In the land of ALVIALANTA,40years ago there was a brutal war between ALVIALANTA and other country know as land of the BRAVE.

They came seeking for the power they do not have due to the prophecy been hear along time ago in their country that the power will be the end of them.

The king of ALVIALANTA went to seek for the sorceress on what to do to conquer the other kingdom .

The sorceress told him there will come forth two powerful being although they are both going to be royal but they will face trials,betrayal, tribulations but if they could work as one they will overcome their mission.

What will be the sign for us to know who the powerful beings are?said the king

"Don't get to anxious to know,but there will be sign when the powerful beings are born"said the sorceress.

How am i going to overcome this on going battle,my warriors are dying....

Please help me mouthpiece of the gods...said the king

"Your highness whenever you are on the battlefield make sure you have a cut and your blood must come in contact with the ground,then you can over come your enemies"said the sorceress

'Peace be on to you' your highness ...said the sorceress

'Thank you' i will love to sneak back into the battle field now so as to make everything easy for me to do...said the king.

May the gods be with you...said the sorceress as the king left the shrine and whistles to his horse,clumped it and move on to the battlefield.

The sorceress was chanting and lightning the candle around her,the sorceress sat in between the light and start moving to the spirit realm, because she needs the spirit to lead her through.

On the battle field,the enemies has been taking the upper hand but the moment they saw the king they were perplexed (he was chased out of the battlefield because they know the impact of him being in the battle will spell doom for them),....

But i thought we chased him out of the battle field so that we can overcome this country?said one of the enemies

Why can't we kill him?asked another

He's blood is very powerful,if his blood should touch the ground then we're all dead ....said their commander

I'm very sure he doesn't know what his blood could do, that was why he ran away from us ...said another enemies

No we chased him out, had it been he knows what he carries,he would not ran away when been chased away from us....said another

If only if,we can capture him and take him with us to fight our battle for us, whenever we have a war to face...said next-in-command

they were all making jest of the king without taking note of what is going on in the battlefield.

The king slit his wrist which makes blood gushing out and fell on the ground .....

Immediately the blood fell and get in contact with the ground ...... The ground start shaken,and the ancient warriors rised up and start fighting....

The king was so overwhelmed with joy that he got the boldness to fight his enemies.

The sorceress in her shrine was invoking the spirit to help the king on the battlefield which makes his enemies lose concentration.

When the enemies got their senses back, they're not so much left, they could not ran to the right neither to the left, the warrior of ALVIALANTA was moving towards them all around,they kept pleading for their lives but none was speared...

They're wasted by the king,the head of their commander was sent to the king of the BRAVE.

The king healed immediately the battle was over,the ancient warriors turns back into dust and the living being left for the palace.

Entering into the city there was a loud cry of victory among the citizens of the city,they were rejoicing, singing, dancing and Happy.

The king went into his chamber to relax himself leaving his warrior to enjoy themselves.

The royal slaves were at peak to answer to their Kings call.....

They prepare a warm bath for him filled with healing flowers,he was later brought out of the water and went to relax himself in the milk bath prepare for him..

When he's done taking his bath,the royal maiden massage him and dress him up in his royal regalia.

The queen learnt that the king has returned from the battle went to welcome him in his chamber and also to Know if he's perfect okay.

She was announced by the guard and was told to come into the chamber by the king to have a tea with him.

"Your highness"the queen greets the king bowing

'Rise my queen'

Please have your sit and let's have tea together... Said the king

Thank your highness.... said the queen

Hope you aren't injured?

I came immediately you were announced back from the battlefield... said the queen

I'm fine my queen, I fought real hard just to come back to you.

You look so skinny my queen, are you starving yourself? asked the king

You've been faraway from me your highness, I have been worried sick about you your highness... said the queen

Now I'm here for you my queen I can never leave you alone my queen so stop the worry... said the king.

The queen cheeks turns pink to the sweet word of the king.

The king and the queen kept sipping their tea,they were giggling with happiness.....

When they were done drinking their tea, the queen excuse the king to rest and when he's up he will be invited for dinner.

The king mind keeps going back to what the sorceress told him about the powerful beings.

Who are the powerful beings?

Where will they come from?

Will he still be living till when they are born?

I need to rest, I'll think about it later.. said the king

The king woke up fearfully,the dream is a bad omen.

What does he dreamt about to make him wake up with fears?