Plans for the minks

Everyone left the room, including Hitsugisukan, only Nekomamushi and Inuarashi and Katahara himself remained.

Katahara: I'll be clear.

Inuarashi: I hope you are.

Katahara: Shirohige's death was inevitable, he was suffering from a terminal illness...

Nekomamushi: That doesn't change the fact that you were the one who ended it...

The entire room had a tense atmosphere.

Katahara: Yes, that's right, it doesn't change the fact that I gave him an end, like all his commanders.

The statement had angered the two rulers of the minks, who were ready to start a battle.

Katahara: But you are not pirates, you are rulers… if you want you can start a battle and die just like him, or listen to what I have to say and accept.

Inuarashi: Speak.

Katahara: From now on the mink tribe will be under my command, and you two will be revoked of your titles and serve as what you are red pods, and I will decide who will become the new supreme ruler of the Minks.

The atmosphere was more tense than before.

Inuarashi: I hope what you just said was just a joke.

Nekomamushi: Leaving our duty, and now the minks will serve you, what a joke...

Katahara didn't say anything, just stared at them for a few moments.

Katahara: That's the first option, the second option is that Agrom kills them along with that old Hitsugisukan sheep, and seizes power in a coup, and we sell into slavery everyone who still shows signs of rebellion.

The second option left the two rulers in a state of shock, who did not hesitate to draw their swords.

Katahara just looked at them, and both of them were crushed to the ground, by the power of gravity.

Katahara: Now decide which option you choose, I didn't travel that long to leave empty handed, the minks will be under my command one way or another.

He received no response from either of them.

Dabi: We can take advantage of this place… the captain once said that he needed a mobile fortress, this place is perfect, if we manage to control this beast and bring all the troops here, it will be the most practical mobile army in the world.

Katahara was pleased with everyone, they had all done what was asked of them.

Katahara: Dabi we cannot occupy Zunesha as such, after all it is the ancestral home of the Minks, this place is a sanctuary for them… as for the reconstruction of the infrastructure, that is a resounding NO, we will replace that rubble with something else, we will also provide new places, now we have to solve the problem with their numbers.

Hitsugisuka: Our numbers? What does that mean.

Laxus: The total count of all Minks is 5,000, including children and the elderly.

Katahara: So we can say that a total of 3,000 of them can go to battle… I'm not some fucking psychopath who would take children to war.

Hitsugisuka realized that his people would now be treated as warriors.

Hitsuguisuka: My people are not cannon fodder, which can be used at your pleasure.

Katahara: And whoever said they were cannon fodder, your people are the embodiment of destruction, if we can discipline them and teach them battle tactics, they will be an elite force within the elite, and if we put them under Agrom's orders, they will simply be an extermination force… but with such few numbers, they are even fewer inhabitants than a big city.

Agrom: Captain… Judge is an expert in cloning his Germa soldiers, why not do the same with my people.

The only one in the room who hadn't said a word spoke.

Hitsugisuka: Clones? Agrom you can't be serious.

Drust: That can work, we can take the sample of all the fallen.

Dabi: That would lead to the genetics division dedicating itself to this... and it may cause all the clones to suffer a delay.

Katahara: That sounds like a viable option, we could have about 400 adult Minks a year and even more if Jugde manages to modify the cloning capsules... Laxus, contact Ragnar and tell him that he sent us 5 ships full of food and medicine.

Laxus: As ordered captain.

Katahara: Your people are in good hands Hitsugisuka.

As everyone began to retreat.

Dabi went to the root of the whale tree where Robin was still, deciphering the Road Poneglyph.

For his part, Druts went to where his men were treating the wounds of a mink.

Laxus was having a call with Ragnar to order supplies and he said he would send everything right away.

In another part of Katahara Island, he was talking to Judge.

Jugde: We already have 10 fully operational Sentinels and 5 Annihilator Predators which are wonderful, but especially now that we have the Baneblade Tanks model mars 1 operational model, we were able to fix all the flaws in our prototype… as far as cloning the Mink tribe Por Of course we have your genetic code stored.

Katahara: Do you think it's feasible to start with its creation?

Jugde: I honestly don't know, it took several decades to perfect human cloning, to get to where it is now, but the Minks' genetic code is different from ours, although they also have some cell chains that are the same. ...I will have to create new facilities The Geneticists division in the dukedom, in order not to delay the cloning that is underway, I will also take some of Ratchet's toys for the reconstruction of the place.

Katahara: How is the progress of the other projects?

Judge: The servers, that's something even Vegapunk would envy, but we don't fully understand it yet, you could say we're in our infancy on that, as far as the Dreadnought project, we don't even know what to do. To start we would need something as resistant as the Kairoseki, to start building its structure, another problem is the armored sarcophagus, where we will find the test subject who is not willing to die in peace, and continue the fight for his captain, without mentioning how perfectly merge the body with the machine, without changing its essence in the process.

Katahara: Maybe you can use the Poneglyphs, those things are indestructible...

Judge: The problem, nobody knows the manufacturing process of those things.

Katahara: You may not know about my new disciple, the Poneglyphs were made by his ancestors.

Jugde: Then we'll start all testing on a less durable alloy, to test the waters... Ratchet almost freaks out seeing all the weapons those things can carry.

Katahara: This research is level 0, no one except you and the Grant Masters can know of its existence.

Judge: Right now we have 10 Predator Annihilator frontal and turret mounted weaponry. The result is a heavily armored mobile tank, capable of standing on its own, although its scale with the Bane Blade is much smaller, it can serve as the spearhead of any attack.

Katahara: Having 10 Predators will help us a lot…

Jugde: You don't have to worry, everyone knows…. As for the other blueprint you gave us that Saber Gun Platform, it was a doddle for Ratchet, he said with Van Rugar's help it was even more effective and deadlier, Rugar would be a great help if he joined as Grants Master.

Katahara: Well that's good…. In the end it's your decision if you want to join or not... That's all...

Hanging the Den Den Mushi.