A Crazy Kid

This was crazy.

Tony watched the bank robbery occur across the street, the crooks threatening the employees on the night shift with their armaments.

Usually, it be hard for people to gain access to such weaponry, but this was Gotham, were corruption reigned supreme.

Which brought into question why Tony was even their in the first place, watching a robbery being committed in the dead of night.

Tony lifted up his hands, and instead of the skin of his palm, he saw the hard sheen of metal. Pulling his hands into the form of a fist, Tony felt his confidence rush into him again.

"You can do this, Tony. Their just a bunch of guys with no training whatsoever, and your wearing a literal power armor. They don't stand a chance."

The power armor felt heavy on his body, but it gave him the reassurance he needed to press on with his decision.

Whipping out his hands, Tony felt his hands filling with energy, and proceeded to direct them at the nearest robber.

The man, who was loading the goods onto the getaway vehicle, didn't stand a chance as a beam of energy sent him flying.

This immediately drew the attention of the rest of the robbers, who then proceeded to unload their guns at the veiled figure.

Unleashing his jet boots, Tony was propelled into the sky, dodging the bullets with ease. Although he could have just taken the shots, it would have caused many dents that would need to be repaired later.

After all, Tony's level of resources where just laughable. His current armor, the Mark I, was something he made in his basement using his limited supplies and by 'borrowing' his dad's work I.D to get into STAR Labs to use their equipment.

Propelling himself forward, Tony charged right into the group of robbers, crashing into one of them, which removed said robber from the equation.

This time however, Tony did not use his blasters or his jet boots, instead opting to use his fist. His armor's energy was crucial, after all.

His Arc Reactor hadn't been built yet, so his suit was currently being powered by an array of batteries located in his chest armor.

This made every bit of charge in his armor precious, as their was a hard limit to how much he could use, not to mention that it was a pain to recharge.

But, that didn't matter much, as even with using his armor's charge, Tony was still a deadly opponent.

Not only was he wearing a powerful armor that added strength and weight to all of his hits, but he was also hitting them in the most effective locations.

In his mind, memories were constantly being played, movements that were taught to him by a man covered with the colors of the American flag.

These memories had been with Tony since as long as he could remember, and they were the reason why he had started this venture in the first place.

Everything to his power armor to his fighting skills were do to those memories, those images from another world.

The memories of Anthony Edward Stark, the 'Iron Man'.

Punching the last robber in the gut and knocking the guy out, Tony proceeded to tie up the goons with a rope from his utility belt.

He checked on the robbers, making sure that they were all knocked out and not critically injured, before activating his jets boots and flying into the sky.

If he stood there any longer, he might have a run in with Batman, and that was the last thing that Tony wanted.

Looking over the grim visage of Gotham City from the sky, Tony started laughing as the reality started to kick in.

He had done it. He had stopped the robbery.

Their were so many ways that this little operation could have gone wrong, but nothing of the sort happened. Tony had stopped the crime, and he did so splendidly.

Arriving at an abandoned spot in Gotham City, Tony glided down and started to hide his armor in his secret location.

His armor was way to bulky to take to his house, as the sound of it would immediately alert his parents. Not to mention that it would be extremely eye-catching if he landed in his parents front yard.

Thus, he could only hide his armor for the time being, before he found a way to slim it out. In fact, he was already working on the Mark II. He just needed a bit more time to complete the support on its flight capabilities.

Tony slowly approached his house, avoiding all the security cameras before quietly climbing into his room through the window. He had a special mechanism attached to his window which made it open with just a voice command.

Tony fell right into the embrace of his bed, his body drained. Yet despite his tiredness, a smile appeared on his face.

Ever since he had acquired the memories of 'Iron Man', he had been questioning himself on whether he could truly live up to the mans legacy.

The man was a hero who had saved the world multiple times, and had sacrificed himself to save his people.

Meanwhile, he was just an above average student in Gotham, with his superior intellect being his only defining trait.

Even now, he didn't think he could even come close to emulating the feats of the other world's Tony Stark.

But the gap did seem to be getting smaller after today.

With that thought in mind, Tony let himself fall into slumber, a days work finally done for Gotham's own, Iron Man.