Chapter 3 - The Director

A man in a white lab coat, walked down a white hallway.

He was whistling a jolly tune while rubbing some sleep out of his eye. The Ninnuam Graduation Tournament ended the night before, and he was tasked with overseeing the whole event. It was exciting, but exhausting at the same time.

He continued down the straight hall for some time, occasionally catching a glimpse of Pangea Academy's courtyard.

As he passed other colleagues, he was greeted with a salute and a "sir."

He always told them not to call him "sir," since he was like them; just a researcher. They rarely listened, so the respectful, but annoying title stuck.

After reaching Lab #13, the scientist put his badge up to the scanner. A robotic, feminine voice welcomed the scientist.

"Welcome to Pangea Group's Escort, Recovery, and Operations division, Lab #13. Pangea Academy Headmaster: Yusei Dogon."

This prompted a Japanese male in his early-40s to appear on the screen. His light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. His dark brown, almost black eyes were revealed behind his thin-rounded spectacles. The card had his height on it; it read 5'9.

The scanner announced his second position for the world to hear, "Director of ERO division."

The door slid open with a smooth buzz. After Dr. Dogon walked through, he heard the machinations behind the door slide it shut.

Inside, a dozen scientists were beginning their mornings. Some were cataloguing research samples, while others were hanging around the water cooler. A select few were already hard at work looking up news articles involving dragon sightings.

If there was any place that a person who researched dragons could go, it was Lab #13.

Dr. Dogon made his rounds greeting every person in the room. As everyone called him "sir", he didn't try correcting them. When he reached the last person, who was his lab assistant, Dr. Dogon wore a weak smile.

"You should stop greeting everyone in the morning. With everyone calling you, "sir", as well as all that caffeine in your system, you're already crashing," the assistant said with a chuckle and a handshake.

Dr. Dogon sighed.

"Come off it, Dr. Panila," he said, returning the handshake. "You know if I don't greet everyone, I can't concentrate on my work." Dr. Panila wondered if that was really the reason.

Dr. Panila handed Dr. Dogon a cup of tea.

"Is Lin here yet," Dr. Dogon asked, taking a sip.

"She's on her way, as is as Blake," Dr. Panila answered as he was looking over information gathered on all the Ninnuam contestants.

"Great. And the item?"

The two scientists glanced over at an airtight container, that had something covered inside it.

"The item is prepped for today's presentation."

"I can always count on you. I'll set up the easel. We'll begin as soon as everyone's present."

Later, after more scientists, as well as Blake and Lin, funneled into Lab #13, Yusei gathered them up. As soon as everyone took their seats, Dr. Dogon nodded to Dr. Panila and the lights dimmed. A monitor descended out of the ceiling at the front of the room.

Lin handed Dr. Dogon a small USB drive. After inserting it, he started his presentation.

"As you all know, Pangea Group has tasked our division: Escort, Recovery and Operations, with finding out why dragons disappeared from this Earth approximately 100,000 years ago. Like the dinosaurs, the dragons were mysteriously wiped out."

Dr. Dogon's assistant, Lin, changed the slide to show a map of United America's Pacific Northwest coast.

"A couple months ago, Pangea Group received multiple reports of weird rock formations, courtesies of locals surrounding the area. An extensive excavation of the site was ordered, and ERO's agents were able to determine that the rock formations were, in fact, dragon scales left in tack. Bring it up, Dr. Panila."

Dr. Panila opened the airtight container. Removing the covering revealed a scale that let off a slightly yellow glow. The scale looked like a kite shield with smooth edges, except for one side, which was rough. To the eye, it seemed heavy, however Dr. Panila was able to lift it effortlessly. As he walked over, Lin closed the container.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, a Dragon scale," Dr. Dogon announced as Dr. Panila set it on the easel.

An exchange of delight swam through the room

"See, these cracks here," he half-questioned, half-stated, pointing to the only rough edge on the scale. "This shows that the scale was forcibly removed from the dragon. We can assume that the dragons were in conflict with another species. Based on what we've managed to learn about dragons so far, these scales are quite durable; so the fact that it was removed in such a manner, shows that the dragons were facing a much deadlier foe, perhaps even deadlier than dinosaurs."

After putting on a glove, Dr. Dogon touched the scale with his hand. Already knowing the surface was moist, he retracted his glove, and showed it to his colleagues.

"This liquid substance shows that the dragons had plasma within their system," he continued. "If we somehow cultivate the substance, we could start to 'regrow' the dragon, in a sense. This may also be able to allow us to move forward with our Dragon Host project." This caused unsettling murmurs within the room.

"But Dr. Dogon," one scientist rose up. "The Dragon Host project destroyed a wing of our academy due Blake's assistant inheriting Evren, the Fire Dragon Elemental. How do we know things won't end up like it that time?"

The individual known as Blake, who was quiet during the whole briefing, started listening more intently. Dr. Dogon took a breath.

"My job as director of this project is to ensure things like this don't happen. Bonding Evren with her host led to a surprising development, but it also revealed flaws in the process. Because of the flaws we found, I've took it upon myself to streamline upgrades to both the process, and the room itself. After those upgrades were installed, I tested it myself to see if there were any other ways to improve the process so it could be safely undertaken by others so we didn't have a repeat of it before.

After discussing it with Dr. Panila, changes were made to the infusion process. We're no longer using the old method, and will, instead move to a five-point injection process. The issue that arose with the old method was waiting for the subject's U-Gene to activate over time; this caused Evren's host to temporarily lose control of her inherited power. This new process will allow almost immediate activation with the future subject's U-Gene, as long as they don't sustain a fatal, or mortal injury beforehand.

After the initial activation is complete, the subject's U-Gene will activate as intended. Candidates are being selected as we speak, and our timetable has them set at starting after graduation has finished. Of course, whether they decide to undergo the process will be their choice. However, with this graduation class, I'm fairly confident all will say yes."

Does anyone else have any questions?"

Several scientists raised their hands. Dr. Dogon called on one of them.

After questions were completed and the team of scientists was dismissed, Yusei and Blake exited Lab #13 so they could talk. Lin accompanied them, but was far enough away that they could talk privately. The two men were outside, leaning against a railing.

"They really called out your apprentice, didn't they," Yusei asked.

"Wouldn't blame them," Blake said, in between cigarette puffs. "Sasha was always a hothead, even before the process. Since then, they've all stayed on their toes around her. Even my own squad within ERO has trouble dealing with her sometimes."

"Yeah. I heard," Yusei commented. "Well, as discussed during the briefing, Pangea Group has basically written us a blank check to make sure things don't go haywire again."

"I almost forgot that Hagan Panila and yourself had a lot riding on this, Yusei," Blake said.

"More than I care to admit. However, I know we can pull through."

"Somehow, you always do," Blake finished, putting out his cigarette.

He pulled out a small metal flask. Putting the cigarette butt into the flask, he checked his smart watch.

"I've got to go," Blake said.

"We'll talk later," Yusei told him.

Giving a small nod, Blake turned. Putting his cigarette flask into his coat's inner pocket, he walked off, leaving Yusei by himself.

"Dr. Dogon," Lin called out. "You've got a couple minutes before your next appointment. Might I suggest a quick break in your office?"

"Ah, yes. That sounds like a great idea," Yusei told his assistant. "Afterwards, we'll start fine-tuning the details for graduation. Make sure to take some time for yourself too."

"Of course."

Once back inside, Yusei and Lin walked back to Yusei's office suite.

After being given some water, Yusei walked into his corner office. Lin sat at her desk, which was situated outside his office.

Once inside, Yusei took a quick swig of water. Putting it down, he, next took a few deep breathes to calm himself. It'd been ten years since he'd taken on the job of Director. About half a decade later, he took on the role of Headmaster to oversee the newest generation of Pangea Academy students. Juggling both positions was a challenge, but thankfully, Yusei's life had always been a challenge since his visit to a particular cave in his youth.

As a director, he was given countless foreign samples by Pangea Group, the corporation overseeing activity on Pangea Island. At his fingertips were Dragon DNA, as well as other species that warranted further research.

Results were quick at first, since he was able to modify numerous dragon DNA and inject them into subjects. Eventually, research stagnated and the team wasn't making any progress. Pangea Group actually considered pulling the funding, going as far as threatening to install Dr. Hagan Panila, Yusei's own assistant as director; with Yusei becoming an Administrator.

Yusei was able to stave off their threats, and once again started producing results. Now, he was back in the driver seat; the finding of this rare, glowing dragon scale opened possibilities that were out of his reach just months before.

"Dr. Dogon? It's time," Lin's voice rang through his office phone.

Dr. Yusei Dogon stood up and steeled his resolve to show the world dragons existed. Gulping down the rest of his water, he left the office and out the door. He was whistling a jolly tune.