The Throne Room

Lauren and Ben slowly approached the large castle walls. "The last time I was here, I was leading an attack against your brother." Lauren said softly.

Ben did not miss a step. "He made his choice. Now he has received his punishment."

Lauren glanced sideways at him. "You know that he just wanted to bring your parents back." Ben did not respond.

The duo crossed the wooden drawbridge. Two guards stood at the gate separating Lauren and Ben from the castle. "Who are you?" One said. "What business do you have with the king?"

Ben glanced at Lauren. "I do not think I should say my name, they would associate me with my brother." Lauren nodded and stepped forward.

"I am Lauren Keene, the Moonstar."

One guard moved to open the portcullis when the other one stopped him. "How can we believe her? She has no proof!"

That's when Lauren removed the fragment of the Starstone that hung around her neck. She held it up for the guard to see. The stone glittered and shimmered in the sunlight, seeming to be displaying it's symbolic power. "Is this proof enough?"

The guard's eyes widened and nodded. Together, the two guards pulled on the ropes that connected to the pulley and slowly lifted the creaking metal portcullis and stepped aside.

"Thank you," Lauren said as she and Ben stepped through the gate and into the castle.


After getting lost several times, Lauren was finally able to lead Ben to the main throne room where she and Icas had their showdown. Lauren had refrained from mentioning Icas because she knew how much Ben loved his brother.

The throne room was much grander than what she remembered, probably due to the fact that the last time she had seen it was when the Nites were in control. Red and gold tapestries hung from the ceiling with a moon, Eddeathra's national emblem, on it. A large royal blue carpet with gold and silver trimmings rolled all the way to the small platform where the two thrones, now one, sat. Odi sat on the throne, looking even more regal than the last time she saw him. He was wearing a deep blue outfit with a black cape and a golden crown on his head. Two guards flanked him on either side. Odi's stern, kingly face melted the instant he recognized Lauren.

"Lauren?" he asked as he jumped up and ran down the stairs to meet her. Lauren also ran at him and flew into his arms and the two embraced each other. "How have you been?" he asked.

"Fine, you?"

"Just great! The country's been better than ever!"

"That's great to hear!"

"Who is this?" Odi said, turning to stare at Ben.

"Oh, this is Benjamin Thornton," Lauren said, Icas's brother."

"I wasn't aware that Icas had a brother," Odi said, weariness in his eyes.

"He's not like him," Lauren promised. "He fled to Earth after Icas took over Eddeathra and found me. He's actually the reason why I came here in the first place."

Odi nodded, understanding. "Well, let me give you a tour!"