She attacked us

Chapter 8: She attacked us.

I sat, bent down on a desk and reminiscing on what just happened in front of Stefan. Molly had gone to get me something relieving to drink. She comes back later on to give me a glass of warm milk.

"Thank you very much, Molly. I don't know what I would have done without you." She grabbed my hand. "What are friends for?." I smiled and squeezed her palm lightly. I sighed. "I'm gonna miss you tomorrow." I said, "It's not like you are traveling, we're still in the same school, I'm just afraid Jackson won't take it lightly with you."

"Oh. True. Remember he was kicked in there because of me." She added.

I laughed. "I know. He was such a stubborn boy. We've had rest since he left." She stated and I shook my head. "And now, I'm gonna join him there. What would he think?."

"No, we should probably ask what they would do to find you there." Said Molly.

"I'm afraid. " I confessed, feeling very bothered by how I was gonna stay with scum in the detention class.

"Ellie.." Molly called, "Yes, Molly."

"Wendy's here." She said, "Who's Wendy?" I asked and looked toward the door. My eyes landed on Stefan's girlfriend standing by the door of the class.

The look on her face was sure to send chills down my liver.

Her hair was a mess and her dress was torn below her knee. She looked like a lunatic and I almost didn't recognize the very beautiful girl I admired sometime ago. And why's she looking at me like that?.

She started walking toward us and I stood up, I pushed Molly behind me, I noticed her eyes were pure red in color. But it'd change back to its normal color but I swore I saw it turned red a sec ago.

"What are you doi...?" She couldn't let me finish up my statement as she dragged me toward her by my shirt. "You caused this!" She spat with rage.

I was confused, I was about to ask her what she was doing when she threw me on the student's desks.

I could swear I heard my back pop right now. I groaned, breathing heavily. She started walking toward me on the table. "Hey, bitch. Leave her alone now!" Molly shouted, and my heart flew into my mouth instantly. Molly had just made the biggest mistake of her life right now. "Molly,!"

"I can't leave you alone, she will hurt you." I tried to stand but couldn't "Aaargh!!,"I gasped, I can't heal right now. My back hurts so much.

"Run!. Call Stefan, no...Jake." I screamed in pain.

And just as she was about to take the other side of the class, Wendy stretched her hand toward Molly and It happened so fast, that a pile of dust was formed with Molly struggling to free herself from an unknown grip. "What the fuck is this?" I asked dumbstruck. I was too confused to speak, but that didn't stop me from remembering Molly was in danger.

I slowly got up as my powers had healed part of me, my eyes instantly turned gold.

The wave stopped, Molly was dropped and Wendy fell to the ground with a thud. The power didn't come from me, someone else made it stop, something very powerful, I slowly turned back, and this turned to be a shadow on the wall, it moved trickly toward the wall behind the window, and then it disappeared.

A groan from Molly made me scamper to her lifeless body on the floor, I looked up and found Stefan entering the classroom.

He bent down before Wendy and I watched him place his index (first finger) and middle fingers on her wrist, at the base of his thumb. For a few seconds, he looked at me. "She's fine. Let's get them to the hospital. " He said and came forward to carry Wendy.


We sat and waited for Molly's mother to come out. Mrs McGuire had earlier gone in to attend to her without saying a word to me. I knew she was worried about her daughter and I understood I had many things to explain to her.

I turned to Stefan who was surprisingly quiet all through and cleared my throat. "Look, I know you have tons of questions to ask me right now but…."

"I wanted to ask if you're okay." I interrupted, his face expression turned to that of confusion. "You don't care about Wendy?" I sighed and looked away.

"Yeah..I care about her but then I didn't want to remember how evil she looked a few minutes ago. I am also having pressing issues to sort out which the most important right now is what was happening between us."

"Between us?" He asked, he looked more confused. This is it, I'm convinced now that he doesn't feel the same for me. I'm convinced that I'm at the verge of making a fool out of myself.

"Ellie." Mrs McGuire called me. I looked up to her and stood up with a worried look.

"I know you're worried about your best friend but right now she's absolutely fine. She fainted as a result of not eating. I asked her to warm up the pasta remaining in the fridge and she didn't." Mrs McGuire explained.

I sighed relieved about two things, that Molly was fine and that she thinks Molly couldn't eat since morning as she knew she was diabetic.

"What about the other girl?" Stefan asked, I looked at him and I could see he held so much for Wendy.

"She's fine. She needs rest and tomorrow, you'll be able to take her home." She said and was about to leave before I stopped her. "Can I stay and watch her over?" I asked Molly's mom. "No. I know you also need some rest." She said and looked at me from my head to the toe before walking away.

I turned to Stefan," You look like shit!" He told me. I gave him a glare.

"Okay. I'm taking a cab home." I said to him, "I'll drop you off and go from there.." I nodded negatively. "I insist." He said and started walking away too.


Even with the air conditioner in the car, I felt really tense and nervous. I had to remember how mom drove out of the school and got really afraid. And thinking of another thing helped to calm my nerves down.

"What are you thinking of?" Stefan asked. "My mom. She was really angry when she left earlier today"

"You are right, you seriously have lots of issues to sort out." I scoffed, "Yeah. But I'm still gonna ask you questions about Wendy though." He chuckled.

Being reminded of Wendy, my mind went to Molly. I can't help but feel bad that I hadn't taken care of my friend, it was all about me. She took my troubles as her own and forgot she was on a diabetic diet. "I'm a bad friend, eh"

"Why do you say so?" He asked. "I never cared about Molly. I was always adding her to my problems and she almost got killed because of me." I started feeling miserably bad about it.

The car screeches to a halt.

"Oh, no. Do not think that way. You two care a lot for each other, okay." He drew nearer to my face, looking directly into my eyes.

His grey colored eyes pierced into my blue ones. "You're beautiful." My cheeks flushed and I lowered my gaze to his collar and to his rising chest, back to his lips. He was simply gorgeous, his Adam's apple noticeable as he kept gulping down. I was lost in the beauty of this man. He was simply the definition of beautiful.

Fingers snapped in front of my face and I was back to reality.

I looked down at his clavicle, nervous as a cat. His hands snapped open the seat belt and looked at me. "We're home." He drew back, "Thanks for the ride." I appreciated him.

"Should I pick you up tomorrow?" He asked. "No. Don't. I'll be on my way then." I opened the car and stepped down. " Bye." I waved and he started the engine and drove off.