Change of plans

Germany January 1, 1940

As soon as I left the castle with Lancer in spirit form beside me, we walked for several hours through the huge snowfields of the Einzbern estate. we're in the middle of WWII and we can't just call an Uber to come to get us.

the moment I set foot outside Einzbern's properties I felt dizzy, my breath hitched causing my heart to ache, I took my hand to my chest in so much pain. my body was unbalanced to the side causing me to stumble

A cold but small hand caught my shoulder, straightening me up, not letting me fall. The hand was Lancer's

"master? Are you alright?" Lancer asked in a worried voice.

"It's alright! It's just a warning" I mutter "Only the effect of the Einzbern's collar spells, they would never leave your goose that lays golden eggs without a collar"

Lancer put my hand around her neck and bent down a little.

"Come on, I'll help you walk"

I laughed accepting her help. It wasn't like I could refuse help! My body barely functions thanks to collar spells

In the short time we spend together we've become closer, I can't say we're friends. that was pushing too hard Lancer because her identity is who her is her doesn't trust anyone

I'm just a means for her to reach her goal (Which I don't know what it is) and she's a means for me to reach my goal, so we better get along. That's how she sees things.

a view that is not bad at all. If we continue with a more professional vision it will be easier for us when we split up. Whether for our victory in the war or our defeat

Lancer has suffered too much for trusting people, being always betrayed and raped (once). I believe if we get too close in the end it will hurt if I die of exhaustion and she is left alone.

"Hey Lancer have you ever thought of a world without war," I asked with a small smile imagining an old hero of justice who will participate in the next war. "You know without death and suffering"

My question managed to take the focus off Lancer who stopped frozen and looked at me with a look of confusion. she seemed to understand what she said but sighed

"Master! War and suffering will always be there" Lancer spoke with a contemptuous tone "don't even think about playing god and trying to end these things is not your role. The gods only fuck and you won't be any different."

"I know, but, you never imagined a world without war and suffering"

"I already, when I was a silly little girl and thought people were good! Look at me now master, a monster that was cursed for being…"

She couldn't finish her sentence. because her words turned into snarls of anger and her eyes sparkled with fury. I decided to be quite right now because I know nothing I say will reach her.

Lancer is right, a world without war or suffering does not exist and it is not up to me to change the world. It's up to me to survive this war and free myself from the clutches of Von Einzbern


Japan Fuyuki February 30, 1940

Man, this wasn't how I thought it would be. Whoever said travelling by ship was cool was wrong It was horrible two whole months in a fucking boat was the worst thing I've ever been through in my life

"I want to die!" I lamented screaming getting out of the boat staggering "Why the hell won't those bastards lessen the effect of the collar?"

"master, you are attracting attention," Lancer says in my mind and I look towards the people getting off the boat, most of them Asians and some Nazi and Western spies

"I'm speaking German, no one understands what I'm talking about"

"I understand, damn doll"

I stopped when I heard a boy's annoying voice, it seemed to be the transcendent voice between thick and thin. Usually, the voice that boys in puberty had

I slowly turned around and looked at the voice *sigh* I was right, a few feet from me was a man a little older than me with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Look if it's not young master" I gave a fake smile and bowed in front of him "What is a young master as sophisticated and fragile as you're doing here?"

"I, unfortunately, have to work with you doll" The man growled walking towards me and touching my shoulder "Now let's get it all clear doll"

"Make it clear?" I asked looking at his hand, how disgusting, this shit thinks he's the one to touch me *sigh* calm down Alecs let's not get carried away

"Yes, you are a doll of my family and you must listen to me, from now on you will listen to my orders, understand if you don't listen, you will be punished like this…"

The moment he finished speaking, I let out a scream of pain gripping my chest. My heartfelt like it was going to explode, my throat was burning like it was going to catch on fire

"master!" Lancer materialized and ran to me

I despite feeling her hand touch me, I didn't pay attention

The only thing I had on my mind was plans on how to kill this animal. At first, I thought about leaving him alive and protecting him so that Angra Mainyu wouldn't infect the grail

But, you know? I probably won't survive until the end of the war anyway! fuck it, I'm going to kill this animal by preventing the Einzbern family from getting the Havens Feel forever as the Grail will be corrupted

Suddenly the pain stopped and the animal approached me once more drawing the attention of the crowd that saw me screaming in pain and Lancer appearing.

Most people were just looking to pitch. It's no wonder she was a goddess once. she still has the beauty of one.

"Understand what will happen if you don't obey me" The man spoke kneeling in front of me and Lancer prepared to attack him

"No Lancer" I yelled stopping her and she flinched "Not here"

She quickly nodded understanding what it meant (not here) and took a step away from me.

"Exactly. not Lancer" The man replied looking at Lancer and then he touched my chin and looked at me with eyes full of greed*disgust* I had to hold back not to throw up"you'll stay with me until it's time for Havens Feel to wake up and your servant will serve me in my needs until then, what's the whore's name"

Lancer cringed at the man words. it was clear he was saying this in a sexual sense. I had to force myself not to punch him in the face and then my decision came.

Fuck the world. this shit will die

(Lancer, let's play his game. when he is distracted kill he!) I said by our mental connection (also kill his minion, this thing is not useful, look surprised)

Lancer nodded weakly at the nameless man I remember and looked at the man in disgust.

"Lancer do as he says" I muttered looking scared "Young master her name is Joan of Arc"

(You should be a master actor)

"A saint, I'll have fun raping you" The pathetic Einzbern cackled proudly with a wicked grin on his face as he looked at Lancer

Lancer looked at me in mock shock and looked down at the ground before sighing weakly.

"Yes young man" Lancer spoke dismayed almost crying making a face scared and disgusted "I will obey the delicate young master of Von Einzbern"

(Who should be an actress is you)

"I'll show you who the delicate young master is when you're screaming my name you bitch" the man from Einzbern yelled and slapped Lancer hard in the face 'fuck' he cried as he held the hand that was red blood

(pathetic) Lancer and I talk at the same time in our minds and laugh at how exponential it was.