
London of the year 1972 was a city that offered its inhabitants safety and elegance but there were still dark corners and alleys were one would only hope not to pass through.

The street lights never really worked on that particular street. Every man and woman would look twice over their shoulder, just in case a shadow would follow them into the night.

A man in a worn out cloak walked down that same street, assured that nothing could happen to him. That didn't mean he wasn't careful of the world around him, especially since he has lived enough and seen enough to know that the world was not safe or friendly.

His eyes were watching everything, scanning every building just in case he had to hide. A wizard walking at night through a bad neighborhood could spark a muggle's interest, especially with the way he seemed to carry something important. He didn't want to get robbed and have to use magic; he'd rather run and hide.

But no one was on the street at that hour. It was a quarter past midnight and the only form on the street besides him was his shadow, creeping along.

The street lamps were working poorly and at some point became completely dark but that was fine; he arrived at his destination.

From outside, it didn't quirk any suspicion but once he entered, the wizard asked himself if his curiosity was not a bit dangerous at times. The inside was in a poor condition with cobwebs at every corner, a thick smell of rust and mold coming from the bar. Scrunching his nose in disgust, the wizard let his eyes scan the inside as he pulled his cloak off his head.

The bartender was busy cleaning his bar, which was quite an irony since it looked like it hasn't been cleaned in a very long time. The ragged old man looked up once someone new walked inside his home and workplace and cracked a sly smile.

"Oy, enter, enter! Are ya he'e for a bit of fun? Ya'r too early." The bartender said in a strange accent.

The wizard raised an eyebrow and walked further inside yet not towards the bar but in search for someone.

"It's alright, Sage," The soft voice of Albus Dumbledore echoed through the room, "A cup of tea will be enough."

The bartender's expression immediately fell into a more respectable one and nodded. The wizard scoffed as he made his way towards the old man and sat across him.

"You never cease to surprise me with your tastes, Dumbledore." He started sarcastically, not having the need to get comfortable in such a place.

Dumbledore chuckled softly seeing how the young wizard was feeling so trapped already.

"There was a time young wizards like you would meet in here and discuss the problems that arose. Back then, it was also a hiding spot for many of our kind." Dumbledore explained but it didn't seem to impress the young wizard at all.

"Are you giving me a lecture? I know my history. Why are we meeting in the first place?"

Dumbledore's whole behavior seemed to have fallen into seriousness and even his usual joyful blue eyes darkened.

"There are terrible times coming, Luce, terrible indeed. I need your help in order to avoid it happening."

Luce Spinnard was a smart man but he hoped he wouldn't have to speak about that again.

"What makes you so sure that something terrible will indeed come? What do you know, Dumbledore?" The blue eyed wizard asked suspiciously.

But the headmaster didn't seem to register his question because he had something far more important to discuss at the moment.

"It would be best for you to resume your position as a professor."

"For who? Me or that little offspring Gaunt?" Luce scowled angrily, his blue eyes becoming more prominent since he was boiling inside, "In case you have forgotten, I hate crowds and-"

"It would be best for you, Luce. If Tom has already reached his daughter then he has already seen you. He asked you for a favor before, he admired your legilimency and he will definitely approve your influence."

"I am the best candidate, aren't I?"

Dumbledore sighed, though not to make the angry man in front of him even angrier. There were so many things that he was keeping away from him but with the loyalty that Luce showed in the past for the dark arts and Tom, it was impossible to let him know.

"There are very few people in whom I can trust with Ophelia. Her mother did not want her to meet Tom, ever and even if I do not know the reasons, I trust her judgement." Dumbledore explained as vaguely as possible.

"I'm not Peverell. I don't care what Lillian wanted." Spinnard said coldly, leaning back and folding his arms in front of his chest.

Dumbledore nodded, agreeing with the younger wizard. Spinnard was far from what Peverell used to be and even though the two were close friends during school, their friendship just vanished when they took different paths in life.

The atmosphere between the two was so tense that the bartender, Sage, chose the moment to bring their teas. As he left, Spinnard felt something move around his feet. It was a strange feeling so he quickly grabbed whatever was there and put it on the table. Maybe Spinnard wouldn't have been so mad if it wasn't for Dumbledore's welcoming smile.

"What is this? Using one of your friends?"

Dumbledore's smile only widened and eyes brightened once again.

"Not mine, yours. This black kitten has a familiar pair of blue eyes, doesn't he?"

Urged by the elder, Spinnard looked closely at the black ball of fur. Something about the way they seemed to dance with mischievousness while at the same time look so strict was indeed familiar. Actually, he hasn't seen that mix of emotions in a very long time and he wasn't sure he'd like to see them again.

The kitten straightened his posture and tilted his head to the side, keeping those round eyes on the human. Spinnard felt his blood pressure rise as memories of his friend surfaced.

"He wasn't an animagus." Luce said confidently.

"He's not an animagus but an old friend." Dumbledore explained softly.

Spinnard's eyes widened, still not believing how their conversation came to such a conclusion.

"I do not know how or when exactly it happened but this friend will help you recognize bits of Lillian in her daughter. I'm sure he agrees that you two working together will bring great results." As Dumbledore said that, the kitten nodded vigorously, understand every word exchanged between the two humans.

Spinnard sighed heavily. He hated getting dragged into another's affairs.


"Ophelia, honey, aunt Lucy is here!" Gloria Molley screamed upstairs.

Not long after, Ophelia was running down the stairs, jumping right in the awaiting arms of her aunt Lucille.

"I thought you're coming next week!"

"I was but then I heard that you start school next week and won't be back until Christmas." Lucille answered, hugging tightly her favorite and only niece.

Since Lucy would often bring stuff over, either food or gifts she bought from antique stores abroad, Ophelia's eyes took a long look around the living room. There was a box, elegant and maybe a bit fancy and she was curious if there was cake inside.

"Lucy! Glad you could come so fast," Lucille's brother, Richard, said as he walked inside the room. His eyes found the box just as quickly as his daughter and licked his lips.

"Come on. Let's hide the cake before your father eats it all," Lucy joked taking the box and going into the kitchen while her brother complained in the back.

"I'm telling you, this new case is amazing. We found this lady collapsed in her house with nothing missing. The doors and windows were closed from the inside and it doesn't look like someone has been in there or picked the lock. But what was truly incredible was her corpse." Richard started, his eyes widening at the memory, "Her eyes were wide open and she looks like she just fell dead. Doc Everstone is still in awe how such a healthy woman could simply die."

"Dear, we're having dinner now. Can you wait for-"

Gloria tried but Richard was very excited of his story.

"No one dies out of nowhere. People don't just fall like rocks." Lucy commented, laughing at her brother's sudden expression. He was just like a child.

But while her family was discussing, Ophelia felt dizzy. The voices around her became blurry and soon enough they sounded so far that she could barely hear them anymore. Instead, she found herself in the square, a while ago from the looks of it and the clothes people had. It must have been mid-day with how crowded it was. Ophelia looked around until her attention fell on a familiar face: Spinnard's. He was younger and more relaxed than she knew him to be, at least that was how he looked. Following his line of sight, Ophelia noticed who he was staring at: a woman dressed in a long velvet dress taken from a century ago with a matching hat. They were looking at each other; she saw him yet didn't move.


Suddenly, the image became dizzy and she heard many people scream at once. The image cleared up and she found herself closer. At her feet was lying the woman in velvet, her eyes wide open and still breathing.

"It's alright! I'm a doctor!"

Spinnard sneaked through the crowd and bent next to the woman. He hid his wand before taking from his pocket a small bottle with grey substance.

"It's alright. She will be well attended." Spinnard mumbled as he forced the woman to drink the potion.

Ophelia's eyes widened while the woman's closed. Whatever that potion was, it didn't look like it killed her but it definitely helped. Once the crowd dispersed a bit, Spinnard drew his wand enough for the tip to show and whispered something. She couldn't hear what he said but she noticed the bump the woman had and the way it became smaller while Spinnard was whispering.

[End of Dreamstate]

"Ophelia? Are you alright?"

Ophelia blinked and she was back in the kitchen, having dinner with her parents and aunt. Lucille had her arm on Ophelia's back, rubbing gently for some reason.

"You suddenly started to cough and for a moment it looked like you were suffocating." Lucille added, watching her niece worriedly.

"It's fine. It's fine." She repeated, having a strange taste in her mouth, "Where are mum and dad?"

Lucille chuckled before she pointed at the living room.

"Your father wants to do the dishes but your mum doesn't trust him. I think they're making up though. It takes them quite a lot to bring the cake."

Ophelia chuckled yet still couldn't shake off the sudden things she saw. It was as if she has been dragged inside her mind and shown details about Spinnard's memories.

Of course, that happened before but she was asleep. For the past three months, Ophelia's been having only dreams about Spinnard, her mum and a peculiar redhead man that seemed to like messing around.

After dinner, her parents decided they should have a more intense chat while Lucy had to leave. Ophelia found herself in her room, looking at Willy with melancholy.

"Do you think he's out there, watching?" She asked her owl, "Do you know where he is?"

Willy didn't move an inch.

"Can you find him?" She asked again, pulling her knees close to her chest, "I'd like to see him again. It doesn't matter who he is."

At that moment, it looked like the owl sighed. It strangely seemed like he wanted to do it, go and look after that man, after Tom but he wasn't so sure that would help.

In the end, Ophelia fell asleep while waiting for Tom to reach out to her again.