What A Beautiful Night

"What a boring night, but hey at least the stars are there" Renzia, a 22-year-old man laid on the clay bricks. Looking up to the sky, he watched the stars as it went by. Evidently, he found no enjoyment in being a guard over the walls. The chainmail and red gambeson limited his movement but he was able to put up with it.

His job was to overlook the outskirts of Farley City and protect the bustling and cosmopolitan city. Situated on a large island connecting with another village on the other edge of the island. Farley Island served as a trading hub in the nearby kingdoms. Surrounding the island were two continents, the Astral Continent and Australis Continent. The ruler of the island used their location as an advantage and gained money over it. Majority of the Merchant Ships entering in Farley were owned by the state.

The island was ruled by an independent Count. who possessed sovereignty over the island. Not bowing to any of the kingdoms in the two main continents. The current ruler Count Seif Agrasis had a focus on security and order in the island. With that Renzia joined the Farleyan Army in order to make a living.

It ultimately led to Renzia laying himself on the bricks. Fidgeting just so he could stave off his boredom. He repeatedly glanced at the sky. Focused on a white dot that was seemingly moving in the distance. He fell into trance looking at the stars.

Until someone patted him on the face. Annoyed, he looked up. "Hey what the fu- ah it's you".

It was his friend and his boss Anatolia Weissman who was the same age as him. He wore a red gambeson but he also owned an iron armor that he left behind in the armory. "Sleeping again? You'll get demoted if the count sees this. Luckily, I'm at least understanding"

He crouched down and sat on the floor. He also looked to the sky and saw the glowing dot growing closer. "Look at the sky, there is a falling star. i can't wait to see it fall. It's like we always did when we were kids."

"This is just the second time we have seen a falling star. But during that time the night was cloudy. Back then it was fast, although this one seems to move slower."

"Maybe every falling star is made differently, we don't even know what lies beyond the sky. There might be life, it might be the home of the gods. There are so many things we don't know about it."

"Yeah, I'm not that interested in the stars. I'm sure our other childhood friend would love it. Wherever she is."

"Urea? Oh, she is very enamored with the sky. It's because of her that I became interested in the first place. I guess she didn't have enough influence over you."

"Oh, I liked her as a friend I suppose- Wait, do you like her? hohoho this will be good"

"Oh, it's your antics again, I don't like her nor even showed any romantic feelings with one another. Our relationship is basically platonic Renzia!" He defended himself.

Doubtful, Renzia responded to him." Are you sure? I'm very certain you like her!"

"Look, just because I miss our friendship doesn't mean that I am romantically interested with our dear friend."

"Yeah, Alright I'm just messing with ya. I'm not going to go further because I know you'll stab me in the back once again." Bewildered pinched his cheek.

"Ack! you! Let go! Let go! Please I'm not going to kid over now!" He begged while laughing.

"Tsk, you want me to tell you your secret?" He said while making a smug smile.

"No way! don't tell that story to my other friends!"

"Hoho, I will if you stop fucking with me!" Anatolia said, while clenching his fists in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah alright" Renzia stopped his antics. He noticed that the glowing star was growing bigger and bigger. The sky was clear and the falling star could be seen in plain sight. Many of the soldiers garrisoned on the walls looked at the sky to witness the falling star.

The sky turned red and the meteor had the same glow. There were red dusts that had spread through the sky. The falling star went over Farley City. With a flash light illuminating the city for less than a second. Any person awake on the island was curious about the sudden flash of light. Patrolmen and citizens around the downtown were bewildered and frantically glanced at every direction. Those who were in a clear area looked to the sky in the direction of the falling star.

After the falling star passed over Farley. Red glowing dust snowed over the city. Renzia and Anatolia let the dust fall in their hands. They looked at it as it glowed a red hue.

The soldiers were surprised and amazed by the falling dust. They had never seen something like this before. The once tired and sleepy soldiers were now active. Spears owned by the soldiers were laying on the ground as they let it go from their hands. Some were enjoying the moment in peace and laughter.

But soon after the beautiful event, a catastrophe would happen. For now, it was calm and peaceful. No sign of any disaster that would occur at this once in a lifetime occasion.

Until a loud bang resounded in the air. A shockwave brought down a group of soldiers off the walls and fell. Windows shattered, houses toppled by the strong shockwave. Anatolia and Renzia were also knocked back but luckily managed to grapple and hold onto the ledge. Majority of those in the walls fell and became injured. Fracturing a bone from parts of their body. They screamed in pain once they landed on the ground. Both of their ears rang in pain.

Renzia found it hard to climb up. He struggled to lift himself up and was losing his grip. Fortunately, Anatolia was beside him and had lighter armor. He easily lifted himself out from the ledge.

He lent his hand to Renzia as he was starting to lose his grip. In a strike of a second, Renzia managed to grab Anatolia's hands. He then raised him out from the ledge. and sat on the floor.

"What the hell was that!"

Farley city fell into chaos. After the large bang many of the sleeping civilians in the city woke up abruptly. Families with babies were met with the wailing cries of a young baby. Broken glass struck the Folks sleeping nearby the window. Some even died from the incisions.

The patrolmen were in a daze. Scrambling around as the civilians decided to exit their homes. They tried to maintain order through the city. By then, the fear-stricken civilians crowded the streets. No one knew where to go and some already started kneeling. Those who knelt, held their hands praying to their goddess.

"Hail the Goddess Marcia, please protect us from the encroaching doom. Guide us into your haven..."

Anatolia received enough information to start moving. His role in the army was to be the commander of the Farleyan Army.

"Soldiers! Gather around!" He loudly commanded his troops on the wall. Many soldiers in the area gathered and ordered themselves in a square. Taking their stance, they proudly responded to their leader. "In your command!"

He keenly observed the soldiers. Some of them were injured but still willing to listen. Seeing this, Anatolia became impressed. After observing the situation, he tasked his men to aid in helping the citizens. "Men! Your task is to aid Farleyans. Go on!"

The soldiers scattered into the city. 'This is the first time I had to deal with this situation... I'm accustomed to warfare but not this. I hope my decision becomes useful.' He felt very doubtful from his decisions; Having no experience in dealing with natural disasters during his time as a commander.

On his own volition, Renzia joined in on the effort. He had no family in the city but he knew the people. He couldn't muster leaving them alone to deal with the pain.

He went on downstairs but abruptly stopped. Anatolia held his armor and stopped him from moving. "Where are you going?"

"Umm-Helping them? Isn't it my job?"

"Ah, Go on then. Hey! I'll be going to the city hall. I'll inform the Count about the situation at hand! There might be more orders in the future." Renzia went on to the city. Aiding those who were stuck in rubbles. The buildings near the walls were weak. Small and easily damaged. Near the walls, lie the poor residential district. It was dirty and putrid but many people consider it as a home. A large population of the affected were in the poor residential district.


Anatolia arrived at the city hall. The morning was near and the city was already in shambles. He entered the city hall expecting to meet the Count. Once he entered the building he was only met by the count's son, Anather Agrasis. "Ah! Commander Anatolia, I suppose you're here to meet my father! He's upstairs in the meeting room.