Chapter 86

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Joln didn't know where to go so he went to the place where Ryle reportedly was. He hoped that he would meet Ryle but his plan wasn't to talk to him but rather to see if Ryle is just fine even when they are in such bad waters together. He had been so distracted with Adrian that he forgot to feel sad or angry over Ryle and the question is , is that feeling mutual. Has he also forgotten and is he focusing on something else?

He met the restaurant owner near the door and he said that her daughter was still with the lead sect master but another one had been told to leave as the girl was stabilizing. Not really knowing what to expect , Joln knocked and he stepped inside.

Jakhyer was burning some chemicals by the window rail. The chemical is really weak so it didn't make sense for him to put it so far away unless he really wanted to administered a small does . At current he was feeding the girl drop by drop some blue congee because the mixture is really bitter. If he directly infused it , she might spit it out or reject it all. The blueness is caused by mixing algae and rose extracts. It will act as a laxative but only for poisonous consumptions .

He sat on the other side of the bed and he looked at Jakhyer gently feeding her. She didn't seem to be struggling to swallow, almost like a cub responding to milk.

" I thought Tian was here",

" go back and rest", Jakhyer was getting irritated

" How is everything? ", Joln interrupted.

"I am fine, just leave",

" I meant the girl ",Joln scoffed rudely and asked why he is being so dismissive.

" Just leave!!", He quarreled him and Joln stood up to sported outside.

He was clearly unwelcome and then at that moment, Kijad moved from the back side and assumed the position that was initially held by Joln .

Joln didn't leave and instead eavesdropped by the door after he closed it.

He instructed the man to bring some warm tea so he can be uninterrupted.

Kijad looked at Jakhyer being tense as crazy. He was pale and blood drained at the same time but not too extremely so.

" You are overthinking!", He mocked him and Jakhyer reported that that he is fine

" What's wrong?", Kijad used a subtle tone almost like a mother to her daughter

" Nothing is wrong",

" There is ", Kijad was perplexed

" The patient's father was looking for you", Jakhyer continued feeding the girl with his ears getting redder

" But you were here"

" He told Mr Song that he would like to invite the caregiver to dinner as Master Tian was doing a phenomenal job tending for his daughter .",

"But I haven't seen ",

" Must have been mistaken identity , then", he spoke with a visible calmness but when Kijad scanned him, he was clearly undeniably cross.

Kijad giggled and called Jakhyer cute for being so adorable. He sounded just like Adrian when Herim was calling him a girl. These two despise being labeled alike to something or someone. But what's even interesting is that they are usually a thousand times more lookable than the said object so it doesn't really make sense why they would be so angry useless they feel ridiculed or offended.

" Just tell them who you are" He continued giggling at him . He really found it funny but Jakhyer wasn't buying the facade.

( He is mad about that) , Joln thought to himself .

He now recalls that he called Kijad last time they were together and must have been provoked when the mistake happened again. But the problem is they look nothing alike. Not even their heights, build , voices or shape are similar. So it's a little bit reasonable for him to be pissed but it also very childish

" I will ", Jakhyer twitched yet not once did he raise his voice from annoyance

" It's not worth being vexed over ",

At this point, Jakhyer has had enough. How can he have the guts to tell him not be angry when he is not the one being forgotten. It takes guts to laugh at something like this.But he couldn't show him he was angry either so he can get the topic to the meeting from earlier


Reed opened his eyes and eavesdropped on the conversation outside .

The guards were still guarding him and his recovery but he hasn't given a report to Jakhyer in a long time nor has he monitored Adrian's health as Jakhyer had instructed him to from Adrian's childhood.

He got up and he faded into the mist and he flew towards Inor

Four hours later he managed to pick Jakhyer 's location by sensoring him . He stood outside on the window railings to verify his tracking before he dissolved through the tiny spaces between and around the window panes. No less more than a matter of seconds, he gain form next to the chair that was to the side of the bed while Jakhyer seated in front of that bed meditating.

" You are injured", he remarked without opening his eyes

" I am recovering ", Reed answered vaguely knowing very well that Jakhyer doesn't care about that.

" I haven't seen Adrian so I don't know much about his health. I apologize . I was attacked by a wolf in the human grounds and it was more dead than alive. Most definitely it was a fox ..",

" Tell me something useful" he interrupted him making Reed half blink in indignation

He deduced that Jakhyer was beggining that nuisance tendency of his , where interrupts, overpowers and berates Reed for no absolute solid reason . Rarely is it because he had an awful day while it's most frequently tribute to that he has an appalling attitude

" the foxes are hunting humans and I think .. ",

" You think?"

Reed took a deep breath looking at Joln being discourteous again. He probably had an argument where Reed was completely powerless in preventing.

" They are probably also targeting wolves.. ",

" Are you surprised?",

Why is he so irate or rather scornful at Reed ?

" I don't know what is causing them and I will find out",

" Leave ... the next time you come here with useless information, I will break your bones and strip you for qi",

Reed bowed and he diluted out the window seals but instead of going home he ran to the nearby forest and he attacked the trees. He cursed probably more than the number or words he has said today .

He really doesn't know why Jakhyer keeps taunting him and being short with him all the time. Even when he tried to act like he is fine with it , it is just superbly annoying. One minute he acts like he is will to do anything for Reed the next he behaves like Reed is the reason his life is so messed up .

'If he knows that Reed is injured couldn't he atleast dare to ask if he will be fine completing missions. If he knows Reed has been sick and injured by foxes , how does he expect him to be able to investigate and provide useful results. He came despite nearly being killed by a fox and he acts like for some reason Reed was being too weak.'

He knows that he sounds like an unappreciated girlfriend but this is really too much. Jakhyer is too much. He acts all quiet and elegant , all knowing and poignant but according to Reed , he is just a bad guy with a nasty patience especially for Reed , sort of like how Adrian can be rude to Herim..

" You ****, how ungrateful ", he punched the tree and he wailed at the pain forgetting that he is also in agony


" Master, here is your order", a young voice came behind the door and in the next second, a worker stepped into the room carrying a tray

She placed it softly on top of the table Jakhyer was still seated behind and she excused herself.

He opened his eyes and he bit his lips. On the tray was all varieties of medications.

He knows he treats Reed no different from trash but he should a valuable tool to him . Jakhyer has to pretend to be the open-minded sect leader when he actually wants to curse at everyone. Just a few hours ago he nearly killed that man when he called him by Kijad's name. To Jakhyer , despite the innocence behind it , it comes across as ridiculing. He thinks they are saying they have so much in common yet he is just a mere teacher.

However instead of just being frank today like a mature adult, he took out his frustrations on Reed as if it is all his fault.

He doesn't have to pretend when he is with Reed because Reed knows all his secrets , even ones he didn't know he had . Nothing in his life is proving productive and literally the only time he ever feels the need to be himself or be free is whenever Reed is around. It's a blessing to be unchained but a curse when what is freed is something vile and is always aimed at the literally most innocent and supportive entity around. Regardless of that vulgar treatment, Reed stays close to him . maybe because it is by rule of the celestial palace that he stays by him.

So Jakhyer wonders how genuine his loyalty is but at the same time he is sure that because of how badly he treats him , he is practically beginning Reed to betray him. But even then he still dislikes the possibility of their alliance being so business-contract like and doesn't know what to feel except fooled by Reed.

He wishes that he didn't hate it as much but he can't help but loathe this fact that someone who knows so much about him is actually close to him by celestial bondage.

Maybe it might have something to do with that all these years he had met wolves who were loyal just like Reed but ended up betraying their masters . Still that seems unfair because they weren't facing a life and death situation, nevertheless...

" Urgh!!", He screamed when he lamented his feelings. He got up and he laid on the bed.

He wants to treat Reed like a friend but he feels like that if he gets attached to him, Reed might betray him( though there is no reason or signs for that except emotional grief caused by Jakhyer 's personal frustrations)and it will hurt . Second , Reed might slack on his job and Jakhyer won't be able to get angry at him for that reason. Finally Jakhyer thinks he might give too much power and control to Reed and wind out losing to him himself. Even when he wants to believe that Reed would never do something like that he doesn't want to put too much faith in him . In the end he is just confusing himself and how he approaches Reed . He might care about Reed and wished Reed felt the same way but can't help feel like it's all fabricated.

Should friendship be based on that ? Are all qualities of Reed just because he is afraid to die? Does Reed characterize like someone afraid of death enough to bare all of Jakhyer's jerkish episodes? Does Reed fear leaving Jakhyer because he thinks of him as a friend ? In the hearts of hearts, what does Reed think of Jakhyer?

Heaven knows Jakhyer wants to be more gentle to him but thinks the absolute worst might happen and there will no one to blame but himself.

Honestly whether it's explaining to Adrian that Jakhyer is his father or justifying his absence through, he would rather try to do that than confront Reed about this matter. And the reason is that he doesn't want it to be akward or worst of all have Reed says they are friends when he doesn't feel the same way. Another worst part is that he won't blame him. He has been beyond awful to him

After few more hours, Reed came back and wanted to tell Jakhyer that he is going to be watching from a distance

He knows Jakhyer might get furious for having Reed say something like this but then again he will still get explosive if he doesn't inform him first.

" What!!", Jakhyer created a partial whisper.

He could feel him looking as he was sleeping supine on the bed with no covers and all his clothes still on. He had been in that position, finding it hard to sleep

" Adrian is fine, just sentimental. I am also going to be a vigilante for the next coming days" ,

Jakhyer knodded and he turned away from Reed . Taking that as a yes , Reed saddled up. There was clearly a conversation that should be going on but both of them are clearly avoiding it.Reed will never say anything but that is probably what stops Jakhyer from starting .

" Don't go!", he sounded sad .

After cultivating for so long in dark places, Jakhyer still has not gotten used to the emptiness and wants to be accompanied.

Reed turned into a cloud, then he moved into the shadows of the room. He will watch him sleep for the several thousands time. Honestly this sleep watching that he does for the king is a habit he picked from doing the same to Jakhyer.

Jakhyer never asked him to do this, just that whenever Reed was closer, he noticed he would be able to rest. If he was gone, Jakhyer didn't even bother getting on the bed as he would toss endlessly and turn rigorously the whole night.

While at that he noticed the tray of medication and he smiled. It's times like these that Reed understands why Jakhyer is the way he is. As much as he hates his outbursts and everything that he does, Reed thinks that he would feel the same way if he was in Jakhyer's shoes. It might never materialize for Jakhyer to be clear about his feelings and angers but whatever happens , Reed is going to be here with him.

He raised his hand, enlarged it and circumferenced Jakhyer. It will act like going to a deluxe massage parlor for the whole night.