The king was invited to the dinning room for dinner , the dinner has been set on the dining table filled with different types of food and fruits as they normally does.

The king wasn't himself due to the fact about the dream he dreamt about, he was so worried that it's so glaring on his face. The queen noticed that his highness has been picking on his food and this got the queenss attention to it because it's unlike the king to pick on his food.

Your highness, you aren't eating your food, why are you picking on it, is anything the matter?said queen.

Nothing of such my queen? Said king.

Is anything bothering you? You aren't like this and moreover this is your favorite food so why are you picking on it? Said queen with concern.

Stop working yourself up over something that do not worth it, i'm not bothering over anything,it's just that i don't have appetite for the food,I will take the fruit ..... said king.

The queen didn't talk further but shut up,and was passing her aggression to the food in front of her, meanwhile the king never noticed it cause he was in his own world of dilemma.

When the dinner was over, they both depart to their different Chambers.

The king was unsettled so he went to the garden to cool down, the garden gives him peace which he never knows why.

The king was in deep thought about his dream and was finding means to break free from the dream.


" Your highness save me "

" Please help me "

" can't stay here for long "

The king moves closer to where the voice is coming from. how can i help you, when i also need help...

My land is dying,so are my people.... How can a dying me save you? said king

I can help you,and that is if you help me come out of this darkness....

I have been trapped here for a very long time and i need to be free to be able to fulfill the prophecy..... Said the spirit

The king was full with pity for the spirit and ask the spirit the way to go....

How will i free you? said the king.

You will be the sacrifice said the spirit laughing evilly.

How can i sacrifice myself just to free you and you claim to help me, how do you intend to do that when you are actually after my life ..... Said the king.

I can kill you if i want but you are needed in making me free from this bondage.... Said the spirit.

All of a sudden a bright light appears to the king and a voice was heard not to hearken unto the voice of the spirit in bondage because the spirit is for destruction of the land which was camp till eternity. If the spirit should be let out that spells doom for the land of ALVIALANTA so i will only advice you to do what is right........

Do not listen to her, she's lying.

Please free me, I won't torment you and your kingdom .. I promise ... Said spirit of destruction with fury in his eyes because the spirit of peace make Know of his agenda to the king.

You said earlier that i will be the sacrifice to free you from the bondage, so why are you promising what you can't fulfill .... said the king.

I'll make sure i get free from this bondage, but know at the back of your mind that your days on Earth are numbered.

I will make your land prosperous if you free me but if not,you are doomed ... Said the spirit.

The king start moving backward while the spirit kept screaming loud and louder making the king to wake up out of fear.

**End Of Flashback

Sitting in the garden and relaxing,the king was mesmerized by the beauty of the flowers that he was tempted to touch it.

He has grown up to love the garden as much as he love his Queen.

He stands and was walking towards the flower to touch the pure flower filled with little thorns that can pierce the skin, he kept getting drawn to the flower which he couldn't phantom.

When he reached where the flower was, stretching out his hand to touch it,he felt a force pulling him back but he's very adamant about it,all he cares to do at that present time is to touch the flower,the flower kept luring him into touching it, the sorceress in her own shrine saw this and immediately start chanting spells of protection over the king which causes the forces pulling the king back.

The pure flower began to glow brighter and brighter, suddenly the glowing stopped and the flower withered , making the king to regain his sense's back...

What am i doing at the extreme end of the garden, how did i get here .... Said the king.

He looked stupid to himself, he kept asking himself if he was sleepwalking but he couldn't get answer to his problem.

How can i not know when i get there, unknown to him that the flower he was about to touch will prick him and drain his blood.

He walk slowly to his room with his guard trailing behind him, lead him in and stand at the entrance of his room.

The king dressed up in his night wear and lay down to sleep, but sleep won't come.

He rised up on his bed and sat straight, everything now looks strange to him that he could not comprehend.

Sleep was far away from the king till Dawn, but later he start dozing off with his head hanged on his pillow....

He turned a little and slept properly, making him think about what the day got in store for him.

Will the day be filled with love and happiness?

Or will the day be filled up with sadness and happiness?

Or he won't even feel neither joy nor sadness but just neutral ?

He was snoring lightly and he kept hoping for a brighter day filled with love and greatness, not until when the power of sleep overwhelmed him........ Making him sleep peacefully.