
Crushed rocks pinged the undercarriage of Kyla's car as she drove into the driveway of the Fifth Emril's home. Shielded by six-foot shrubs, the two-story brown house which was left to him by his late wife, sat back from the road.

She said a silent prayer, asking at the last minute that by some miracle he may be at home to receive her, then exited the car. She needed to have a talk with him today. According to her belief, he was the wisest amongst the Emril's and hence always had a better understanding of things.

She got to the front door and knocked, waiting patiently for two minutes before a man answered the door. "Isak, hi," she greeted. 

"General Odin," His eagle eyes probed her face. 

"I need to speak with the Emril, urgently. Is he in?" She asked.

"Yes he is but he has been turning back visitors all week. He's a little ill and I don't think--"