The Bat

Tony soared through the skies, enjoying the experience given by his new Mark II. Although he had flown before, he was never able to do it for extended amounts of time since his Mark I lacked the energy for prolonged flight.

However, his brand new Mark II, with its boosted flight capabilities, was more then up to the task. Which is why Tony was taking it for a spin in the skies of Gotham.

Though, that wasn't the only reason for his sudden cruise, even though it played a major part in the decision. The other reason he was taking it for a flight was to search Gotham for any ongoing crimes.

Normally, crimes wouldn't just happen in the middle of the day, much less during 12:00 P.M in the morning, but this was Gotham, so anything was possible.

In fact, most crimes in Gotham happened in broad daylight, since it was much easier to avoid Batman in the daytime.

Even the Batman had a life outside of his cape, just like Tony. Except, unlike the Batman, Tony was pulling a sick card so that he could avoid going to school to test out his armor, which he only managed to pull of because both of his parents were workaholics that came back at night.

Tony's though process, however, was suddenly interrupted by the screams of distressed civilians. With a frown, Tony pushed his jet boots to the maximum, arriving in the area in no time.

What awaited him was a man wearing an armor painted black and blue, a glass like covering over his face and holding a deadly looking blaster.

Around him were the frozen bodies of many people, their bodies like sculptures as their expression remained the same no matter the time that had passed.

Tony recognized the man, remembering the many profiles he had seen when he was searching through the list of supervillains in Gotham.

Mr. Freeze.

Without hesitation, Tony spread out his hands, as a repulsor blast shot towards the cold villain. Mr. Freeze, who was just about to turn a family into a bunch of popsicles, received the blast with his body, shooting backwards.

With a grunt of pain, Mr. Freeze stood up, and looked back at Tony, who was hovering in the air.

"Who are you? You don't look like Batman. You must be a rookie, since I don't know you. It seems my time at Arkham has made my knowledge outdated. Though it matters not, for you will be joining the rest."

Pointing his freeze gun at Tony, he proceeded to shoot several beams of ice cold energy at him, which Tony deftly avoided with his jet boots.

"Its Iron Man, for the record. The man who's going to send your frozen behind back to Arkham!"

Tony started to shoot out with his repulsors in a rapid manner, but was surprised when Mr. Freeze created an ice barrier to block his attacks, before hitting Tony with a blast of ice.

This forced Tony to descend rapidly, the weight of the ice and the his restricted movement affecting his flight.

Seeing that, Mr. Freeze began to laugh.

"Your good for an amateur, but your nothing compared to Batman."

"Be careful what you wish for Mr. Freeze."

A gruff voice came from behind Mr. Freeze, but the only thing he saw was the big, black fist of the Dark Knight himself.

Cracks began to appear on his helmet, which then proceeded to break completely as the downed Mr. Freeze was hit with a blast from behind, courtesy of Tony, pushing him back into the cold and painful embrace of the Bat.

Tony, who had finally gotten rid of the ice coating his armor, looked on with wonder as a boy his age wearing a red and yellow costume did a flip and took his place next to the Bat with a laugh.

Robin and Batman.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

Its them, its actually them!

Tony proceeded to go into fanboy mode as his favorite heroes stood in front of him. As a born and bred member of Gotham, it would be weird if Tony didn't admire the duo that struck fear into the hearts of all criminals in Gotham, especially since he was a hero as well.

Apart from the original Iron Man, the one who inspired his career into heroism was the Batman. Robin too, as the boy wonder made him realize that his age didn't mean he couldn't be a hero.

Which was why Tony began to freak out when Batman started to approach him. With a hesitant look, Tony decided to introduce himself first.

"Hello, Batman. Nice weather were having right? Now that the guy blowing cold air is gone and everything."

Nice going Tony, way to blow it!

But Tony was taken aback when Batman responded with

"The Iron Man, a new vigilante. Stopped several robberies the moment of his appearance. Wears an armor made with sophisticated tech, capable of flight and lethal blasts. Switched armors recently, suggesting ways of upgrading his tech.'

Tony was shocked. The Batman actually had a profile of him? Since when? Not only that, Tony had just replaced his armor in the last few days, yet the Batman already knew. He didn't know whether to be flattered or scared by the sudden attention.

That decision was made in the next moment.

"Also known as Anthony Edward Stark, son of two scientists who work at S.T.A.R labs. Shown great talent when it comes to the fields of robotics and engineering. Probably responsible for the irregular usage of his father's I.D card."

Yup, he should definitely feel scared.

Tony felt a chill going down his back as he realized the Batman was fully aware of his identity. A feeling of relief also came over him as no villain had managed to figure it out. But what was Batman saying such things for?

A look of worry came over Tony's face, which was covered by his faceplate. Was the Batman going to make him quit being a hero?

Probably noticing his silence, Robin, who was stood next to Batman after handing over Mr. Freeze, punched the Bat in his shoulder playfully.

He then reached out his hand and said

"Oh come on Batman, cut him some slack. Your scaring the poor kid. Your doing pretty well for yourself as it is, Iron Man. Huge fan by the way."

Tony responded to the handshake with one of his own, which was then interrupted by a few coughs sent out by Batman.

Batman then looked at Tony and said

"I'm not trying to make you quit being a hero or something. After all, even though I don't approve of your actions that go on without adult supervision, considering the fact that my own sidekick is similar in age, denying you would be rather hypocritical. No, I'm just hear to extend an invitation."

A massive lump emerged from Tony's throat as Batman's words registered.

Although he could guess what was coming next he still asked

"What invitation?"

"An invitation to the Justice League."