
Her heel-covered feet loudly clip-clopped down the hall as they carried her closer to her destination.

This was a bad idea.

The worst.

And yet, she kept walking, closer and closer with no control over her body.

Her eyes focused on a closed door, and she stood there a moment, lifting a hand, then hesitating. Licking her lips and trying again, she shut her eyes tightly as she put her knuckle to the cool wood and knocked.

The door flew open immediately, into an endless darkness and deep groaning of souls lost.

"Kyla!!!!" one of the voices cried. She knew that voice. But why was she hearing it? Her breathing became difficult.

"Mom?" She called out to the darkness, taking a step closer.

There was panting, wailing cries from a voice she now believed to be her mother's, the grunts and moans, the sobbing... and then silence. From the darkness a skeleton lurched at her suddenly.