, augur was shooting at Akehende who was having a close battle with Laffitte while protecting himself from augur's shots.

At all this, a clone of Katahara was guiding the ship, while everyone was in battle.

Dabi: Flaming Storm

Yukimura could only protect himself, being partially burned, not realizing that a small purple cloud was forming around him.

Van Augur: Captain, we are entering a storm.

While it was starting to rain and thunder.

Yukimura: You won't escape you bastards.

Akehende: Don't let them escape.

Laffitte was having with an eerie smile at the weather that had changed so abruptly.

The Katahara clone was doing his best to keep the ship from capsizing because of the turbulence they were having, not to mention the original Katahara's fight against the two brothers

Drust, was using poison to assist Dabi against Yukimura, who was in front of Dabi defending himself with his sword from the flames was expelling from his body.

While that was happening Katahara was facing the two brothers, who little by little was throwing faster and more precise cuts, which surprised the brothers.

Regis began to clash swords against Katahara, launching a powerful attack causing an opening in Katahara.

Weber: Second form: Rising Scorching Sun.

Launching an upward slash attack, while Regis jumped giving his brother room to attack.

Regis: First form: water surface bar.

Creating a powerful and concentrated bar in the air, Katahara was being attacked head-on by Weber and in the air by Regis.

Katahara belatedly realized the two attacks, making a hasty decision.

Katahara: Rain of blood.

Throwing powerful slashes, which collided against the two techniques, but not being able to with the speed of the two attacks, receiving several cuts all over the body.

Weber: Damn Regis, this guy is persistent.

While retreated with his brother to a prudent distance.

Regis: Before this ends, where did you learn that sword style.

Katahara's arms were numb after that clash of attacks, with several cuts all over his body.

Katahara did not respond and made a seal with his hand, appearing a crow clone, which began to make seals with his hands.

Katahara charged against the two brothers, receiving another charge from his opponents, clashing swords with Regis while Weber jumped in the air to throw himself against Katahara who was able to block his attack in time to give a front kick to Regis, at that moment the crow clone appeared with an electric sword, being received by weber, then they began to clash swords once again, until the crow clone was pierced by the crow sword.

Regis: First form: bar from the surface of water

attacking all the ravens that came out of the raven clone, while Weber started attacking Katahara.

Katahara: Rain of blood.

Weber: Second form: Rising scorching sun.

The two techniques began to clash violently, beginning to prove that Katahara was better than Weber in a one-on-one battle.

Katahara stopped trying to defend himself from Weber's attacks to launch more violent and frenetic attacks that began to cause massive damage to Weber.

Katahara launched a diagonal slash at Regis' chest and then gave him a roundhouse kick and threw him into the middle of the storm.

While Regis was attacking the crows of Katahara's clone, as he turned around, could see how Katahara threw a cut on his chest, leaving a stream of blood on it, to give him a roundhouse kick and send him flying into the sea.

Regis: WEBER!