The flame flickered and wavered. Just the slightest breeze would put out the only source of light and warmth that Lauren had. She had woken barely ten minutes ago and she was already freezing. There was a chain around her right leg that was connected to two chains around her wrists that were bolted to the floor. The small candle sat on a ledge by the door that Lauren could not reach. She sat as close to the candle as the chains would allow. After another five minutes of laying on the cold, stone floor, the old wooden door creaked open with three people filing inside. The last person who had a cloak that concealed his face brought a large torch that he used to light others and more light filtered into the small dungeon-like room that Lauren was in.
"Ah, the Moonstar," the first observed. Lauren stared at the man and racked her brain for the answer. She knew this man! But where from? "You recognize me?" the man said. "I'll give you a hint. Cardell."
Then it clicked. The baker! "You!" she exclaimed. "You told me and Ben where Cardell Castle was!"
The man smirked and clapped. "Well done."
"I knew there was something off about you!" Lauren said.
"Well, I might as well tell you who we are and what we're doing since you can't escape. We are The Order of the Shadow."
"Just you three?" Lauren questioned.
"Oh no, there are a lot more of us. I am the leader."
"But what do you want with me?" Lauren asked.
The baker sighed. "Maybe if you would stop interrupting, I would be able to tell you. You are the only one who will be able to stop our plan to assassinate the king."
Lauren gasped. "Odi?"