It took them over an hour to get done and all the while Syin was browsing through his soul to identity the course of such drearyness and at this point the was no fruitful progress.He had thought for so long with eyes closed that when he opened they were red.But not the mostrous red ,but the one like you have too much to handle and you body can't cope at all.Like someone woke from a deep sleep and assigned you a task that your current physical state can't withstand.The only difference, the thing that was require to withstand the heavyness was not his physical state but rather his emotional state.So how does one force themselves to appear motivated when they are so emotional tired.Would it make better sense if he cried instead and he threw tantrums not to just wake and have his body decide that it is going to feel this way .
Anyway as he opened up the eyes, he heard two young wolves who were gathering up supplies quarrelling and pushing each other like children.He wanted to scold them for being too playful but instead they reminded him of Ryle s mischief. Even though Ryle and Syin seem like the perfect synchronized team, behind the scenes, Syin would occasionally scold Ryle for sleeping too long in random places and for always running into the forest without telling him. The issue was that he was adopting Valian s juvenile behavior and that pissed Syin off more than anything.Like if Ryle was going to copy anyone, why does it have to Valian, the author of the book of chaos.
Anyway, even though Syin doesn't want to believe it,Ryle is Syin s best description of a creature perfected by the heavens made by the Gods.Otherwise why is the only wolf that ever touched Syin s brush being Ryle .A MaoBi is not to be touched by anyone except the person it was crafted for.Not even parents or holy descendants or soulmates.So when Ryle was in Syin s room he had touched his brush and played with it drawing leaves on expensive paper.He had gone there to call Syin because his father wanted him and he knew that the only one Syin would listen to is Ryle.When he got there ,there was no one in the room and he saw the brush on the table and he just thought it was a casual component of the Wen Fang Si Bao.
After all it was on the table with all the other components.He walked over there and decided to wait for Syin to come from wherever he is, by painting. After he had completed only two horribly done paintings, Syin walked into the room because some careless somebody had left the door open.As he walked in he heard a paper being flipped.Instantly his eyes followed the sound and he saw Ryle sitting cross-legged and touching his brush.Syin wanted to yell at him. He opened his mouth to bark at him but lost his will when remembered that Ryle is just a child.Afterall what damage could it do.He guilted himself over this because not even Yevana had touched his brush and Yevana is the only person he considers alike to God..
He exhaled and just then Joln announced that they were done.He could see that Syin was not handling well whatever storm was going inside..
With that the wolves each started walking ahead.Joln walked over to Syin and placed his arm on his shoulder
Syin removed his head which he had been supporting on his palm.He looked to Joln.Both of them acknowledged that Syin was too preoccupied by his thoughts to actually hear Joln..
Syin returned to his original position and continued staring into outer space.
"He will understand" he remarked earning himself a look of disbelief from Syin.
Valian ,Syin and Joln have been known to be friends in the alpha kingdom.They were great allies as they grew up together.Every task they were assigned they did together or not at all.They are still together yes but the bond they used to share when they were younger is a entity inscribed in history.That being that means that these three were the only ones who can give each other advice.The only thing is that they prevents them from doing so is because of the distance that exists between them.The distance that was created by Syin and Valian s sudden not-getting-along.They are the perfect example of that when a glass breaks and is put together, it can never be the same.So right now,Joln is the only thing keeping them together but as of lately, as of the presence and significance of Ryle and Yevana in Syin s life, this has proven to be a near difficult task.Basically Joln is trying to float a sinking ship.And he is starting to give up and just stick up for them individually.
Anyway,after he said this Joln just walked away.Yes it's true that Syin is eighty percent worried about Ryle but it's the remaining twenty percent that he doesn't understand why it is causing him be so much drained not to mention that the twenty percent seems to weigh much more greater.
Syin could not continue the internal debate so he better just leave.
He walked away from where he is and followed behind the group of wolves that were already ahead.As he walked his feet were so terribly heavy not to mention feeling sollwen.He can't comprehend why on earth he feels so sluggish.
Joln could see in clear lime light that his friend is holding the bitter end of the knife and was getting cut bratully.If only he would let him carry the burden.But then again it hurt so much to see his friend hurt so much when he could rely on him.This is just a sign that Joln no longer has the same significance in Syin s life . How could someone so meagre as Ryle have such an impact on Syin.Joln was over the moon when Syin left Ryle.He had been praying to Heaven that he could have time without that pest.He finally got that only to see that if Ryle is not by Syin s side , he would linger in his mind.
This thought just made him angrier and he boiled so much.The sympathy he was dressed in suddenly evaporated into the air.
As for Syin with every step his feet were getting weaker and weaker and so was his ability to go on.
Something is definitely can Syin be so weak..
He stood up on impulse and headed towards the moaning .
As soon as he was on his feet, the pain and strain that he felt before he passed out was all vanquished.He felt quite normal.He wasn't at all shocked or unshocked by his state of condition, it's like he knew he was going to feel like this eventually but just not this soon.
Besides it's not a bad thing to recover so quickly afterall.
He ran at a steady pace towards the human moan.The more he got close, the more he realized that the moans were actually soft cries.The more he listened, the more those cries metamorphoed into angular wails.He first thought that it was Reed or Valian but this cry is too gentle, too innocent,too feminine!!
He was right.
A young woman laid on the stem of the tree crying and almost like she was out if breath.She was kneeling down on all her fours and displayed all her vulnerability.She appeared like a low class woman regarding the condition of her DuanDa..Her clothes were a bit tattered even under the light of the night.
He moved closer to her and dropped his velocity slowly but most definitely.When he was about ten feet that is when he became most certain that she is off a lower class.He could smell burnt grease from all the way he was standing.
He took step by step towards her and she didn't even raise her head.He was about to call to her and reasilsed that she might probably be an illusion and if that is the case then she could harm him.
Afterall why would a woman be crying in the middle of the forest so late at night..
He hesitated to move closer to her and thought of retreating and as he took a step backwards,he then thought of a guileful tactic..