Chapter 81

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍He paced around the room and stared at the ceiling several times but he still couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness. It's almost like that day when Yevana was getting born and Marya was in labour. He walked like a delusional animal outside not quiet certain of what exactly between fear and excitement is responsible for his state. the fact that this is almost similar to right when there is literally no reason for such a predicament, he is getting gradually alarmed . At one point he went to check on his daughter and Yevana is in her room along with the talisman. After guaranteeing her presence, he ordered that she is kept under surveillance and fully guarded.

Whether or not he should have Yevana stay next to him is unclear but be knows that , should he decide to go and see what is happening he doesn't want Yevana to accompany him which would be brought about by observing him. Other than that since he thinks he can't hide his concern, Yevana might pick this up and seeing how stubborn she is, she definitely will want to help . And this might do more harm than good in the sense that if the princess is held captive or threatened in any way, it will be close to impossible for the king to retain unbiased behavior

He paced to the balcony while coughing only to come back inside when the atmospheric humidity presented itself as a boat of fire than a component of the air creatures require to filter to aid in breathing .

" Is it because of the night rider?",. He questioned himself without putting any thought into it .

Though he doesn't really know the identity of the creature that waits for him outside his balcony doors or one that he is convinced is always stalking him from a distance, he is quite sure that there exists one.

At first he was convinced that it was the fact that he was used to having his wife around and her absence , probably and his age is helping his brain create an environment that she could be around the corner. But then he started to evaluate the feeling and it seemed like it was something with horrendous intentions.Those kind of people he feels like he has seen but never went past just looking at them.

This thing that watches him , he feels it around the palace when he is walking, at a distance when he is in meetings and every night when he goes to bed. Last night he felt it and he sensed it when he was with Yevana this morning but he really couldn't pinpoint whatever it is.Though if one thinks that it is Reed , it doesn't seem scary, the king was nonetheless provoked to seek protection without involving anyone because he couldn't explain the feeling without sounding crazy and overly paranoid.

He got the talisman and he has been feeling a little less watched today but now he feels uneasy without knowing what is going. At one point it seems like he has gotten so used the presence of being stalked that he is feeling incomplete without the watcher.He held the two talisman that he had tied to his waist and he flew towards the door for the ninth time.

As much as he wanted to , he hesitated to open up the panels and he looked to the ones that open to the balcony. For no reason he went to them again and held them open before proceeding back into the room. He coughed a lung thanks to the air that smelt rather overboardingly ashy today .

Without a resort he fell to his knees to pray. Just four seconds into the plea for safety and a peace of mind, he was interrupted.

a knock came on the doors. A guard visited to announce that a crazy man is bellowing outside that something unthinkable has occurred. He is demanding to see the king as the force is according to him not helping in any manner whatsoever.

The way the guard was explaining was as if he was sure the man was insane but if so why did he run all the way here to tell the king about the words of lunatic. So if anything he must believe the person or the person has brought forth some concrete evidence to support themselves . Whatever the case or method of conviction that this person has presented, it had managed to get this poor child all worked up so the king feels the need to intervene especially since the king thinks that he knows about what could be the problem. And his lack of security was another motivating factor

Seconds later the king was preparing himself to go and see this man .

He can't go and meet anyone looking he just woke up but some lose clothes will show that he does relate to the people and would have their best interest at heart to the point that when his person came crying he didn't waste time looking like he is dressing for a coronation. On that note he ordered the man outside the room to go and inform the head to tend to the woman . The guard agreed because he was already planning on suggesting that given the current health level of the king it's best to have someone else handle this. However since Ace isn't here , he can only call the highest ranking worker to decide on this issue

After the naive guard had been gone for two minutes from the royal chambers, he pealed off his expensive red coat and he blast outside towards the direction aforementioned . He initially planned to sneak and listen to the proceedings because he knows in his presence the person that is there will be intimidated and start filtering things. Nonetheless yet again for this reason , he forfeited his plan.

He walked a few feet , turned and scanned around. There were many guards on the perimeter and all had noticed his presence consequently he acted arrogant and he briskly called two guards towards him.

Before he could jump to obey him , he waved his hands so that they follow him towards the assembly. After a few corners, he came to an abrupt stop.

" You , get the names of every guard who is currently here and you bring me some commoner clothes the both of you meet me back in my study in two hours . If anyone knows of this , I can't guarantee your safety", He whispered and they pronated before they softly dispersed as if they weren't just promised death

(Five minutes later)

The scruff looking man that the guards described was actually a female and her unkempt face plus body wreaked akin to decomposing corpse.And the fact that she looked a little less disproportional made get look far more like a mutation than human. She smelt from every angle like she hadn't showered for nearly half her life. Everyone who was near her keep a great distance and the extreme level of discomfort she introduced to them was visible from just how pale and purple thy were. Some were even trying their utmost best not to throw up or cough.

However what succeeded to dominate was the unconcealable measure of concern on her visage. She was already in oceans of tears and sweating profusely such that her hair stuck to her forehead like a magnet on steel. It was inarguable to conclude from the way she was hyperventilating it was probably a fusion of a marathon and the blazing heat .A guard summoned her to speak excluding the part where he was already fed up with her beyond poor hygiene. To open her speech she coughed without manner before she used a casual tone to address the man who was clearly the head of royal affairs. Before the annoyed guard could scream for her to display a tint of respect, the head rose his hand to stop him . He wasn't interested in the ability of this woman to show manners but rather to get to the point

" A wolf killed my mother and injured my family members. I want the king to hunt that thing down and burn its nest. ", She cried while crawling forward but they restrained her using their long spears by making four crosses in front of her.

" There is blood everywhere, Our little Naa is on the brick of death. If you don't go and hunt that thing , I will go myself ", she screamed making it seem like her death stops the progress of the place.. Just willing to sacrifice herself like that sounded as if she was calling more tears .

Technically it does threaten the cabinet because if they refuse or stall the hunt then she goes by herself wherever, she will die . Once her death gets announced or rumors spread , havoc will reign. And no matter how many soldiers there are ,they can't defeat everyone and the king certainly can't order to have his whole kingdom mascaraed for rebelling. A king without it's nation is like a body without it's limbs but a nation without a king is like a blind archer on a rampage.

So what she actually meant was that she will stare up commotion in the palace if they dare not to investigate this incident . .

The king who had arrived and hid behind a pillar, didn't understand the threat . He just thought that she meant she will do whatever it takes to avenge her family even if it may come at the cost of her life.

" Go to the lady's house and collect all clues . Find whatever is in there and bring all the coroners. Go the hospital where her family is admitted and collect any clues.", He instructed them and he sneezed before telling everyone else to leave. It was getting nerve-wracking to keep acting like he can stand to argue with this woman who was simulating rotten flesh by the minute.

As soon as he said that everyone left and the lady was escorted outside . The king wanted to follow her and identify all that the head guards said as well.

He knows that he can't tail her right now but he really wants you see how bad everything is . It gnaws him not knowing a single thing about the chaos going on all because the police hide this too much not not too well . The rumors still leak, some threatening evidence still manages to present itself.