the kujas unite

At that time a fat giant, who has a black beard. He wears a dark open fur vest, a brown fur cape with skulls as shoulder pads, a large belt with a skull-shaped buckle, and baggy light pants. Additionally, he wears a maroon Viking helmet with yellow trim.

This man was Stansen, the third strongest giant who joined brogy to dorry.

Stansen: Captains who is this little person, who prevents us from entering the island.

Katahara at that moment turned to see the giant, unleashing a huge murderous intent, along with his King's Haki, which caused everyone present to kneel.

Katahara: Why don't you repeat that again.

Even commanders have trouble steadying themselves on their feet.

Dorry: Captain... he... he's still young...

Brogy: This is Stansen, he's still young...

In that Katahara let go of that pressure for the moment causing everyone to feel more relaxed.

Katahara: It's the last time... you can stay in the northern part of the island, be careful of the plantations on the way.

At that moment katahara dispersed into dozens of crows that flew away.

At that moment Robin formed two wings on his back and approached the giants.

Robin: The captain's wife fainted recently, the captain is a bit worried about mind your manners from now on, Dorry Brogy...fufufufu.

In another part of the island, Katahara found herself in her secret room, inside the Shadow of Aghata.

In that place he had several books, with different names, Fairy Tail, Naruto, One piece, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Shingeki no Kyojin.

As he pulled out a book that had a special name... Ten Thousand Shadows Gathering.

Katahara: Now I only need the last part... using this language is difficult.

The book of the Gathering of Ten Thousand Shadows, was the martial art practiced by Katahara himself, and he was writing in its original language, the

which was a language that according to tradition should only be passed from a teacher to his disciple, and jealously protect it.

Katahara: It's time for Momo to start studying, she should have already learned this language.... with the talent of that child, mastering this in a few years will not have the same with those of her age....


The next day, Hancock had woken up and was being monitored by Drust.

Katahara: So Druts... how is she?

At that moment Drust stopped analyzing Hancock.

Druts: She's in perfect shape captain.

Katahara: Hancock... How are you feeling?

Hancock looked at him for a few moments to reveal a smile.

Hancock: I'm better....

Katahara: Come... let's have breakfast...

After that Katahara took Hancock to breakfast, and then took her to the meeting room where they were waiting.

It was the representatives of their respective races, Vismoke Reiju, Sonkire Ragnar, and Hitsugisukan who were on a screen.

Ragnar: Snake Princess, I hope you are feeling better...

Hitsugisukan: It's good to see her healthy, they told me what happened, we were all worried about her health.... my manners let me introduce myself properly, I'm Duke Hitsugisukan, the representative of the Mink tribe.

Hancock: Nice to meet you, I'm Boa Hancock...

At that moment Katahara took a seat.

Katahara: So let's start the meeting.... Hancock, I told you about this on our last call.

Hancock: Having representatives of the various races come under your control... my Kuja tribe you were under your banner, but this...

Katahara: All the people who are under their control, received nothing but benefits since we created these meetings.... so what do you say my dear Hancock wants to be part of this....

Causing the Snake Princess to blush.

Ragnar: Princess, look around the place for yourself, there is no poverty, there are only happy people.

Reiju: We even provide work of all kinds…. right now we are making history… even if the navy launched an attack, I am sure that with all our contingencies they would not destroy this place…

Hitsugisukan: If you really want the best for your tribe, joining is the best decision you can make.

Hancock thought for a few moments about everything he saw, and everything his tribe would gain.

Hancock: The Kuja tribe will be a part of this... but hard to change minds will be my sister.

Receiving applause from the other representatives.

Katatahara: It's one of the best choices...

Ragnar: Now why don't you tell us adequate are the shortcomings you see on your island... food, infrastructure, weaponry... although using snakes as bows sounds great, you need weapons to defend yourself.

Hancock: We Kujas are stronger than you... men.

Receiving a disapproving look from Katahara.

Katahara: We are all equal here, and we only want the best for our people.... your people are now my people.... We need one of your Hancock women.

Hancock: What do you mean you need.

Reiju: We want to find out why they always give birth to girls.

Katahara: We also have to stop the Kujas from leaving Amazon Lily so they can come back pregnant.

Reiju: Are you thinking of one, selective breeding?

Receiving a surprised face from everyone, especially Hancock.

Katahara: Asking one of my dear sisters to be studied as a lab rabbit is too much.... now you want to select my sisters' consort.

Who got up in a rage.

Katahara: Just think about it if we control reproduction, who they have their daughters with, we may be talking about a new generation stronger faster...

Hancock: That's too much.

Katahara: I think you are confusing things, I will not lock a Kuja with a subject in a cell, to wait for the Kuja to get pregnant to release them recently, I am not a monster..

Ragnar: I think you're thinking of the future Katahara, for now let's just have the Adeptus Mechanicus investigate why there are only girls among the Kujas.

Katahara: You're right…. Hitsugisukan how is the reconstruction of the dukedom.

Hitsugisukan: The Infrastructure is complete, and the training of the warriors has begun, according to the orders, the FABRICATOR-GENERAL is at 80% of the construction of the new cloning laboratories, and at 60% of the scanning of the entire system. Zunesha's brain.

Surprising Hancock.

Hancock: The construction of laboratories I understand, but the brain scan of the legendary Zunesha.

Katahara: You may not know it, but Zunesha doesn't obey anyone, only some specific individuals, one of them is here on this island.... so we have no way to control Zunesha.

Reiju: It was the Fabricator-General's idea, why not control the giant elephant, after all it's a beast, and scanning its brain won't take too long, once it's just scanned the adeptus mechanicus must figure out a method to control it so that we have a mobile base.

Leaving Hancock even more surprised.

Ragnar: Because we're not talking about those 50 giants that recently arrived.

Reiju: They all look strong, especially the one leading them, that Dorry and Brogy.

Ragnar: One of them is a user, and they command 50... even in my time 50 giants were considered more than enough to lay waste to entire kingdoms.

Katahara: Dorry and Brogy, they are part of my crew. I sent them to Elbaf more than 2 years ago, to defeat everyone and bring a new crew, but I didn't expect them to bring so many with them.... Brogy and Dorry are in charge of the giant divide

Ragnar: The construction of your quarters will take a few more days.

Katahara: This ends this meeting....

After that everyone said goodbye, Katahara and Hancock were walking around the island, while they showed him the facilities of the Adeptus Mechanicus