The end(1/3)


Alecs fired at one of the attacking skeletons. The skeleton fell to the ground with a hole in its head. However, the hole in the skeleton's head was soon healed and he stood up shakily.

The skeleton aimed the weapon that was a long sword at alecs and continued to run towards him. behind the skeleton, there were 10 more skeletons also running towards it

"Immortal!-- This is the Athanaton Ten Thousand: Immortal Ten Thousand Soldiers?" Alecs lifted his head and looked at Berserker.

The giant was with his arms crossed looking at him with his white eyes and a crazy smile on his face. Berserker said nothing and just remained there motionless as if something was expected.

"There are still few, which means he doesn't have the mana to summon them all or he still isn't taking us seriously" Alecs gritted his teeth and moved his head back. "Lancer, take care of Berseker, I take care of the skeletons-- here this is the stone, use it if necessary!"

Alecs tossed a red glowing stone to Lancer who caught the stone in midair. she clenched her fist and placed it against her chest tightly.

"Master, I'm coming!--- take care!-- You owe me a date if you remember" Lancer gave a sad parting smile. She then scowled and glared at Berserker and kicked the ground away disappearing from behind Alecs in a bang.

Alecs heard another bang several feet away from him and lifted his head to see. Lancer with the Harpe being blocked by Berserker's Golden Axe.

The surrounding ground crumbled and cracked all over the place creating a crater where they stood.

"▂▂▃▃▅▅▅▅ーーー!" Berserker roared and swung his axe sending Lancer flying backwards.

She floated through the air and before falling gave a mortal settling in the air. Lancer landed gracefully on the ground using Harpe to support her and disappeared once more.


Alecs was impressed by the speed of Lancer and berserker. It felt like he was watching a Bleach anime in real life. The two servants were becoming pure blurs and the ground being destroyed around them with every blow they landed on the other was the cinematography.

The shock waves made everything around her tremble with such power. The wind generated by the shock waves caused Alec's hair to sway.

Alecs was so silly with Lancer's fight that he forgot about the skeletons attacking them. When he came to, it was too late, one of the skeletons was already in front of him.

Alecs flinched and pointed the gun at the skeleton. The skeleton that was already a comfortable distance away from Alecs swung its long sword at Alecs.

When he saw the skeleton sword coming close to him. alecs took two steps back, avoiding the first blow. Taking the right distance. He fired several times.

All the shots hit the skeleton, which shuddered but did not fall. In response, the skeleton swung its sword again hitting Alecs' revolver and snatching his hand

"Damn" Alecs moaned as his hand flew "Just kidding"

He chuckled as another hand grew in his place in the same second and spun his body hitting a powerful kick to the skeleton's chest that flew away hitting other skeletons.

"I'm immortal too-- Hoo, you seem to have intelligence-- who are you?" Alecs joked when but stopped when his eyes saw a skeleton in golden armour

*Tac, tac, tac*

The skeleton snapped its teeth, putting itself in front of the other skeletons who stopped at the sight of the golden skeleton. The skeleton bowed politely to Alecs. Since he had no language, he could not speak. but, Alecs realized right away that that Skeleton was dangerous

"Trace-on" He sang and a black mist appeared in his hand. soon the fog turned into a rifle and He smiled pointing the gun at the skeleton "Old man!"

The skeleton slapped the chest of another skeleton which snapped its teeth and handed a spear to the golden skeleton. By tapping the Spear. the golden skeleton's body gained flesh and he transformed into a man with black hair, pale skin and blue eyes.

"Hmm, it's been a while since my lord hasn't given me meat" The man looked at his hands and laughed. he looked up at Alecs and opened them. "Hmm, you are a Shinso-- but, you seem to be dying of illness?--I thought the Shinso were true immortals?"

"I am a True Ancestor, artificial" Alecs chuckled kindly to the man "Only a copy, it is not capable of being equal to the original"

"I hope you are as strong as one--- why, I want to fight strong enemies" The man smiled cruelly pointing the spear to Alecs and getting into battle position

"One question-- A more like you?" Alecs looked at the man adjusting his sights.

"No-- not enough mana, for my lord to summon his entire army-- pitiful master" The man shook his head

"I see-- good to know-- What's your name?"

"I don't need one"

"I am Alecs-- Now die"