The Eddeathrian sun slowly started to descend into the sky. The birds settled down in the tall trees to fall asleep. Lauren, Kaylissa, and Benjamin dismounted their horses and let them rest near a patch of fresh green plants. Lauren and Kaylissa laid out the "sleeping bags" while Benjamin went to find food.
Lauren sighed. "I'm really tired. I think I'll take a small nap till Ben gets back."
"Go on ahead," Kaylissa said. "I'll keep a lookout for anything." Lauren nodded and lay down next to Askari who had also laid down to take a nap. Lauren closed her eyes and was immediately transported into a dream
Lauren looked around. The world was dark, but not so dark that she could not see. She could make out the faint silhouette of her hand in front of her. Where am I? She wondered.
Moonstar Cave, a voice answered. The very cave where you first landed when you came to Eddeathra.
Who are you? Lauren thought to the voice.
You do not remember? The feminine voice said again. Several small beams of light that shone in different colors pierced through the dark cave. Lauren could make out an animal approaching and she immediately remembered her. Maisha.
The stag nodded. You must listen carefully, she said. Eddeathra is once more in danger, but it is not the danger you would know. You have a hidden enemy.
A hidden enemy? Lauren questioned.
Maisha nodded. Moon and Sun will meet in battle. The Sword will crush the Crown. The fallen Star will rise.
Is that a prophecy?
Yes, Maisha said. And it will come to pass sooner than you think. Maisha slowly started to fade into the darkness.
Wait! Lauren said. Can you give me a hint or something?
I will repeat Mlinzi's words: Be careful who you trust. With that, Maisha disappeared completely.
"Lauren? Are you okay?" the word sounded so faint and far away. Lauren wandered around her mind trying to follow the voice back to reality. She slowly opened her eyes as the setting sun shone through the tree leaves. "Yeah why?" she responded.
Kaylissa sighed. "You were mumbling in your sleep, something about Maisha."
"Oh," Lauren slowly sat up to see Benjamin walking back into the small clearing with a turkey that he had hunted. "Maisha visited me and gave me some sort of prophecy."
"Well, let's hear it," Benjamin said.
Lauren paused, trying to recall the words. "Moon and Sun will meet in battle. The Sword will crush the Crown. The fallen Star will rise. She also said that we have a hidden enemy."
"I wonder who?" Kaylissa said, but before Lauren could say anything, she heard a low growl coming from the woods. Lauren slowly turned around to see a pair of silver eyes glaring at her.