
After Albert left the house an hour later, Kyla spent the rest of the morning doing simple exercises. When she was done, she went to the bedroom and in the bathroom stripped to the essentials.

Drawn to the voices in the kitchen, she descended the stairs by quarter to one,

after checking to make sure Bobby hadn't been left in his playpen.

She was in the foyer when the doorbell rang. It was too early for Albert, who'd said he'll be making a quick stop at his office headquarters after he was done speaking with Maryann's doctor. Swiftly Kyla pulled the door open.

"You," she frowned. "If you've for trouble, be rest assured you'll find it. If you've come visiting I'm afraid, you Albert isn't home at the moment.

"Easy, tiger," Katie smirked. "I come in peace this time. I was actually hoping to speak with Albert during my visit today but the main reason I came over to see my godson."

"Your godson? Bobby?"

"Yes." Katie smiled.