Mlya gawked towards Ryle and he screamed for Joln who quickly responded by turning and jumping towards him.
The medium sized stairs were a cake walk for him because within just three seconds he had already held Ryle before he was inches from having his cranium pop open due to the edge .
The perks of being an alpha awarded great speed and acrobatics so he leaped from where he was and caught Ryle.
He clasped onto his upper body first and he managed to fly swiftly to the top of the stairs.The instant his arm cushioned Ryle s upper body, his arm was already browsing for a point where Joln would be able to hold onto Ryle properly. That was no hassle because he managed to fly to the tops of the stairs with both their weights.How ever he held him was effective, the next move would have been quite difficult to accomplish. At the instant his feet touched the cemented floor, he pirouetted with Ryle in his arms.The spinning was to offer himself stability and to move a little bit from the edge of the stairs.
So right now his back was to the garden behind them, however for a ill-founded conclusion, it seems as if that was the perfect way things should evolve.His coat hugged onto both his body and a little onto Ryle because of the spinning..
As he was faced to the door,he subconsciously turned around and the slight small clues of light tapped Ryle s face , helping to disclose the signs that were intially not revealed.
The condition of his entire body was visible at how periodically deteriorating his health it was for Ryle as he wielded Syin s sword .As Ryle s face rested on his chest , his frail body was completely in Joln s arms..Joln doesn't know when or why he looked down but he did.And by the looks of things he might be trapped.His intention was to not glimpse at Ryle but now it's quite undeniable that it appears as if it's a goal he had been longing desperately to complete.The way he held Ryle s body supported this because the arm that was looking for a holding point managed to find its way under to under the backs of Ryle s knees.
Ryle was like a little child in his arms. He looked so vulnerable, so delicate , so beautiful....
He felt like he was carrying diamonds and as he descended the stairs he looked ahead and for some particular reason he looked like he was carrying what belonged to him..
But that is contradictory because he hates Ryle with all his being..Then if that is the case then why does holding Ryle like this feel right?
Anyway by default, he saw that Ryle s forehead was saturated with perspiration and his skin was very pale..
The hints of the sun raising were starting to be distinct.And for some apparent reason there was a smell of burning grass and tiles in the air accompanying them..
Myla turned from looming over Syin and noticed Joln carrying Ryle with Ryle s head resting on the left side of his chest, which is directly over his heart..
He saw Joln look down to the lotus in his embrace and just at that split second he deduced that Joln more than just looked at Ryle because in that moment in time , it's like the world around them didn't exist and all that was there was just the two of them.
Despite him hating Ryle from the depths of the earth, he can't deny that all that loathing had been replaced by something completely different otherwise what reasonable thing could be said to justify this
He walked carefully down the stairs, taking his time because he doesn't want to drop what he held in his hands.
As Joln stopped at the bottom of the stairs, he continued to look deeply at Ryle.What was going through Joln s mind? What does he think looking at his 'enemy' laying unconscious in his arms? Is there a possibility that he...
Both Mlya and Joln looked at the direction of the noise
What had just fell in the pond??
They just gawked and just as Mlya was getting edgy and preparing to fight , a log floated to the surface of the pond.
Joln dismissed this and journeyed towards Mlya. He passed him and headed towards the meditation place..
He entered the place and laid Ryle down on the floor.As he lowered him down he tried his best to be really gentle.He placed his head down with both his hands after first letting his body sleep on the floor...
"Joln, something is burning", called Mlya.He drew Joln s attention to the air.
Joln looked back at Ryle and was sure he was comfortable.And then he moved back towards Mlya.
"Get him on my back",he instructed.Mlya nodded and proceeded to obey the command.
After successfully getting the alpha prince on his back another object fell into the pond ,while the other landed somewhere on the roof of the palace.
As soon as he heard that,he moved swiftly to the meditation pavilion where Ryle is. At this point now, it was getting evident that commotion was surrounding them from all directions..
Right now it's quite confusing why this disorder is only starting to reasonate when the sun rise.
Anyway Joln proceeded to follow the same pattern of laying Syin down next to Ryle.After Mlya helped him to do so, he kneeled on the otherside with Joln on the other and the two inseparables unconscious in between.
Mlya looked at his peer lying on the ground lifeless just like his pack leader Syin..He felt so bad that he couldn't do anything to help Syin or Ryle..
He got a little sentimental seeing how much they look beat out..He almost dropped a tear when he was stopped by the sound of fighting eminating from what could be the front of the palace.
"That can't be fighting, right?",he asked pointing to the direction of the supposedly ongoing war..
Joln ignored him and he reached for his pocket then he pulled out a Lajian strip. He flicked his wrist making the strip straighten then he proceeded to stick the paper on Ryle s forehead..
The paper he used was a lot similar to the one Mlya and Syin had used because these papers are multi purpose.They can used for several like detonate, serve as indicators, accupunture ,weapons and surprisingly enough as poison..
Of course not a single paper can have that much strength in its initial creation.
The process for their creation is not that complex at all.They are made normally like all other papers like the ones used to write on, in a single batch.
After the paper has passed through the basic steps of paper making, it is dipped in a chemical to make durable.Afterwards it is dried and ready to be cut into the size required by a customer or to be cut as per the intended usage. This batch is not used wholely because the other one quarter composes the ones that are going to be cut into strips.
The separated batch is taken to respective areas where it will be further divided into at most with eight parts.
Each part means a different chemical and as such a different function. Obviously variety is bound to exist within each part.That means that the chemical is further made unique.The general point is that the division continues where subunits have their own subunits.Like the Lajian strips that make accupunture strips are taken to the part where they are going to be infused in a medical solution. The solutions range from painkillers and stimulants to sedative, it just depends...
After the infusion is complete, a specialist will take a sample to check whether the whole batch functions as intended.. Afterwards it is then delivered to the customer or high priority places.
So because of their functionality,they are incredibly expensive but not resalable. Instead, for the health department to which Joln branches from as well as the alpha pack and kingdom, they are handed these strips like confectionery..
That being the case Joln removed yet another similar strip and placed it in Syin s forehead
Of course he should be a doctor instead but he has more of an interesting time on the battle field even though the way he tends to injured wolves is so delicate and professional and always effective.
After all he is part of the team of wolves who make the chemicals for the Lajian strips used for healing or anything medical. He doesn't go about teaching anyone anything instead he spends most of his time researching and improving the solution for these types of Lajian papers. The reason he is so devoted is because dogs seldom fall sick and mostly get injured. But when their wounds get infected due to lack of proper treatment, the manifestation of the infection gets out of hand very quickly.So they have to have remedies for such matters.Also when dogs fall sick, it mostly becomes an outbreak like the last breakout which was a bacteria that bleached the fur of dogs and made them diarrheal as well as having an insatiable appetite.
Anyway for such types of medical admistrion of treatment,each acu Lajian strip is like a dose of medicine, one or very very rarely two Lajian per individual no matter how much they are in pain.
This is because the concentration of a solution differs so papers that were dipped for a longer type have the greatest concentration.So depending on how long it seems fit to treat someone, an ideal strip is chosen.if the dose is too weak chose a higher concentration strip..Only if the later doesn't work can another strip be added to accompany the first.
Joln stood up from where he was kneeling to go get some water..The water was to dissolve the papers so that the secretion can seep into the bodies of these two and begin healing them from the inside out...
"Joln, Joln", called Navil. He knows that Joln had gone to the backyard after he figured that the smoke enemies could be defeated..
As he turned around to look at who could be calling his name without an objective he spotted someone running across down the stairs towards Joln
The young wolf arrived at the pavilion and saw his aquintance and trainer encompassing the unconscious wolves
However when he got there instead of stating his objective, he got bewildered by the state of Ryle and Syin.
He completely fell to the ground and he started to act like a little girl seeing her injured brothers by talking nonsense endlessly and even getting teary.
Joln and Mlya looked at each other in confusion,
"What is wrong with you?Why are you here", yelled Mlya.He was annoyed with how easily absent minded that Navil can become and honestly this is the reason for most of their argument.
The worst part is they are always bickering about it.Mlya would get so furious when Navil yells his name and says he just wanted to check if Mlya s hearing works .. Honestly!!
And right now he just did the very thing that Mlya keeps telling him not to do
Navil would say yes and the next completely forget that he promised to change his ways and that just angers Mlya more.This is probably why whenever they are together ,they are like two year olds with Navil being the most childish.Maybe it's his child like face that gives a hint as to how childish he really is after all personality comes from the inside out
Anyway Navil responded that he didn't think that Syin would be this injured but before he could continue, Mlya raised his fist to hit him across the face because he is answering a totally different question
Joln caught his hand before he could hit the living daylights out of this toddler
And then he remembered, and as if he is being controlled by some power, Navil assumed the concerned face that he was wearing when he descended the stairs..
"Valian found something in the meeting room",he exaclaimed.