The shadow of Aghata part 6

Katahara: What types of weapons do you manufacture here?

Rugar: We manufacture all kinds of weapons, from simple pistols to artillery weapons, and of course their ammunition.

Katahara: I have an idea about a weapon that I guess you have no problem making, Rugar.

Rugar: There is no weapon we can't make, what kind of ammunition do you have in mind.

Katahara: The ammunition I have in mind is a 75 caliber: it contains two charges, a powder charge that fires the ammunition out of the barrel, while igniting a solid fuel inside the bullet, which propels it to its target, and once the ammunition pierces its target, an explosive charge is set off shattering it from inside the target and maximizing the damage.

Listening to Katahara's explanation, Rugar was thoughtful, Augur who was knowledgeable about firearms was amazed he had never imagined such a destructive type of weapon.

Rugar: I had never heard such a crazy and destructive idea, I am sure that with one bullet it would leave a normal human without a torso...What worries me about that idea is the manufacturing cost, we have the materials, but the mass production.

Katahara: The money I have is enough.

Rugar: The problem would also be the weapon itself, it would have to be able to fire quickly without overheating or jamming.

Katahara: I have a rifle in mind, if you lend me a piece of paper maybe I can draw it for you.

At that moment Rugar who was intrigued by Katahara then passed him a paper and a pencil to draw.

Then Katahara drew a rifle and handed it to Rugar who was amazed by the design of the rifle.

Rugar: With this kind of model and the right materials, it wouldn't be impossible to have a rate of 120 shots per minute, maybe a weight of... 2.3KG to 3KG for slightly larger people, a length of about 900 mm, you could put in slots for sights... even to incorporate a cutting weapon.

Katahara: I didn't expect that with just a glance you could give those features... I'd appreciate it if that logo would stay.

Rugar: Sure there would be no problem... although if this gets into the hands of the government they might even kill me and steal it, this will be manufactured in secret, how many do you need.

Katahara: For no reason should it get into the hands of the government, maybe 5,000 rifles.

Rugar: Give me 2 years at most, I will manufacture you 50 thousand rounds of ammunition and 15,000 guns, this will cost too much, but since Augur is with you.... 500million Berry that's half the manufacturing cost.

Katahara was surprised he didn't expect Rugar to double the amount he had asked for.

Katahara: That sounds good, luckily we only have that much after paying for our new ships.




Katahara then replied.

Laffitte: Captain... we just delivered the ship to Dorry and Brogy, Mr. Icerburg already started working on his ship the moment I left Wáter 7.

Katahara: They did it faster than I expected, how long did Icerburg say Aghata's Shadow would take.

Laffitte: He said about 3 months, he stopped all the jobs he had and put all his men to work.

Katahara: Then it will be ready for our return... Well go back to Water 7 and wait for us.

Laffitte: Sure captain.

Rugar: I guess Galley-La company is building your ship.

Katahara: That's right...

Rugar: I knew Icerburg many years ago, he's quite a man now if he's in charge of his ship then there's nothing to worry about.

Katahara: I don't doubt his abilities.

Rugar: So now that we're alone why don't you tell me why you want an arsenal of that caliber... or are you thinking of starting a war?

Katahara: Something told me you wouldn't just make everything just like that.

Rugar: If I put my life on the line, I should have the right to know, don't you think?

Katahara: My men need weapons. .... What do they need them for, you'll soon find out everything.

Rugar was silent for a few minutes, thinking about whether or not to help Katahara, he turned to look at Augur.

Rugar: Okay then in 2 years from now....

At that moment Katahara took out 500million Berrys and put them on the table.

Katahara: Here are 500million Berrys, I don't like to have debts... I will leave them for you to have a family moment.

Then Katahara left the room.

As she walked to her room she encountered a man watching Nico Robin as he was preparing to attack her.

So a government spy... he's not the only one, 3 more are here, Katahara thought.

She then put her hands like guns pointing at the government agents.

Katahara: Suiton: double water gun.

Throwing water bullets that emitted no sound at all the government agents.

All of them received the water bullet in the head and died on the spot, except for one who was able to react in time to dodge.

Then from the shadows appeared a dark skinned man with a fu manchu mustache, he had small sunglasses on his forehead, small hoop earrings and a black bow on his bare chest.

Katahara: Looks like you were sent on a suicide mission don't you think Jabra.

Jabra was surprised when she heard her name.

Jabra: How do you know that name.

Katahara: A dead man doesn't deserve answers, if Rob Lucci didn't even give me a fight you'll be less than that.

At that moment Katahara launched himself against jabra giving blows so fast that jabra couldn't see them, so he chose to use Kami-e, but even with that it wasn't enough, he was still receiving blows.

Jabra: How is it possible.

At that moment I decided to use his werewolf hybrid form.

Jabra: Jushigan

Jabra clasped both hands together and performed Shigan with all ten of his claws at once, trying to damage Katahara without success.

Katahara: I guess the game is over, you dirty dog.

At that moment he pulled out his sword, when jabra saw the sword all his instincts told him to run away.

Jabra decided to escape but he noticed something strange he saw his body separated while his head fell to the ground.

At that moment katahara took out a fruit and placed it on top of jabra's decapitated body, moments later the fruit began to change.

Katahara: Who would have thought that this fool would come to me on his own. He stopped me from going after him for his fruit, now it only remains to see who I will give each fruit to.

At that moment katahara started to create water clones, which took the corpses and threw them into the sea.

After that Katahara went to his room and began to meditate.

The next day.

There was a knock on the door of Katahara's room.

Katahara: Come in.

Then a servant came in.

Servant: Breakfast is served my lord.

Katahara: I'll come in a few moments.

After that the servant bowed and then left.

After that Katahara dressed and went out.

Rugar: I hope you had a restful night.

Katahara: That's right.... A restorative night.

Van Augur: I guess yesterday's men were coming for Robin.

Katahara: They were members of some CP. Although the last one was a specialized cp9 assassin, I didn't want to disturb their chatter so I took care of them quickly and dumped the bodies.

When I heard what Rugar said I was astonished he didn't hear anything, Nisiquieta heard glass breaking, but Augur heard everything and he was right next to him.

Katahara: We must go back, the ship will be back soon.

Nico Robin was scared to hear that cp9 members were here, and just thought they were there looking for her.

Dabi just looked at Robin, knowing that they came for her.

After breakfast rugar gave them a tour of the weapons factories that were on the island.

Then Katahara and his group prepared to leave for Walter 7.

Rugar: I'm sorry our meeting was so short Augur I hope you make it to the top and be careful.

Augur just nodded and boarded his ship.

Katahara: In 2 years I will send my men to collect the weapons, and tell you this security code....It is better to be with the devil than in his way.

Rugar made sure to listen carefully to every word so as not to forget it.

Rugar: Then I will be waiting on the agreed date with everything ready, I hope you have a good trip.

After that they all left.