
"Don't worry, I had everything under control"

Alecs got into a defensive position explaining himself to an Archer who was more than annoyed looking at him. Putting the boy aside, He calmly looked at her hand with a sigh and knelt in front of the boy.

"Tell me, boy, what's your name?" Alecs asked

In all the time he was in the custody of the boy, he never asked his name. Normally, Archer called him young master and Tohsaka when she was alive didn't speak his name to Alecs;

She just called the boy a thing. Looking at the boy, alecs could see that he was not an ugly boy, he had pale yellow skin. His hair was light brown and his eyes blue.

Unlike his mother who had red eyes, not as red as Alecs's, however, he was actually red eyes.

"Uncle, my name is Fuyōna mono" The boy spoke innocently, "But I don't know if that was my real name because when my mother was happy, she called me Iki mono"

Looking at him with an annoyed face, Alecs realized that the boy didn't have any malice or anger in his voice, having that name for him was just a fact. It seemed that since he was a child he didn't have any kind of maternal love and he didn't have a bad treatment either.

Tohsaka gave him the basics to survive and minimal attention to the point that he wasn't lacking enough for him to develop properly, but not enough for him to be a happy child.

A slight frown appeared on Alecs' face and he sighed calmly. Thinking of what to say, he looked at his brown hair bouncing in the wind and a pop in his head


Before he says anything. A heavy panting sound hit Alecs' eyes and he looked back and saw an Archer gasping and with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Young master… I'm sorry I didn't notice" Archer grumbles crying "I'm a failure as a servant"

Alecs looked at her pityingly, He knew sometimes people with real problems are right in front of her and you don't even realize it until it's too late.

Alecs didn't feel sorry for the boy, no! He was left with a little dissatisfaction with the situation, but the feeling of pity and empathy didn't come. alecs felt like he wanted to do something about the situation, but never because of the feeling… actually all he felt were feelings like physical ecstasy, anger, hatred, and the desire to destroy everything as if something inside his being was manipulating him to become feel monstrous…

Not! Alecs shook his head there was no way there was anything wrong with him. It must just be the angel he felt for Tohsaka when he saw the Boy's plight.

"Arcer why are you crying" The boy's shuddering voice soothed Alecs. he sighed as he looked to the side and saw the boy walking slowly beside him "Don't cry Archer, it's not your fault I don't want you--- AAaAAAaaaaa"

The boy couldn't keep his words steady and the tears rolled down. he collapsed in tears falling to the ground in despair covering his face

"Young master…" Archer also cried trying to reach the boy, but, her was still in Lancer's grip "Eye… sorry young master"

They were collapsing in tears already screaming and making Alec's head hum, a feeling of anger began to appear in him.

Without him noticing a small black mist began to spread around him and his red eyes began to glow


At that moment everything went dark, Alec's memories began to fail, little by little his past life began to fade from his soul and his memories with lancer were all that was left. But gradually they also began to disappear.

No, please don't, Lancer! lancer save me

"Trace-on" A distorted voice

Who are you?

"KILL EVERYTHING" The voice replied "KILL Her"




An arm wrapped around Alecs from behind. it was a warm and comfortable arm that made his body relax almost getting lost in the comfort the black mist began to disappear and his red eyes returned to normal

"Master, calm down" The lancer's voice rang in Alecs' ear making him sigh "There, sit down here"

Lancer's voice was calm and composed, not letting any kind of feeling out, but at the same time, it was comforting.

A light touch on his leg made his body shudder and fall weakly. he fell into a soft accent and felt something also soft and warm stick to his body.

"Yes, now drop the gun" The lancer's voice remains calm, only now with a slight tone of relief "Master, drop the gun"

Alecs felt Lancer's hand touch his hand and for a slight second a reaction to break away from her grip was made through Alecs' body. however, he was stopped by Lancer's steel grip

His body couldn't move with Lancer's arms holding him tightly. It was impossible for him to move, at the same time it was a comfortable grip, he wasn't hurting himself.

"master... Trust me, drop the gun''



"Master…drop the weapon"

At that moment Lancer's hand brushed Alecs face and the heat of his touch made Alecs' world light up and everything went back to normal. memories of him all came back and he came back to panting reality

"Lancer, why am I in your lap?" He asked

"Master, we have to talk!"
