
In the shadow of Agatha.

Dabi, Ryuma, and Drust were being healed by Drust's own medical squad.

Katahara was also injured, but insisted on being treated last of all.

Laffitte: Captain...

Katahara: I guess everything went as planned?

Laffitte showed a macabre smile, as he placed a chest in front of his captain.

Katahara: Is that what I think it is?

Laffitte: See for yourself captain...

As he started to open it.

The moment he opened it you could see that it was filled with Akuma No Mi.

Pamu Pamu Fruit-Hobi Hobi Fruit-Beta Beta Fruit (Sticky Sticky)-Ishi Ishi Fruit (Stone Stone)-Hira Hira Fruit- Sui Sui Fruit (Swim Swim)-Ton Ton Fruit (Ton Ton)-Pamu Pamu Fruit (Break Break ), but the ones that stood out the most were two.

The Ito Ito no Mi is a devil fruit that looks like a pear. On its skin you can see the characteristic curls that Devil Fruits have. At the top it has a "T" shaped stem in which one of its upper ends is curled downwards.

And of course the Ope Ope fruit is a heart-shaped fruit that bears a resemblance to a strawberry. It has a stem with a swirl-like end that points upwards. Like all other natural Devil Fruits, its surface is covered with swirling patterns.

The two fruits were above all the others, standing out.

Katahara: This makes a total of 46 Akuma no mi… even the world government would envy us if they knew about this.

At that moment Katahara took out the Hito Hito no Mi, Moderu: Daibutsu.

As he put her above all the devil fruits and kept the chest in his dimension ring.

While seeing a floating system window that said.

[Congratulations on slaying Sengoku the Buddha... Former Fleet Admiral... 1.2 million Cp earned]

At that moment Drust arrived with his team of doctors.

Drust: Captain we need to check your injuries.

Starting to check his captain's wounds without even waiting for an answer, while Laffitte slowly walked away.

In another part of the sea, 50 navy ships arrived where the survivors of Donquixote Doflamingo's escort were.

Kuzan: 4 navy ships more than 300 marines, and only 20 survivors…

The whole place was littered with parts of the destroyed ships, with debris and bodies floating all over the place.

At the moment that all the high commands arrived at the only ship afloat, they noticed a body covered with the navy cape that said justice.

And they noticed that everyone had downcast faces.

Kuza: Where is it?

Tsuru pointed to the body that was covered.

At that moment Garp arrived along with Koby and Helmeppo, he had a bad feeling since they left Marineford, but the moment he saw the body on the ground, he knew who it belonged to.


Unleashing a colossal bloodlust, which froze everyone present, except for the high ranks of the navy (Admirals and Vice Admirals).

Tsuru: We were ambushed…he received the final attack to save us….

Garp: Who….

Ryu then approached the lifeless body to discover Sengoku's face, and it took him only a few seconds to realize who was responsible.

Ryu: Uchiha D. Katahara….

Kizaru: Just give the order kuzan-san… and we will attack with everything we have…

Kuzan had a gloomy look, for the first time he didn't know what he should do.

Garp: I don't need an order to finish that damn...

While on his way to his ship.

But he was stopped by Ryu, and convinced not to do anything crazy.

Tsuru: We lost everyone, Doflamingo killed, Vice Admiral Bastille fell in battle, countless captains and rear admirals killed.

Kuzan: He will be given the highest honors ever given to a Marine, and when that is over it will be decided what the next plan is.

After saying that, all the warships returned to Marineford, on the way back they were all quite despondent, especially Garp who was convinced not to go after Katahara.

Garp remembered all the years he spent with Sengoku, how they met at the training camp and rose through the ranks, all the life and death battles they had against countless pirates, and still they survived.

Tears began to well up in Garp's eyes.

Garp: We'll meet again in the afterlife... old friend.

As she wiped away her tears, she left her room.

Kuzán had already communicated with the Gorōsei, to report Sengoku's death, and they ordered a public funeral, to honor the figure of the Navy.

They were also against making a frontal attack against the Raven King, there was a lot of risk, and also a lot that they did not know about everything that was happening within their territories, not even their best spies the CP could get any information from those places, Every time a member of the CP entered Katahara's territory, they lost communication with them, information could only be obtained thanks to rumours.

Kuzan, determined to launch an attack on all of Katahara's territories, Kuzan himself wanted to lead the attack, but was stopped by the Gorōsei.

Kuzan: No one will want to accept those orders, everyone wants revenge...

Ryu: You can't blame them, for many Sengoku was a figure of admiration just like Master Zephyr or even more... convincing them not to go out and attack Katahara will be a problem.

And so the days passed, until the largest burial ever done by the navy was taking place.

The commander in chief of the Kong World Government himself, along with the 4 admirals were present, more than 12 vice admirals, and more than 15,000 soldiers of all ranks, the head of the cp0 was also present along with some of his men, they were all there to pay their respects, to the great Buddha.

It goes without saying that the funeral was held on the island of Sengoku's birth, under strong pressure from the majority of Marines who wanted him to be buried in Marineford.

The entire island was surrounded by dozens of naval warships.

Nobody was stupid enough to attack at the funeral where the greatest powers of the navy were gathered.

A gold statue was built in the center of Marineford in his honour.

At the funeral, many could be seen crying silently.

There was only one man and one woman standing in front of Sengoku's grave, and that was Garp who was wearing a black suit, silently shedding tears, Tsuru who was also wearing a black suit was shedding tears with a gloomy face remembering everything that happened next to him. Sengoku.

In another part of the world, Agatha's shadow was reaching Markland Island.

Laffitte: Captain...

Katahara: What is it?

Laffitte: Your reward…

As he showed her his wanted poster.

Laffitte: Uchiha D. Katahara "King Crow" Reward: 4,260,000,000 Billion only dead, his reward is almost comparable to Kaido... only dead it seems that the government...

Katahara: I guess everyone upped their rewards...

Laffitte is a captain like that… even those who do not belong to the main crew….

In another part of the world, at the base of the Neo Marine, in the kingdom of Liton, the admirals were having a meeting.

Zephyr was sitting next to his two admirals.

Sakazuki: I didn't expect this...

Zephyr: Sengoku was a great man...with honor and integrity, to die at the hands of a pirate...this is only clear what we must do.

Ryoukugyu: Zephyr-san, using the Dyna stone will only kill civilians and pirates without discrimination… we are increasing our forces every day… it's only a matter of time before we have enough strength to start.

Sakazuki: Zephyr, I'm still against the treaty with the revolutionaries… they don't pursue true justice….

Sengoku's death had caused not only the fury of the fervent followers of justice, it had also aroused the fury of a certain Lion who remained in the shadows for dozens of years, but had decided to come out of the shadows, to test the power of the infamous King Crow.