
Once you manage to calm down Lancer minimally. I took her to a nearby square so as not to draw too much attention from the local population. more than what we've already called with the Lancer Panic attack

When I arrived at the square I helped her to sit on a public bench and I sat down next to her starting to question her about what happened

"A servant in a skeleton mask?" I asked and Lancer nodded.

"He killed me faster than I could react" Lancer responds dejectedly

"but, you are a servant with skills geared towards speed!" I spoke. Lancer's speed skills were A rank.

She had the same parameters as Medusa Rider only with Phantom different nobles like the chains, Harpe and her snake hair

Her being overpowered by another minion in brute force and you don't have time to react means that the parameters of that other minion are something at the same level as Lancer or higher.

There are few minions with these abilities not many and one is on my mind and that's not good. Not good.

Hassan-i-Sabbah! one of the most fucking OP minions out there

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Motherfucker, D-rank damn luck" I screamed pulling my hair desperately in despair

"Teacher?" Lancer hesitated when he called me, raising his hands to me "are you alright?"

I sighed calming myself scratching my head "Yeah, I just found out that winning this war will be a lot harder than it looks"

"Yeah… we're both screwed" Lancer chuckled leaning his head on my shoulder "We're the two most unlucky idiots in the world"

"Yes" I couldn't help but laugh"We are"

in a short time, we started to laugh, there was no obvious reason to laugh. I don't know if it was to mock our disgrace. Lancer's head on my shoulder brought calm to my soul

The rest of the day was quite calm, we were not attacked by any servants. Some spies both Japanese and Westerners followed us for some time, but that was all.

It was fun to see the Western spies on us and trying to hide from the Japanese spies and the Japanese spies trying their best to pretend they didn't see the Western spies. it was a fun hide-and-seek game where the hider struggles and the seeker doesn't feel like playing

we passed many Japanese food stalls in Japan which were great. Lancer was having the most fun on the trip.

She looked like a kid on holiday never taking that excited smile off her face. different from the hungry predator smile she had in normal times.

That smile is natural and sweet. He doesn't even look like the same person I met a few months ago. We had some inconveniences like some Nazi soldiers posted in the region asking why an Arian had a filthy Mudblood

Seriously, that was the question and I'm not even in the world of Harry Potter. the Nazis even offered to help me get rid of the Mudblood

But from the looks they gave Lancer, it was obvious they wanted more than to get rid of her. tch, shit racists, if they hate other peoples they shouldn't be sexually attracted to them.

That encounter nearly ruined our day with Lancer by preventing me from summoning my revolver and slaughtering those Nazi soldiers who probably had much more combat experience than I did.

She apologized to them, speaking in plain German. The Nazis changed her stance when they heard her Berlin accent and she convinced them via Hypnosis that she was an Aryan

After that damn meeting, we continued to walk around the city. too bad the mood wasn't the same and then night fell

The shadows started to come out to play and we found ourselves in front of a huge dark-skinned man a few meters from us.

He was a giant with a naked torso, but his lower body was covered in a golden garment. He had two torches in his hands, also made of gold.

something screamed inside me that this man was a danger

"Master behind me!" Lancer quickly stepped in front of me summoning Harpe "He's dangerous"

I nodded and used the parameters meter given by the holy grail to see the parameters of the enemy servant and my stomach lurched when I saw its parameters.

Strength: A

Durability: A+

Agility: B

Mana: And

Luck: D

Damn, he was so much stronger than Lancer. she might have a chance to defeat him in the skill if he is a normal berserker with a lot of physical power and little intelligence and skill to use it.

who am I trying to fool? Hercules was a brainless mace of muscle, but his skills surpassed all other warriors.

We're screwed, I don't have enough mana to keep Lancer in the fight. It's all or nothing. I swallowed hard and pulled out a small bottle filled with red liquid.

"Lancer catches!" I wrapped my arms around Lancer's neck hugging her from behind

"Master what are you…"


"He is very strong isn't he?" Lancer formed a slight smile as he felt his master's strong embrace.

In the grip, she could feel her master's hand trembling. she realized right away that this could be their last moment together.

"What are our chances?" Lancer asked without taking his eyes off the giant who just stood there watching the two

"Very few… With my ability to provide you with mana…" Alecs trailed off excitedly "We're going to die!"

"Damn… what's the plan?" Lancer whispered, still looking at the man who was still standing, "he's not moving! Is he dead? Are we going to run?"

"No! He's just waiting, is he an honourable knight?" Alecs asked whispering "I have some plan but you have to do it!"

"What plan?" Lancer asks

"The Philosopher's Stone" Alecs swings the stone in front of Lancer's face and sighed, "If you drink it you'll gain a great deal of mana, but…"


"You run the risk of suffering side effects and going crazy" Alecs said excitedly "I don't think it will change your nature since you are a vampire being. but it can leave you completely in Berserker mode wanting to kill everything you see ahead or get excited?"

"Is this an aphrodisiac?!" Lancer asked, disgusted by the liquid in the bottle in front of him "Tch, it looks like we don't have a choice, it's a gamble! Master stay away in case I go crazy and start killing everything in front of me"

Lancer took the vial of red liquid and opened it. she drank it all down in one gulp. Alecs slowly backed away from Lancer without taking his eye off Berserker

At that moment Lancer shuddered causing Alecs' eyes to widen.

(Please don't be an aphrodisiac effect, please!)

""▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅! A bestial scream came out of Lancer's mouth and she put herself in the attack position on the 4 limbs looking directly at Berserker

She opened her mouth showing a cruel and sadistic smile. her eyes flashed madly, but in the back of her eyes, she still showed awareness. she hadn't lost herself in madness. not completely

Berserker responded for the first time by smiling and raising his combat axes. He took a step forward, the ground shuddering above him and sighed before flashing Lancer a fierce smile.

"Come on…" The man yelled preparing for battle.


Before the man took the first step Lancer disappeared from his place appearing in front of the man. she began an intensive of attacks by swinging Harpe fiercely in search of an opening to cut the Berserker

berserker on the other hand remained on the defensive with minimal moves dodging most of Lancer's blows. The blows he couldn't defend against, Berserker simply deflected them with his axes.

Lancer was getting more and more out of patience, Her blows didn't come in no matter how much she held Berserker back, he was simply accepting everything and not being affected by her blows.

Her smile became more and more distorted as a grimace of anger, now nothing else mattered. she was just throwing herself in front of her scythe cutting through the air with a lot of whistling through the wind.

little by little Berserker's skin began to get hit causing him to narrow his eyes. They were moving so fast they were teleporting through the park and craters were forming all over the place.

Seeing that it was starting to be pushed. Berserker no longer had any doubt that if he continued this way he would be injured. He saw that Lancer was at his peak, but it had done no more than scratch his skin.

In the end. He knew he would win this fight. but, he wouldn't leave without harm.

Lancer had nothing left to lose in his chains and haired snakes snaked through the park attacking Berserker. Sparks flew everywhere the currents touched.

But not a single current touched Berserker. despite its huge size. he was extremely fast, faster than it would be possible for someone his size

Of course, eventually, some blows started to get into Berserker who despite counterattacking, couldn't land any critical hit on Lancer because his chains protected her.

Lancer was starting to slow down. she felt the madness slowly slipping from her mind. Her moves getting harder to make. she was reaching her limit and went all or nothing.

"▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅" She roared in fury and entered Berserker's territory! He was quick to counterattack by throwing his axe at Lancer.

But, that was in Lancer's plans (I trust you master) Lancer closed his eyes ignoring the axe descending towards his neck and attacked Berserker with Harpe with all his strength forgetting the defence


"▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅——!" Berserker yelled as it echoed through the park hitting Berserker's axe changing the axe direction by a few centimetres missing Lancer who spun Harpe and slashed at Berserker

"Berserker… come back" A voice caught everyone's attention and Berserker who had a huge cut on his chest jumped back away from Lancer.

He landed several feet away from Lancer and pointed a finger at her and Alecs.

"■■■■■---!!" It roared and disappeared in a bang

Lancer dropped to his knees on the ground breathing heavily, blood pouring out all over his body. she didn't take serious hits from Berserker, but some minor blows came in hurting her enough to diminish her physical abilities.

"Lancer!" Alecs ran to her and grabbed her by the arms, lifting her "Are you okay?"

"Yes!…just a little tired" Lancer whispered with a quiet laugh and raised his hand to Alecs taking it to his neck. "'Carry me"

"You're loose you venomous snake" Alecs sneered and picked Lancer up in his lap princess style. "But you deserve to be treated well today! But what did he say?"

"I don't know, I don't understand the language of the barbarians, but it seems something similar to you are my sworn enemies, this battle will come back"

"You said you don't understand the barbarian language, but you seemed to speak it very well during the fight."

"Shut up Hahaha" Lancer nudged Alecs in the head who was carrying him "We survived"

"Yes, thanks to us" Alecs grumbled not wanting to talk about the gods in Lancer's presence

"Yes! We got it master" Lancer grabbed more of Alecs and stuck his head in his chest before passing out.

"Yes sleep well Lancer, we still have a lot to go through so rest assured"

The two disappeared overnight from Fuyuki City leaving only destruction in the city.