When Mulan woke up she felt different faster, Stronger, and her Chi grew five time her original capacity.
I watched her ride her horse to the her only to be kicked out . I don't like to waist my time so I flew towards the capital with remnis .
The capital was less impressive than Ever night worlds. I waited for a whole for the emperor to be captured. When I saw Mulan rushing to save the emperor. I told Remnis to stop the arrow .
The moment Remnis caught the arrow I teleported and caught Xianniang and landed near Mulan.
Tian Lei do you have Chi?
No I use something else now for and save the emperor. I'll take care of Xianniang focus on your mission go!!!.
She fought Bori Khan and Won . Down below Bori Khan shot an arrow at the emperor I watched as the emperor caught it and Mulan shot the arrow at his chest killing him.
After saving the emperor in the Throne room. I heard that Mulan bowing before the emperor by Xianniang.
Did the Phoenix forget to tell her that she isn't a regular mortal anymore. Remnis bring the Phoenix over .
Oww...stop your hurting me. Phoenix
I grabbed him and made my way inside the palace with a pissed look on my face.
Stop.... an intruder is entering the palace. a guard screamed.
Commander tong what's going on ? Stop whoever is causing trouble immediately. Emperor
Yes sir. Tong
I noticed Tong coming at me with a sword I pulled the sword in my hand and blasted him away with a weak punch .
Everyone crouched in a corner Mulan got ready for battle and the Emperor look at me with hatred.
Mulan why are you bowing to a mortal man can't you tell that your different not just by looking at me and Remnis do you think we are normal?
Mulan you brought this man to the court after you helped saved me how unhonorable.
I grew to my real height my God force shook the entire capital as it started to erupt like a volcano.
What's going on... Everyone started to Frick out .
Remnis teleported inside the court room and noticed how angry I was.
Brother calm down the mortals can't wistand your divine qi and please release the Phoenix we can still use it .
I calmed down and returned to my previous mortal appearance. Dark hair and brown eyes.
My apologies Everyone now Mulan you have been blessed by the Phoenix a divine beast a lot weaker my little brother .
You know Remnis the golden eagle right that's him . Now I want to tell you that one blessed by the gods should never lower themselves to mortals .
By the way I'm this place do you wish to see a different world I could grant immortality to your family if you did.
Tian Lei please go away I fought for the country and the Emperor not for glory and your forced immortality.
Mulan I don't like to make offers to people twice even though you helped me out . Do you remember how they treated you when they found out you where a girl and could use Chi.
Mulan mortals no matter how nice and good they might be to you they can flip anytime . I'm taking the Phoenix with me and xianniang you can stay and become a legendary warrior and get married happily ever after watching your parents and love one's die.
Xianniang appeared before me as remnis stayed in my right side she stood on my left and we walked out like we where never there.
Before I left I looked at the emperor and told him " Emperor you better give her a Honorable title she saved your fucking life you think making her a fucking royal guard isn't a joke ".
After that I left the palace and travel to the desert . In our animal form Two giant Eagles , one Hawk and a Phoenix flew above the desert.
Phoenix what's your name tell me now and I want something from you.
My name is Zolan my lord given to me by a Mysterious old man when I hatched over 5 thousand years ago.
Zoe I want your Divine beast bone I understood that you will lose a lot by doing so but I can help you become a Mystic divine beast the future if you give it to me willingly.