Does One Prepare Thyself For Hell?

4 things. Jaiden had narrowed the concepts he would build himself upon down to 4 things.

The fight. He had reached this universe to protect it, in a way. It didn't matter if he had 2 more days of life or the rest of time, he would fight to the bitter end for all things he deemed worthy.

The force. The force, by its very presence, demanded mastery. He would prove that the light and dark were human in nature by mastering both entirely.

The mind. He needed to organize himself perfectly if his suspicions were correct, because if they were, he would have a lot of time that needed organizing.

The preservation of all things. His only purpose here was to preserve. He had been sent here by a god to preserve this universe and he would not take away from that gift. A grand library, greater than the Jedi archives would be erected for eternity.

But before all that needed a base, which he was oh so painfully making now. The training droid, which looked like a Magna guard and HK-47 had a chimeric child, beat him to the ground again. Groaning, he got back up, and gripped a large wooden pole, holding it across his body. He had started with the bo-staff owing to its similarity to certain lightsaber styles. He had also started an older martial art resembling Aikido. The training program was simple enough but it was still hell...but it was going to make the worse hell of Korriban more bearable.

He had decided on the dark side first because, frankly, he liked the option more. They wouldn't survive, so the major faults they had wouldn't matter much and he was pretty confident he'd survive the Academy with little trouble.

He had also found his 'backstory' as it were. Jaiden Starsearcher was the last member of a Kuati Ring family that had been known for refits. His dad had been dead before he was born and his mother was poisoned during childbirth. The family responsible had been discovered and exiled by the other Noble families, but they had jumped at the chance to take his family's section of the ring. Jaiden still took 2.5% of profits and was listed as the owner, but he really wasn't. This ship, a unique model named the Ardent Fire, was a gift to him from the family that now controlled his shipyard.

Jaiden had a significant amount of money to his name and was very much in shape. The memories came all at once and it looked very much as if Astra had made 'Jaiden Starsearcher' very quickly. Jaiden had been raised by droids and then sent out into the world at the ripe age of 14 to do whatever. Fun.

'Jaiden' had lived on autopilot, had been naturally ignored by people, and spent 4 years doing absolutely nothing.

Kuat was a republic world but he doubted the sith discriminated there. He didn't have much of a background to look into but still had enough of one to make it past inspection.

Jaiden grunted as the Droid knocked him on his ass again.

Deciding he'd had enough for the day, he turned off the Droid and went into a meditative trance on the floor.

Over the last few days, he had reached out more and more to the force. It was getting much harder to detect now that he had more time in the Galaxy for the force to saturate within him.

When he opened the stream as it were, energy flooded in. The feeling was ambrosial, addictive even. He had started to direct the stream through his body and noticed the ways it tended to interact with his mind. He could push out and wrap the energy around the air, creating little gusts of wind. He could gingerly touch objects and send them rolling. More importantly though, he could sense around him. He noticed he could make up for a lot of his inability with the Bo staff using the force, fighting was a lot easier when you had higher perception than the other guy.

It was fun, and no matter what anyone told him, like magic.


Most of his days went the same way. Get up, get his ass beat, recover while thinking and planning, get his ass beat, train with the force, then exercise until he falls asleep.

That was Jaiden's status quo for about a month. He had tried to use the game tables but didn't even slightly understand how they worked. He was getting better with the staff at an exponential rate thanks to very limited use of the force mixed with personal instruction.

He could lift small objects with the force and release a blast with enough energy to at least knock a child over. He could generate the power, but he couldn't get the finesse down.

Overall though, he was bored, and the red planet Infront of him should fix that.