The escort ll

Dabi: Captain, we have the marine escort in sight... 4 warships.

Katahara: All ships get into position.

Dabi: As ordered Captain.

At that moment the navy ships saw 6 ships in front of them aiming their cannons at them, taking them by surprise.

On the main ship of the navy was the now retired Sengoku the Buddha.

Sengoku seems much older, as his hair and mustache are totally white, which means a rapid change in hair color, or that until now he dyed his hair. Now that he is no longer the admiral of the fleet, he wears a long-sleeved shirt with zigzagging stripes at the bottom, a tie, shorts, and shoes that look like clogs. And on his clothing, hangs the typical white jacket of Marine officers.

Sengoku took out a telescope and saw the ships in front of them.

Sengoku: That's the Darks Crows pirates…they're a formidable foe to face.

Next to him was Admiral Rīdoshāku (Okaga)

Okaga: They have 6 ships, they formed a blockade, which will be difficult to break.

Behind them appeared 3 Vice Admirals, Vice Admiral Issho, and Vice Admiral Tsuru and Vice Admiral Bastille.

Sengoku: Shit... The Raven King himself is leading the blockade with his flagship.

Surprising everyone present.

Okaga: Looks like this operation just got complicated...

The Darks Crows ships formed a blockade as they continued to point all their starboard guns at the navy.

Katahara: FIRE.








More than 50 cannonballs were directed at the 4 ships of the navy, damaging only 1 ship, thanks to all the high command deflecting almost all the shells.

While the boats began to approach little by little.

The navy did not sit idly by and start firing their cannons, but because of that their ships were damaged, outnumbered.

Vice Admiral Issho used his fruit's abilities to deflect some cannonballs.

Gradually the two fleets grew closer to the point where all the ships collided.

Katahara: TO THEM!

The 6 ships began to board the navy ships.

Agatha's Shadow collided with the warship carrying the entire high command.

There they were waiting for him, 1 admiral, along with 3 vice admirals, and 1 is the inspector general of the Navy headquarters.

The greatest force they had ever faced.

The moment the two main ships collided with Agrom, Dabi, Drust and Robin boarded the navy ship guided by their own captain.

Momo stayed in Aghata's shadow studying the book his teacher gave him, being protected by Inuarashi. Nekomamushi and Raizo.


Okaga: We should have killed you at Marineford when we had the chance.

Katahara: Maybe they should have... Sengoku, what the hell happened to you? Age began to take its toll just...

At that moment a marine captain came running.

Marine: Admiral, we have another ship approaching from the stern.

Sengoku: So an ambush huh!

Katahara simply took out her Shodai Kitetsu.

Katahara: This day will be known as the Fall of the Buddha.

At that moment everyone started fighting.

Dabbi: Inferno

Blue flames began to appear all over the place, which began to explode, injuring Vice Admiral Bastille who received a burn on his chest.

Drust: Eighth level of the destroyer poison.

All of Drust's skin began to turn purple as he began to expel poison all over the place, while 2 hydra heads began to emerge from his sword.

Drust charged at Vice Admiral Tsuru who was forced to protect his female students from the poison from harming them as he faced Drust.

Agrom, covered his entire body with armor Haki and charged at Issho, but was blown away by a blow from Sengoku, who had turned into a giant Buddha, but was saved by Robin who brought him back to the battle with a red arms that caught him.

Katahara was fighting Admiral Okaga in his hybrid cave lion form.

Okaga covered her hands with Armor Haki, while Katahara covered her Shodai Kitetsu with Armor Haki and Shadows.

Both attacks did not connect with each other, shockwaves could be felt with each attack colliding, causing the entire ship to wobble.

The whole place was filled with battles, the Katahara men had already managed to sneak onto the navy ship while facing the navy men trying to stop all the pirates.

On the other 3 navy ships, they were in the same state, they were being boarded, and they were facing people from Skypea and Minks and especially Onis who were causing a massacre.

It didn't take long until the ship that was in the stern, a dozen people managed to fly out of that ship, 5 people in black suits arrived at the main ship of the navy, while the other people went to the other ships of the navy , causing even more carnage.


Issho was able to fend off the shot in time, but was caught off guard by a cut from behind.

Shiryu: wild fracture.

Leaving a cut on Issho's back causing him to kneel in pain.

On the other hand, Vice Admiral Tsuru was able to block a fist covered in Armor Haki for a while.

Tsuru: Girl, didn't your father teach you not to interfere in a fight?

Aslaug, was ecstatic for the little old lady who blocked a surprise attack that was perfect.

Aslaug: Old…this will be fun.

Sengoku was trying to support Okaga against Katahara, until he felt a murderous thirst in front of him, what appeared in a blink was a swordsman pointing his sword at his chest, countering with a powerful shockwave that hit the swordsman squarely.

Katahara: Waves of desolation.

Starting to launch cuts as black as night, causing them to transform into a kind of black waves.

Okaga: Primitives blows.

Throwing mighty fists that collided with the oncoming oil slick.

Both techniques collided causing all ships to begin to destabilize.

Okaga was managing to fend off Katahara's attacks.

Katahara: Suiton: Water Dragons.

Causing giant blocks of water to begin to form around all the navy ships, which as the seconds passed took on the appearance of dragons made of water.

The dragons began to attack all the marines, keeping in mind not to hurt Katahara's men.

2 water dragons attacked Sengoku, who sent shockwaves from his hands destroying them on the spot, to continue attacking Ryuma, who managed to prevent him from attacking his captain.

While that was happening, Aslaug was cornering Tsuru, being supported by Robin, leaving wounds and cuts all over the old Tsuru's body, but none to the point of killing her.

It had already been more than 2 hours of battle, and the commanders were gradually surpassing the high command of the navy, the ship was full of flames, along with some parts corroded by Drust's poison, as well as cut marks. on all sides.

While that was happening, in the navy ships, there were all the men of Katahara, Conis was killing everything in front of him, along with Lyonel who was in his hybrid form of a lion, at this point only a vice admiral could stop them, but how to do it if they were all having a bloody battle with the main crew of the Darks Crows.

The Weiser brothers were about to finish off all the men in the

On the ship they were on, Marc was more bloodthirsty than ever, he was decapitating all the marines in front of him, receiving a look of displeasure from his brother.

Meanwhile Rofta was with Urouge, who had already finished eliminating almost all the marines in the place, Rofta unleashed all his anger and shame for being captured long ago, enjoying torturing the last remaining survivors.

In the main battle, Vice Admiral Bastille was attacking Dabi with Armor Haki to try to deal enough damage, but was pierced in the stomach by Drust's scythe.

Bastille: Damn...

Immediately after being hit by an arrow made of merely blue flames, sending him flying against the main mast, Vice Admiral Bastille was the first to fall.

Agrom was attacking with all his power at Issho who was keeping him at bay with his gravity ability, but he was also alert for sneak attacks from Shiryu who was throwing powerful slashes every so often.

Sengoku: Okaga, we're at a disadvantage, this is more than we expected...

Receiving a powerful slash that knocked him back as he used geppo to stay airborne, only for Katahara to appear behind him to deliver a powerful kick that sent him back to the warship.

But before Okaga could reply, Katahara had been able to imprison him in a water prison with a clone (Suiton: Water Prison).

As he appeared above Sengoku, as the entire sky began to darken more and more.

Katahara: ONE FOCUS.

Sengoku: Come on boy… show me what you're made of.

Launching a powerful slash as dark as the night itself, causing not only the ship to split in two, but also part of the ocean to split for a few seconds, causing it to begin to sink, Sengoku took the full attack head-on, while using his Advanced Armor Haki to try and counter it.

The attack also caused Okaga to break free from the water prison.

All the Marines that were still alive were using Geppo, to float in the air and not fall into the water.


I would like to apologize to the readers, for not uploading a chapter for so long, I had a car accident and my health was a bit delicate, but now that I am in better physical condition, I will be uploading chapters 3 times a week, thanks to all the readers .

P.S. I won't drop this fic I hope I don't disappoint you.