One thirty two

Henson was busy replacing a busted kitchen pipe when a Molotov went through the window of his front room. He was still trying to figure out what was going on when another went through the kitchen window. 

He scurried out from under the sink, heartbeat racing as he took in the chaos around him. He ran to the front room, attempting to use the door but was stopped by the hot flames that were slowly eating up his pieces of furniture. Retracting his steps, he made a play for the screen glass at the back. Somehow, a Molotov had gone through that as well, causing fire to block that path as well.

He cried for help. But the voices of an angry mob and the sounds of broken glasses as the Molotov kept on coming, drowned out his pleas for help. The smoke got rather intense, making it very difficult for him to breathe. He ran upstairs to his bedroom, then made a play for the bathroom, when another Molotov came in through his window.