One twenty six

The hairstylist made sure to carefully remove the black smock off the smiling baby on her leg and sweeps the round, horsehair brush over the back of his neck to remove any last clippings, all the while chomping on her gum. Based on the clumps of hair pooled around the chair, the child came in with at least two inches more hair than he's leaving with, his new style cropped short. "I'm done, madam. See how good-looking your baby looks."

Maryann folded up the fashion magazine she'd been reading and approached the woman. Her soft green eyes studied Bobby's new look with intense interest, the look in them one of happy surprise. "You're right. He's just as good-looking as his dad." 

She collected her child and cooed, "Aren't you so cute? Just like your dad, my love. You are so handsome." she dropped light kisses on a giggling Bobby. 

"He's very well behaved too." the stylist complimented. "He wasn't fussing or turning like most children his age would."