Chapter 11

"Have you lost your mind?" Artie looked around the room. No one dared meet his eyes. The usual aquamarine was now a deep blue-green that could shoot lasers at them. They didn't want to die at the moment. Not that they were his target audience. "Do you not understand what we could possibly lose if you do this? You're the Keeper, Gray! You can't just decide to put everything on the line like this!"

Sky gently tapped his shoulder. Gently at first then finally with a little more force. She was looking at the one person that was affected the most by Artie's harsh words. "Artie. Artie. I think you should stop. This isn't going to make anything better."

"I'm not trying to make anything better, Sky. He needs to understand what his words at the Wyvern Council meant. If we are implicated as Christian's murderers, you will lose everything! We will be stripped of any ranking!"

Wynn looked at Gray. The Keeper never looked up. He kept his eyes planted firmly on the picture across from his chair. His mouth moved in tandem with his fingers. He was thinking hard about something, something Wynn could never hope to guess. Gray had been open with his emotions up until now. He'd shown Wynn something he'd never had the courage to see and he'd helped him figure out who he was.

The news of his friend's death had been hard on Gray. He had nearly passed out when they had heard it in first period. Though Wynn had foreseen it in his dreams and had drawn it the same night, nothing had prepared him for the news that morning in class.

That day at school had been like an episode of Supernatural. Everyone had been trying to figure out who would harm the varsity basketball captain. Christian had been very popular and he had called everyone friend. He hadn't harmed anyone. Who would want to kill him?

Then Jarrod had blamed Wynn and Gray for the murder. Gray didn't hate anyone. He hated stupid actions but he didn't hate anyone. Christian was one of his closest friends, even closer than Artie who was in the same Scale. And Christian was human. He had had no ties to the Scale. So why? Why kill an innocent person? And Wynn barely knew the other boy.

If Wynn wanted to do something to anyone, he wouldn't do it here. It was too dangerous. Not only would he have to hide from his family, but he'd be putting those who had been nice to him in danger. He would never do that. He didn't need to do anything to hurt those around him. Especially when one person could literally look like a dragon.

Wynn looked at Gray. Right now, he looked the same as he did then. His blue eyes had changed color and were now the deep amber cat eyes with pupils as mere slits. He looked like he would change form at any moment, but they all knew he couldn't. Though he had been blessed with the knowledge of the dragons, he couldn't turn into one. There were only five left in existence, and they were all in hiding. If there was someone who could change into one, everyone was certain that the other dragons would whisk him or her away.

Artie kept talking. No one was really listening to him. Everyone was looking at Gray. His silence was deafening to them. He had always been quiet, but he had never been this quiet. He had always had a plan. Now, he was just sitting there like he wasn't going to do a thing.

"Listen to me!" Artie cried.

"Shut up!"

Gray's voice resounded through the library followed by his fist slamming on the wooden desk. It was deep, almost a growl, like he was channeling what had given him the powers he had in the first place. His eyes blazed a molten amber. Wynn swore he saw fire dancing in the golden depths.

"I will not be bullied or intimidated by anyone, especially you! You keep droning on and on about what we are set to lose but you don't see what we already have. We have each other, a family that has lived together for well over twenty years. Our families have been in the same Scale for nearly a century. I can't help that Callum Wainscott left because he was unhappy with your father's ways. So don't blame me that you lost this position because you were born early."

"What is he talking about?" Wynn whispered to Maggie.

"Keepers aren't decided by heredity. Most Keepers have been born under the constellation of Sagittarius, making age obsolete. Kenneth James was born under Sagittarius. Artie is an Aries. So he doesn't fit the bill," she explained.

"That doesn't make any sense."

She leveled the Italian with a droll stare. "Does magic and dragons make sense in this politically correct world we live in?"

He couldn't argue the point because Wynn was a completely magicless human. He was only here because he happened to be "dating" the Keeper. That had met with some animosity from Gray's foster father but his foster mother was comfortable with it. She still didn't know that Wynn was still leaving at the end of the school year.

"Hey, Gray," he said. Both guys looked at him even though he had only called one. "Maybe if you just sat down and tried to talk it out, this will get better."

"You don't understand the way things work," Gray objected. His tone had softened compared to when he was talking to Artie.

"You're right. I don't, but I do know that letting it go like this, letting the rumor mill swirl, means you're willing to let someone else agree with them. They say you're hard headed and volatile. That you aren't willing to do anything."

"Wynn." It was a warning from Sky. Like she had been the entire time, she was still watching to make sure there wasn't a random outburst from one of them that could hurt the others.

But Wynn was too far gone with it all. He stood and rounded the desk, evading Jacie's hand as he stopped by Gray's side. The Keeper looked up without turning his head. He kept his breathing level and his hands at his sides. Gray wasn't prone to violence but he had the instincts of a Dragon inside. He could be dangerous, but Wynn knew he wouldn't.

"Ben finisce chi considera il fine. He ends well who considers the end," he said. Gray frowned, blond brows rising towards his hairline. "Whatever you do, think about how it possibly will end. You're right when you say I know nothing of this world, but I know people. You can pique the interest of anyone with intelligent responses and composed expressions. If you lose your temper like you did at school or like you did with Artie just now, you will never win. I don't care if you are the Heir of Dragons. You don't have to be an asshole."

"I'm angry," Gray confessed.

"So is everyone else, but the way you react sets the stage on the way the others react. They follow your lead."

Wynn put his hands in his pockets and stepped back. "And now, I'm going to follow my sister's advice and excuse myself from these proceedings. You need to talk about this amongst yourselves. Come to a civil solution."

Ollie looked up. "You're leaving?" It always amazed Wynn at how timid the seventeen-year-old was. He shook his head. "You can't leave."

"I don't think it will be any easier on any of you if I stay. This isn't my fight. Like Autumn said when I first found out who you were, I don't belong here. So talk like you are going to be friends after this. I'm going home to finish my term paper."

"Wynn," Gray pled.

He tried to grab his arm, but Wynn evaded him easily by taking a step back. He smiled gently then he turned and strode confidently from the library. He closed the door securely behind him and leaned against it. Heaving a huge sigh of relief, he glanced back at the oak door before shoving off and heading towards the exit. He waved briefly at Mrs. Sylvan on his way out. He hated walking away from Gray, or any of them, at a time like this, but the latter needed to have a clear head. Right now he didn't, but Wynn was leaving that up to the rest of the Scale to get his head on straight.


"What are you going to do?"

Wynn looked up to see his older brother's face splayed on the screen. Speaking in their native Italian was always a stress reliever for Wynn. It gave him the much needed peace he always longed for when going throughout his hectic day. He was getting ready for finals and that was stressful enough.

But Franco had always been the one person Wynn could talk to. Even though they were not twins, his older brother was very good at knowing when the younger was stressed about something. Even six thousand miles away, Franco knew when his kid brother was dealing with something.

"Wynn, does he know that you're not leaving his side because you hate him? Or did you just leave like you always do? Without rhyme or reason?" Franco asked.

Wynn dropped his pencil to the crease of his book and leaned back. He took time to stretch before he answered. "I made it clear that he needed to decide what he was going to do. Was he going to be bullied or stand up and fight?"

"Very wise words from someone who will run away when faced with a speech," his brother joked. Wynn smiled at the jab. "All joking aside, what are you going to do as his friend?"

He shook his head. "I can't do anything. He has to make the decision for himself. If I make it for him, what will others think of him?"

Franco tapped the screen with a huge smile. "You're starting to come out of your shell. I already like this guy and I've never met him before. If things work out the way you want them to, you have to bring him to Italy. Speaking of which, does he know your plans of returning here after you finish high school?"

Wynn nodded as he returned to his homework. "He does. He knew that before we even started dating, or whatever you want to call it. I'm going home regardless."

"You may change your mind later on down the road so don't just set it on coming home. Things are always liable to change."

"I know."

"And what do you mean by whatever you call it? You're either dating or you aren't."

"I didn't necessarily agree to it. It was kind of tossed at me."

Franco's face was comical. Wynn had never told his brother how he had come to be associated as Gray River's significant other. In his mind it was just an arrangement to keep him safe. They hadn't done anything other than hold hands. Except that one kiss… There was nothing else that had taken place.

They signed off, and Wynn returned to his studies. Franco would be getting ready to go to work out, eat breakfast then go to class. Franco partied a lot but he was a good student. He made their parents proud by the grades he received every semester. Their hopes would continue with Wynn but would die with Helena because she was an awful student and boy crazy. She had already had three boyfriends in the time they had been in Grahamville Heights.

Thirty minutes into the second round of studying, there was a knock at his door. Francesca poked her head through and smiled when he looked at her. She glided into the room like she usually did when she had good news. If it was bad, she either trudged or stomped. There was no in between when it came to his mother's emotions.

"There's a nice young man here to see you," she said.

Wynn took a minute to think about who it could be. "Is it Gray Rivers?"

She nodded. "How did you know?"

"He's the only one who would show up here at this time when he knows I'm studying."

He pushed his chair back and stood. Francesca followed behind him, gliding elegantly like she always did. Wynn had always loved the way his mother moved. His little sister Elena was going to be just like her. She already had their mother's gorgeous green eyes and deep mahogany hair. All it had to do now was curl and they would be twins.

Wynn walked down the stairs to see his father sitting in the living room watching something on grapes. Grapes, vineyards and wines were his life so it made complete sense to see the Italian sitting on the couch watching how others make it. His father had been adamant in what he wanted to do, and he had achieved his goals. Now he had a family he loved and cherished, and things were going how he had always wanted them to go.

He opened the front door. Gray sat on the bannister looking out over the cul-de-sac. The moon shone on his skin, giving him a silver hue that looked good on him. They hadn't spoken in a few days, but that was because Wynn had wanted to give him and the others enough time to think everything over. It wouldn't hurt to do so.

Wynn sat down in the wicker chair, garnering Gray's attention. They stared at each other for a good long while before Gray slid off the bannister and sat in the matching chair.

"We all had a good long talk after you left. No yelling at all," he said. Wynn waited, swinging his legs to keep from asking what he really wanted to know. Gray continued. "We came to the conclusion that you were right. We can't sit back and let Jarrod and his group bully us, but I also can't lose what my family - our families - have fought hard to protect."

"Then you'll lose because you didn't even put up a fight," Wynn sighed.

"What do you want me to do, Wynn? I'm not a fighter. I protect what's mine. I don't go looking for trouble. And neither did Christian."

"You're right, but you also don't stand up for what is rightfully yours. If this position was handed to you because they knew you could handle it, you should ask yourself why. Why did Callum Wainscott leave the Scale to begin with? Why was Artie passed over? Why does Jarrod want your position so badly?"

"Callum Wainscott left the Scale because he thought we should be like our foreign counterparts. He thinks we should use our powers to help those who cannot help themselves. That we shouldn't live in hiding. But what my father told me before he died was that Callum left the Scale because he wanted the exact opposite. He wanted to take over the country and pretty much enslave those who could not defend themselves against us. He wanted to use the power of the dragon to do so. As for Jarrod, he wants what his father wants. He wants to be the best at everything he does, and he won't stop until he gets it," Gray explained.

Wynn nodded. "And Artie?"

"All I know is they passed him over because I am a Sagittarius."

"Do you know what that means?" Gray shook his head. "Then you need to find out before you make any decisions. You need all the details to make a rational decision, a decision you can live with."

Gray sighed and turned. He took Wynn's left hand, holding it between his two as if it was his lifeline. Wynn looked down at their hands, looking at the tendons that popped up on Gray's honey skin.

"Are you going to stay away until this is all over?" he asked. He ran his thumbs along the inside and outside of his wrist.

"I have no reason to, but at the same time, I'm not involved. This is something you have to figure out yourself. I'll continue with the paintings as the memories come, but other than that, this has nothing to do with me. Besides, all you want to do is bolster your confidence and I don't care."

Gray laughed, a deep rumbling sound that filled his chest. He lifted his head until they were nose to nose. Looking straight into Wynn's eyes, Gray's softened until they were a puddle of clear water.

Wynn watched him as he lifted his top hand to brush away a dark curl. Gray's smile was happy, contented actually. His world seemed to involve two things, his Scale and Wynn. That's all it took. But for Wynn, he wasn't sure where he stood. He liked Gray, but he didn't know how it was going to work out when he left at the end of the school year.

But on the other side, he also liked Jarrod. There was something about him that made him feel almost whole. Where Gray was warm, Jarrod was scorching. He made things feel ten times stronger. That day he'd slammed him around the classroom had only been the beginning, but Wynn wasn't sure of what. He just knew he couldn't be away from either Gray or Jarrod.

Gray's head inched closer to his, tilting gently to one side. Wynn tucked his chin and pulled back. He didn't look up because he knew he would see hurt in Gray's blue eyes. He wasn't trying to hurt him.

Gray had always known Wynn was reserved. He didn't really like being touched, and when he allowed it, it was only when they were alone. Gray had accepted that and had done his best to follow Wynn's personal rules. He hadn't held his hand in public. He hadn't called him by a pet name like he had with all his other relationships. He hadn't asked for anything because he knew Wynn couldn't give it to him.

But Wynn was going to be leaving. They all knew that. They all knew that as soon as they walked across the stage for their diplomas Wynn would be leaving. And he probably wouldn't be coming back.

Gray sat back, lifting one hand to brush Wynn's ragged bangs away from his face. Sighing, he ran his thumb under the smooth skin under his eye.

"Have you received your acceptance letter to the University of Florence?" he asked.

Wynn met his gaze, a slow shake of the head following after a brief stupid moment. "Not yet. Franco said it may take a couple of weeks, but he thinks I should email them if I don't hear back two weeks after graduation. If that's the case, I'll just go to the campus myself."

There was a heavy pause between them. They knew the meaning of it all but were unsure how to broach the topic. They had been questioned for murder in front of Gray's people, and now they were talking about college despite it all. Despite the weird feelings between them.

"Gray," he said. Blue eyes met his brown ones, the orbs wet with emotions. "I think you should go home. We have that mock examination tomorrow. I know you haven't studied."

The Keeper smiled though it didn't reach his eyes. "Do you want me to come to your show tomorrow?"

Wynn shook his head. "No. I know your grades have slipped."

The blond man nodded. "Okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

He stood and prepared to go without having a breakdown. This wasn't what he had wanted to discuss, but Wynn was very quiet and didn't often tell what he was thinking. It was like talking to a brick wall when speaking with him. He just didn't process things the way everyone else did.

Wynn watched Gray get in his car and back out of the driveway. He couldn't say anything to comfort the other young man. It wasn't that he didn't know how. He just didn't think he was the right one to do so. He was the one leaving. Why would he comfort someone who would miss him more than he would probably miss him?

Standing from his chair, Wynn went inside and locked the door behind him. His resolve to leave hadn't wavered, but he did begin to wonder what would happen when he finally made a decision.

Not only did that give him pause, but it scared him. He could really be used against Gray if the others thought far enough ahead. Also, he didn't say this in front of Gray, but he thought the Wainscott's had something to do with Christian's death. Except Jarrod. That thought felt wrong. He didn't know how or why, but he knew they were going to get to the bottom of it. Someone was bound to let Gray know what they were all thinking.