Tony reached out his hand.
"Hey, I'm Iron Man. Makes sense you don't recognize me, since I work only in Gotham"
Tony found himself much more relaxed when talking with Kid Flash. Maybe because we looked close in age?
I mean, Robin has been fighting crime for years, probably breaking multiple child labor laws. Aqua Lad looked much more mature then any person his age had the right to be and Speedy looked like he would commit murder to be recognized as a hero.
So, out of all young people here, Kid Flash and him were the most normal ones. Well, as normal as a kid with super speed and a guy who made a death machine in his basement could be.
Kid Flash took his hand and said
"Nice to meet you, I'm Kid Flash. Cool suit by the way. How's it built?"
"Trade secret." Tony replied.
Haha, not a chance. After having his technology stolen or go wrong in his memories, he was going to keep a tight lip when it came to his armor. Which was why the first thing he would do when he arrived at the lab would be to remake J.A.R.V.I.S and get rid of all the bugs that Batman had already sprinkled all over him by now.
He wasn't even angry that Batman probably traced him, as that was kind of Batman's thing. You know, tracking you down and then scaring the menace out of you with his Bat costume.
Anyway, there was no way that anybody was getting near his tech, and anybody who tries would be receiving a laser beam to the face.
As they arrived near the entrance of the Hall of Justice, the paparazzi surrounded them, yelling out the names heroes and sidekicks. Tony smiled when he heard a few people screaming his name, and then continued walking.
Meanwhile, the sidekicks were having a conversation on how they were finally becoming real heroes, while admiring the huge statue's made after the original members of the Justice League.
Although he also admired the statues, he was much more calmer then the sidekicks. After all, Tony was a hero from the moment his career started. He didn't go under anyone's wing, thus he wasn't considered a sidekick like the others.
Suddenly, Tony turned around and found himself in shock, as he realized the appearance of Red Tornado and Martian Man-hunter.
"Robin, Speedy, Aqua Lad, Kid Flash, Iron Man, welcome."
With that he turned around, as we followed him into the Hall of Justice.
When we finally arrived at our destination, the other sidekicks plopped down onto their seats, leaving only Tony and Speedy that were left standing.
Tony didn't sit down as his armor would probably damage whatever he was sitting on. Speedy was standing up for a whole other reason, gazing at the League members who were talking about the coordinated ice villain attacks with a gaze of animosity.
'Ah crap, the drama's about to start.'
"That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass." Speedy said angrily.
Aqua Man, tried to pacify Speedy by saying
"It's a first step. You've been granted access that few other's get."
Speedy pointed to the left, were a crowd of people were busy taking pictures.
"Oh really?! Who cares which side of the glass were on!"
To be fair, Speedy did have a good point. If they were going to try to make this place some kind of base for hero activity, why the hell does it have glass walls?
Green Arrow then started to go towards Speedy, trying to calm him down.
"Roy, you just need to be patient."
Ooh, his name is Roy? That could come in handy later.
Speedy or Roy, snapped back by saying
"What I need, is respect."
Tony watched with amusement as Speedy went on a tirade about how they were being treated like sidekicks, and failed to gain the support of his colleagues. However, that amusement turned into shock as Speedy launched out a huge secret.
"Except the Hall isn't the League's main H.Q. It's just a false front for tourists and a pitstop for catching zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower."
Wait what the hell? They had a literal satellite as base? How was that even legal? When was it launched, or was it even launched at all?
Things got so complicated when you added in aliens and a millionaire in a Bat costume with a penchant for breaking the laws he is supposed to keep.
More shock was added as Speedy, who was literally thirsting to be a part of the League, smashed his cap onto the ground and took of, quitting his role as Green Arrow's sidekick.
Wasn't he overreacting a little bit to much? Like jeez man, you only needed to wait a little longer, No need to throw a temper tantrum and just leave.
Tony was then snapped out of his shocked stupor along with the rest of the members by a beeping noise. The giant computer showed the image of Superman. The Superman. If he hadn't witnessed what he had just witnessed a moment ago, he would probably be fanboying right now.
"Superman to Justice League, theirs been an explosion in Project Cadmus. It's on fire."
Batman walked up to the monitor and replied, "I've had my suspicions about Cadmus, this may present the perfect opportunity to..."
Batman was then cut off, as a beeping noise came up once again, a man in a suit appearing on a miniature screen.
"Zatara to Justice League. The sorcerer Wotun is using the Amulet of Atun to block out the sun."
Seriously, the day just keeps on getting better and better. The last time Tony had ever been this stressed was when he started out with his suit.
He slightly regretted the decision to join the League, though he still would have done it if asked again, just for the materials. After all, completing the latest of suits in his memories, would require him to make nanomachines, which was very expensive and rather time consuming. He needed the support of the League if he needed to make it eventually.
Tony thought about this, and slumped into one of the empty chairs, not giving a damn anymore. Today had been a tiring day for Tony, and he felt like he would need time to rest.