The Dungeons

As soon as they entered Professor McGonagall's office, the two children jolted when the door slammed close. Even from afar, the elegant Transfiguration professor looked ready to curse both of them or even worse, give them detention.


Sirius was stopped as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What were you thinking, stunning your own housemate Mr. Black?" She started, her voice rising in volume and pitch since she was annoyed, "And what were you thinking, letting him do it, Ms. Molley?"

Ophelia's eyes widened before she linked her arms in front of her, as she learned in the orphanage during a scolding. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Sirius frowning and avoiding looking at his classmate. From McGonagall's point of view, Sirius was at fault and he will probably get the punishment which in return will bring no benefit to their house's teamwork.

"Professor, it wasn't his fault. I couldn't wake up and that voice-" She stopped, still hearing the faint traces of it.

That simple, unfinished sentence made a big difference in the whole situation. Black looked at Ophelia with a mixture of offence and at the same time, surprise. Whether she was telling the truth or she was lying to cover up for him, it wasn't making him feel any better.

"B1lack, you can go back for now. You will receive your punishment soon. Molley, wait here,"

Professor McGonagall opened the door and waited for Sirius to walk out before she followed closely. Standing all alone in the office, Ophelia couldn't help but think she shouldn't have spoken about the voice. Moreover, she's been feeling very strange as of late and more and more things were growing blurry in her mind.

Since McGonagall seemed to take a while, Ophelia took the freedom of walking around the room, looking here and there but not touching anything. Finding nothing entertaining, she moved towards the fireplace and sighed. The flames were dancing together, entangling the red and yellow into an embrace of colors. It looked pretty and relaxing, even going as far as inviting. Ophelia bent in front of the fireplace and reached out to touch the flames, her green eyes looking like they were made of glass.

The door suddenly slammed shut and the girl retracted her hand quickly, jumping on her feet and spinning around to meet her professor. Unlike the stern woman she was waiting for, Ophelia met the cold blue eyes of Luce Spinnard. He didn't look happy to be there and it was obvious she wasn't happy to see him either.

"I wasn't expecting you, professor, to come and have a normal chat with me," She started before she realized there might have been a second option to his arrival, "Are you here to punish me for being stunned?"

"No. I'm not here to deliver any punishments, to my disappointment." He spoke, his tone just as venomous as ever.

The cold professor stared into her eyes for a few long minutes, making Ophelia feel exposed in front of him. It happened before but it didn't send a chill down her spine, like now. Spinnard took a few steps towards her but for some reason she decided not to back off. The dark wizard chuckled and stopped in front of her before he grabbed her face between his hands and forced her to look into his eyes.

If she was exposed before, she was opening up her mind in front of him at the moment and she couldn't stop. Every memory she had, recent or incredibly old, came back to her and unfolded once more before Spinnard's eyes. He was seeking for something, for that piece of information he wanted and he found it easily.

"You and I, we're the same, Ophelia. We belong to a world far above what usual people can see. We have magic; old, strong magic and we can do wonders with it. You just have to trust me."

She did. Spinnard could sense it, she wasn't hiding this deep rooted respect and admiration she held for this man. Tom has reached her already and she was ready to bend and break at his desire.

Ophelia's mind was buzzing and Spinnard was not letting her go anytime soon. For her, those memories were far more important than anything else so she had to protect them in order to continue cherishing them. Thus, she fought back and for a moment, she could feel someone giving her a nudge into Spinnard's mind.

"Now that your loyal puppy is here, I should be going. But don't forget my proposition, Luce. We both know your talents are high above anyone at Hogwarts."

"Why did you come then? My skills cannot aid you anymore, Tom. You took care of it yourself, it seems." Luce spoke nonchalantly, which surprisingly only amused Tom.

"You still owe me a favor, Luce. Nott was ready to kill you when I stopped him. I knew you're too precious to be killed just yet."

"Kill the woman and bring me her child."

She saw more than he was ready to show and quickly let her go. Spinnard's eyes widened at the particular memories she discovered but not as shocked as she was.

"That man from your memories," Ophelia started, her right hand massaging her chest while the other was griping the fireplace tightly in order to keep her balance.

"You have seen that man, haven't you? He came to you; he lured you straight into his nest." Spinnard continued but she didn't seem to have the same bad opinion.

"That man, is that Tom?" She asked, "You killed a woman?" She exclaimed, that fresh memory dawning onto her. "You killed a muggle?"

"She wasn't a muggle!" Spinnard snapped, drawing his wand and pointing it at his student, "The man from my memories and the man you hold so close to your heart, they're one and the same. Coming to Hogwarts was mistake, you being alive is a mistake that Dumbledore took responsibility of. But not me. Your dear father will kill us all and you will open the doors for him." Spinnard hissed, his blue eyes glaring at her with so much hatred that Ophelia felt genuine fear crawl up her back.

"That's enough, Luce!"

Dumbledore's intrusion was too late. Spinnard has already told her too much and the kernel of doubt was already planted in her subconscious.

Once Spinnard left, very angry and still glaring at everyone around him, Dumbledore invited Ophelia to sit. The girl glanced at the door before she turned to the man that helped her when she most needed it. It was either believing Spinnard's memories or believing Dumbledore.

"Ophelia, how do you feel?" Dumbledore asked nonchalantly.

"Doubtful," She answered bluntly, sitting across him, "I can't forget what I saw in his mind." Ophelia added quickly.

"I know, that's why I won't advise you to forget any of it. But I want to clarify your most impetuous curiosity."

Dumbledore's comforting words were just as good as before, making Ophelia feel safe and open up to him.

"Professor Spinnard and this Tom, they hated each other?"

Dumbledore's eyes widened with bemusement.

"No. Professor Spinnard has always been, as I'm sure you have felt, a good Legilimens. He navigated through the depths of your mind in search of a curiosity he had for a long time now."

"My father. He wanted to know if I met my father."

Dumbledore nodded, a soft smile spreading on his lips.

"Indeed. Professor Spinnard has never liked interacting with people in general but Tom was a different case. If anything, Luce admired Tom's gifts." The headmaster continued calmly.

Dumbledore was avoiding the main problem and Ophelia was aware of it. He never said anything about Tom, who was the main character in Spinnard's memories.

"Why does he hate me so much?" Ophelia asked the dreaded question.

"He doesn't. I would be most thankful if you could do me a favor, Ophelia. Trust professor Spinnard and continue your lessons with him. If you can, help him move on." He said before he gave her something.

Ophelia looked down and saw a candy. She was confused but Dumbledore's comforting smile told her she should keep her thoughts to herself.


Walking back to the common room, Ophelia couldn't think of anything but Spinnard's memories. He definitely found what he was searching for, which automatically meant she had met her father sometimes along the way but didn't recognize him. He was spiteful and angry beyond imagination and she couldn't figure out why. Spinnard killed a woman and he seemed very submissive as a teenager so what gave him the right to act so rude to everyone?

When Ophelia entered the warmth of the common room, she smiled unconsciously. Everything was fine as long as she had this room to come back to. It was safer than Dumbledore, really, and she was growing fond of it more and more.

"Molley, you're back."

It looked so silent and empty that she didn't check if anyone was really there. She didn't expect Sirius that was for sure.

 He took a deep sigh before, more or less convincing, he started,

"I'm sorry for using an offensive spell on an empty handed, absent minded housemate."

"Is that what Professor McGonagall instructed you to say to me?" She asked, a glint of amusement shining in her eyes.

"More or less, yes." He answered swiftly, "Now that I'm done, I'll just go."

For Sirius to go up into his room, he had to pass her. Once he did, Ophelia grabbed his wrist, surprising both of them.

"Who won the most points today?" She asked, changing the subject altogether.

"Slytherins." He sneered before retreating for the night.

Next morning, breakfast was forgotten as most Gryffindors decided they should take the bull by the horns and bend some rules.

"So, listen to me. I have discovered a secret door behind the gargoyle on the fifth floor. We'll have the same coverage as before but they added the Great Hall to it. If anyone finds any secret compartment, write it down. Have I made myself clear?"

Even if it sounded a lot like James Potter, it was actually the idea of a fourth year student named Charlie. It was a bit difficult to understand what he was saying because he had a very, very thick Scottish accent; moreover, he was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Why is he making plans for every year?" Cissney asked Remus who looked just as confused.

"Slytherins won everything yesterday so I think he's taking it personally." Potter explained before he turned to Ophelia and Sirius, "Let's not get stunned or get detention, alright?" 

The two culprits scoffed but nodded nonetheless.

"Is there someone into the dungeons? I don't think anyone went down there yesterday."

"That's because Slytherins were guarding it like a treasure was hidden there," Sirius mumbled, scowling at the impertinence of Slytherins.

"Alright. Then, try to spread more through the castle since most of the years are outside anyway. If you see an older student help first years, attack." Charlie said in all seriousness before a girl smacked him in the head.

"Don't attack. Inform Professor McGonagall. Let's go Charlie, we're having the Quidditch grounds today." She mumbled, dragging the fourth year outside.

"I feel like we won't find many eggs today," Cissney mumbled, the competitive spirit leaving her after yesterday's failure.

"We should go into the dungeons. I'm sure there's a lot of eggs there." Ophelia came up with that idea but there was a small problem with it.

"But what if those eggs will require us to make potions?" Lily asked, knowing she hit the right spot.

"Then you go down there Lily. Professor Slughorn adores you." Cissney said with a wide smile.

"Slytherins, though…" Alice added quickly, draining the small quantity of optimism that was left in Cissney.

"I'll go with her. I'm good at DADA and I can distract Slytherins by being there."

The three girls looked at each other worriedly before they all turned to Ophelia and leaned in.

"They will skin you alive." Cissney whispered, widening her eyes in horror.

"I doubt that."

"They will," All three of them answered in sync.

"We're first years, what can they do. It's not like they already mastered the three deadly curses at the age of 5." Ophelia mumbled, annoyed that people were thinking too highly of Slytherins.

That was probably the only reason she insisted to search the dungeons with Lily. Once they walked down the stairs, they met an intense atmosphere but not one student.

"I hope we won't find eggs about potions." Lily muttered.

"I only hope we find something." Ophelia added, feeling unsatisfied with her findings so far, "Let's check the Potions classroom first and just go from there. There are some old and dusty classrooms that might have secret compartments."

Lily nodded and they set on the classroom.

As soon as they entered, they found Willy. Ophelia's eyes widened and she took a long look around, expecting someone to jump at them. Nothing happened and Willy only stayed on his spot.

"I believe he's guarding a cauldron. An egg is in there for sure." Lily mumbled, getting closer to the owl. She was ready to pat him when Ophelia pulled her back.

"He bites. Willy is very loyal and for some reason, he enjoys staying in dark spaces."

Lily frowned, "Has he been here for the majority of the year?"

Ophelia shrugged, not sure about that but he definitely spent some time in there.

Slowly, very slowly, Ophelia walked closer to her owl and reach towards him. Willy looked at her hand before he looked into her eyes. There was some kind of understanding between the master and her owl because Willy moved aside, leaving her take the silver egg.

"We've got one," Ophelia said smugly before pointing it at Lily.

"Alohomora," The red haired girl whispered and the egg split in two, "Is it a potion?" Lily asked seeing how there was a piece of parchment inside.

Ophelia sighed and put the egg on the table.

"Even worse. We have to make the Forgetfulness Potion."

The two girls sighed heavily before Lily grabbed the cauldron they found the egg in and rolled up her sleeves, getting ready to work.

While Lily was patiently working on the potion, Ophelia had nothing to do. In the end, she decided she might as well search for another egg nearby. As soon as she closed the door behind herself, she came face to face with Nott.

"This must be my lucky day. I need a partner for a duel and you will do it." Nott gleamed with pride as he dragged her after him, in a dusty classroom.

"We haven't learned how to duel yet." She tried to reason but Nott scoffed.

"Not a mudblood like you but I come from a proud lineage, Molley. I learned dark arts from a very young age."

"5, I suppose," She said sarcastically, pissing him off.

Nott pushed her against a desk before drawing his wand out and taking an offensive stance. He definitely knew what he was doing, unlike her.

"This is not my lucky day," Ophelia mumbled, drawing her wand just in case. Right about now, she hoped Spinnard's lesson could come in handy.

"Expeliarmus!" Nott screamed, throwing Ophelia's wand aside. The Slytherin chuckled darkly before muttering, "Stupefy,"

Just like 24 hours ago, Ophelia was thrown against the floor, her back hurting quite a bit.

"You're really an easy target, Molley," Nott boasted, feeling happier to see her at his feet than to actually find the next clue. He had to win a duel in order to find the clue and finding her was a good sign.

Unfortunately, Ophelia's sparkles were making control hard, especially with her heart beating so fast. Nott was ready to attack once again when she rolled towards the window and whispered.

"Accio wand," She whispered.

Slowly, very slowly, the wand moved towards the girl. Nott noticed it and stepped over it, making it impossible to reach it.

Ophelia sighed, quite disappointed that Spinnard never thought about teaching her how to duel. The green eyed witch looked up at Nott's grinning face and prepared herself for another curse. She could see him speak it and it sounded a lot like Crucio. Ophelia shielded her face with her hands but nothing happened. She looked up and saw Nott spread in a corner, having spasms. 

"Was it me?" She asked herself, looking at her hands. The blue sparkles were jolting from her fingers but it didn't look strong enough.

There it was that voice she heard before. It sounded very familiar but it was still too soft to recognize it. Warily, Ophelia walked to the Slytherin and searched for his egg. She didn't find it but she did find the parchment that said Nott had to win a duel. Since he definitely didn't win, she grabbed it and waited for the clue. It was a riddle and both the duel and riddle valued 100 points.

"What is so delicate that when you say its name, it is broken?" Ophelia read out loud.

The brunette thought hard about it, even paced around hoping she will stumble against the answer. On the other side, she was curious if Lily finished the potion so they could get another riddle and finally earn some points.

While still on the floor, Nott tried to raise but groaned at the pain.

"Can't Slytherins be silent even when they're hurt?" She mumbled annoyed. Her eyes widened when she finally understood what it meant. "Silence. The answer is silence." She told the parchment. A silver 'correct' appeared in the place of the riddle and the parchment became dust.

Content with her result, she went back into the Potions classroom only to find a Slytherin with her wand pointed at Lily.

"Give me the potion nicely or I can use the hard way." She threatened but Lily didn't look ready to give up. "Move, mudblood!"

If that was how Slytherins earned so many points already, Ophelia felt even better for taking the egg from Nott. Seeing how impatient was that girl, Ophelia made a bit of noise to draw her attention. Lily was fast enough to finish and grab the parchment before defending herself.

"Expeliarmus!" Lily screamed before running to the door.

The Slytherin girl was ready to curse the two Gryffindors but Willy flied and scratched her hands.

Lily and Ophelia ran out and eventually stopped near another dusty classroom.

"What's the riddle?" Ophelia asked in a hurry.

"If you have it, you want to share it but once you share it, you no longer have it." Lily read.

Ophelia frowned and read the riddle once more in her mind. Willy was guarding a riddle with an easy answer yet significant.

"A secret," Ophelia gave the answer, feeling guilty yet not having a real reason for that.

Just like before, the parchment became dust after telling them they were correct. Lily looked happy but something was off with the path the Scavenger Hunt was taking.