
"How troublesome"

My words exactly reflect my situation and this holy grail war.

I should have thought things would go wrong at some point in history. At least have imagined that this story was a mess, As it was discovered some time ago. Sabre was Fionn mac Cumhaill, a Lancer who fell as a Saber.

The rider became a ruler after his master's death. The true master of Einzbern leaving me alone like the lesser Grail, the only good thing about it was that I didn't receive Saber's soul.

Lancer is currently circling the city trying to spy on the other servants to save us from being attacked by surprise. She is free to attack a master if he is alone, but not a servant. That's what we decided together. If we're going to die, let's go together. if we're going to kill, let's go together too.

While I have a lot of irritating decisions on my hands regarding this war. I'm not sure whether to take the offensive or defensive path. A certainty is absolute Berserker and Assassin are the most powerful servants of this war.

Of course, this Berserker is not as powerful as Hercules, but he is not far from power. I'm pretty sure this berserker is Darius III which makes his Húge extremely tricky, A huge that raises an army of immortal undead are terrible to fight

Luckily with Lancer's húge, there is some chance we can petrify his army for a while and manage to defeat him. Assassin is quite the opposite, I fear that if he is the First Hassan, he is a monster of the same level as Hercules.

Defeating him is an impossible issue for Lancer and me. even if we join forces with Tohsaka and his servant who I imagine is Tomoe Gozen who has a gust of Onni's blood to make her stronger, we won't stand a chance against Assassin.

The question is whether with our help behind our backs we can at least have some chance of pissing off the Assassin to get him to open some opening. My magecraft can be used for me to attack it from long range, but the damage isn't much

Of course, I haven't tried creating magic weapons yet, just normal weapons. Because I don't know if my 'magic' will be enough for me to create a magic weapon without suffering from side effects that can put my life at risk.

The biggest problem is that I need to defeat Assassin. he's the most troublesome and Lancer is furious at the humiliation of being defeated by a simple intent to kill. She is completely looking forward to a rematch with something I'm going to give her. But I still don't know when the rematch will be.

As much as I wanted to defeat Assassin, I can't afford to allow Zouken to win the war not when I helped to corrupt the Grail. I won't say I regret it, but everything turned out differently from my plan

This war is a damned compilation of Grail routes. if Darnic manages to steal the Grail, he goes to Apocrypha. If Zouken wins an apocalypse may happen with his desire, then we will have the Kaleid Miyu route or the route of the intuition that the one with Type Venus

so killing the Assassin and leaving berserker alive is not very smart. Since Berserker's only counterpoint in this war is murderous. Without Assassin, berserker will be free to win the war.

Of course, this will only happen if Amakusa Shirou doesn't interfere and manages to kill Berserker and get the Grail for him. Another problem, if Amakusa Shirou has already developed his ideal, it is exactly dangerous to leave him alive.

But, honestly, he's the least of the problems as Zouken is the biggest. his wish could end humanity… holy shit… Amakusa's wish could too. I forgot, the Grail is corrupted!

Fuck, Fuck. Alecs you are a big son of a bitch. Just for getting out of control of your anger, you've just literally sentenced humanity to destruction, congratulations Alecs you deserve applause.


Cool, now my biggest problems are Zouken and Amatsuka. At best if Zouken asks for immortality he will only become a dead apostle which he already is in a sense.

Should I trade with him and in exchange for giving up the war I give him one of my philosopher's stone prototypes? No, I will not give my biggest job to someone other than me, or MY descendant or Lancer

Let's think about something else. later

My alliance with Tohsaka is both a good thing and a bad thing. I don't know what Tohsaka is. She seems to be too naive to be a real master. she doesn't understand irony who doesn't understand irony?

Maybe I'm really bad at irony? But, it was pretty obvious that I was being ironic with her. ARGH! Never mind, it can all be an act, yes, that's likely

Tohsaka is a threat too, I may not know what her attitude is, but I know her to wish. She is also a danger to the world and will have to die eventually.

Yes! sacrifices must be made

But at the same time, I know Tohsaka is someone important to my plans. I can't stop her from wanting to reach the root. this I am sure. At the same time I know she is the mother of a little boy.

I am prepared to leave a child an Orphan. I don't know maybe it's even better, since Tohsaka is a mage and magus are horrible beings, just see the Eiznbern and how they act. Tohsaka must be a horrible mother like the Eiznbern are She must experiment with her son and everything horrible I'm sure

If I kill her I will only be helping her son to be free of a magus… Who am I kidding? I'm not sure of her attitude, I'm just blowing my fucking excuses


It feels like my heart is still too soft. I have to find a way to harden my heart otherwise I'm sure I won't survive this war

I laid my head down on the pillow when I heard the sound of the window opening;

"Lancer, you're early--- " I'll compromise by looking out the window only to see Lancer in the window as her looks at me with blood on her forehead. I see she was carrying Tohsaka, Archer, and Tohsaka's son in what would be a comic sign if it weren't tragic. "Holy shit Lancer, what happened? Are they okay?"

"Assassin attacked Tohsaka's house" Lancer replied with a sigh putting the three of them down and walking towards me. When she got in front of me she let her body fall on top of me "I'm tired pamper me"

"Lancer, you're bloody, you're dirtying my bed… It's okay, you did a good job" I sighed after I teased her and started stroking her blood-soaked hair. "But go take a shower"

"not, I'm tired!"



"If you're going to take a shower, I'll make roast chicken for you"

"I want to sleep in your bed"


"Whoa!" She got up and ran to the bathroom

"What got into her?"