Chapter 58

That being said , she learnt these skills from her previous sect master and probably these skills are the ones that elevated her core level so much so that she is capable of becoming a sect master.

Despite her fierce personality that is extremely deep-rooted, once she lets down her guard she is solemnly easy to talk to and can turn out to be very interesting too because she apparently has no filter at all.

She calls a spade a spade and has so much knowledge about a lot of things , a great percentage of which are very age restricted. Despite Jakhyer telling her those topics are scene-specific( there are times and places to discuss them) to talk about, she adores discussing them with younger generation , any time any day. Maybe she wants to impart her knowledge by advising them or she just enjoys the spotlight. But whatever the case, as expected the young wolves enjoy hearing about those topics of the unexplored terrains otherwise why do they always keep quite and pay a large sum of attention

Like every other knowledged individual , Sect master is also very good at picking very small details.And to top this all off , she is a very curious individual with an extreme sense of experimentation Some wolves call her deduction skills magic ,others call it supernatural but it's just being very observant and evaluating the most hidden details. If there is a secret concealed ,she will promptly pick it up even if she won't know what the secret is. An interesting combination of traits to have for someone as a teacher.

Anyway, today she was dressed in light pink attire . There was a cross-over coat and the pants were satin-silk like those of western hand-maidens but her coat was much longer and reached for here ankles. Unlike a normal coat it was made of wool and had many folds and patterns to it . Her over coat had several lighter shades of pink with many flowers patterns and looked like a veil, the kind used in Union ceremonies in the human world.

Though the quality of her clothes make her look extraordinarily classy, this look is deemed down by her simple yet graceful hairstyle. A long braids running from her nape and dressed in several pins and three long silver threads.

She looked to Joln, her most knowledge student and he was seated next to some other student , who was subtlely encapsulated with Joln s book or in simple terms he was copying. But she won't call him out now because he is copying what Joln is rewriting from a book. She ran her eyes through the rest of the class.

Her eyes landed on her most famous and excelling student , Qiu Herim.

Herim has the most adorable and cleanest handwriting of all the wolves here . Even Joln , the bookworm has no chance when compared next to Herim. At times his handwriting looks like it was done by a mechanical wheel programmed to perfection. The way that Herim has control over a brush is similar to how he has management over a needle, unfaltering immaculate all the time

But even If that is the case, the students still hate Herim and him passing in general or getting praised for passing during classes is just worsening things. He could try to fail so that they hate him less but he can't afford to get kicked out of school. He has nothing else to do aside from this and no other school would accept him because he doesn't have a 'benefit to society'.

"You have to work in groups of three and rewrite the four poems from the third to tenth page using your your own vocabulary. Be meticulous and strategic in approach. The first poem is to be done in the next thirty minutes and presented to the class", she answered and when she was done, the students started to rearrange.

Joln went to Valian knowing he won't come to him and as expected, Claudia was already next to him and by the look on his face he wanted to run away. He is never going to accept that he can't get rid of her until he gives her what she wants. And knowing Valian he would rather die than be caught alone in a ten feet radius with a lunatic alphaness

As for Syin, he was already swarmed by some wolves asking him to join their team .The wolves were yelling and arguing amongst each other about who is eligible to have the prince as their member.

Whatever admirable traits they might mention they would be far less than that of Syin but even if they were not, he still doesn't to join with them because he can feel himself getting exasperated just at the sound of their voice.

' Xiong'An , where are you?' , his head was crying . At times like his three heroes , Valian and Joln especially Adrian alway rescue him . But now Valian is trying to avoid his obsessive admirer and the only way he can do that successfully is if Joln is present because Claudia is a little intimidated by Joln. On the other hand , Adrian had not come to the class so he literally is on his own right now. And he hates every second of it.

" All of you go back to your seats . You all cannot have Syin. If you need a wolf , Herim is over there . Pick him", she ordered by them but they acted deaf and instead stood still

" You don't want to pick Herim and are fighting over Syin. You won't have the other and you can't have the other. Then the both of them shall for a team . All you divide among each other", she told them like a mother scolding her children. She held her waist and waved at them like if they rebel any further she is going to start slapping faces and pulling some ears.

Syin turned his head towards Herim who sat in the middle of the class. His vision was occluded by the movement of sulking students but soon enough they moved away and then he saw him...

Like a drop of gold falling on a vase of honey, like a melody played from the moon, Herim was revealed.

The light in the room drenched the scenery perfectly and even though there were many wolves in the class , for some reason their presence was muted and blurred. And there were just the two of them.

Herim shifted his eyes from the teacher and he looked to Syin and by heavens he was shocked that the young blood was gawking at him however he did not display his surprise

Afterall his goal is to avoid Syin so that they don't give him a hard time for befriending Herim but fate seems to have other plans.

Herim half smiled and lowered his eyes back to the the table and started to pack all his things. Slowly and slowly he staked the papers scattered in the double bench . He pulled the three brushes from the table and he arranged then slowly as well.

Watching him do this unloaded a savage need for Syin to feed. He felt hungry almost as if someone had dug a hole in his gut so he turned his head back ahead and cleched his fist.

He got so tense that he almost torn his skin with his nails. If he was holding anything he probably would have destructed it as well

He tried to keep it stealthy but he was too late . Sect master was already looking at him and could tell the change in atmosphere.

This is strange for him. He sporadically eats in the morning but he is never hungry. However right now the hunger is excruciatingly strong, it feels like there is a black hole inside his gut. And to top it off, his knees feel very hot like when he caught a fever.

" Dont worry", a voice called and Syin proceeded to get even more tense. He could hear the sadness in Herim s voice but he can't think of a reason why he would be upset

Herim sat down and he opened his books and set everything across the table. He doesn't know for sure if Syin doesn't mind his existence. But if he did why does he pretend that he doesn't. Or he is just protecting his father's image?

Herim could not help over thinking and sometimes he does it so much it's paralysis and thus can cause his face to looked sort of blank.

Syin turned from the side and looked to Herim who was already writing.

He wants to ask him if he is okay but then again he doesn't want to sound weird if he asks that out of the blue...

Maybe he can use telekinesis but he doesn't know how to use it properly and he might sound bizarre. They are not close enough to form a contact like that.

As he was still looking at him , Herim slid a note towards Syin who reacted so childishly shocked.

Syin peacefully looked at the note and he half-blinked at the words that hit him like a stampede

' if you don't stop looking at me like that, I will draw on your face'

Furthermore Herim proceeded to reach for a book in front of Syin with the attempt to hide Syin s flustered appearance from sect master.

He failed to realize that this action of his placed him inches in front of Syin s face so much so he could feel his breath tantalizing the follicles of hair of his face.

Syin raised his eyes from the note and onto the scenery in front of him and for no reason , he suddenly felt the need to plant his lips on Herim. Nothing torturous or agressive, just light and sweet like Herim

The moment, mood and scenery called for it. Herim might be shocked but it's okay since Herim likes to touch Syin s face. He does it all the time and when Syin pretends to be asleep.Maybe he won't mind if Syin..

But what if he hates it.. What if he hates him?

The last statement was like the ultimate red flag that caused him to lower his face back down. He doesn't want to be hated by Herim because for this ' selfish urge'

Herim turned from the side and looked to Syin . After two seconds , Herim turned back ahead and pulled the book to place it in between the two of them..

' Did he do something wrong? '

" You should be brainstorming", Sect master called and that sentence jogged Syin back to reality but did little to Herim.

He positioned himself away from him but his thoughts where still clued on Syin .

He cares when the others act like there is a barrier between them but when Syin acts like this ,it somehow makes Herim want to apologize but he does not know what he did wrong. In summary,he cares a lot more when Syin looks displeased when he is around him.

For the next twenty minutes all they did was work in silence and for the greater portion of things, Herim looked more times at Syin than he did at the book. And all those times, all he wanted to do was apologize and maybe Syin would look less gloomy. He could place his homeostatic hand on Syin s face or hold his hand but his head or 'common sense' is telling him that is a recipe for disaster.. Nevertheless he can't help feeling like he should do something...

As for Syin all he wanted to do was to kiss away that look and pain on Herim s face that he is picturing. Not because he fantasizes to do anything but rather because there is an overwhelming need to reassure Herim..