I met a siren

Chapter 10: I met a Siren.

I walked into the messy detention class and everyone's attention focused on me. I looked around and found my supposed seat, somewhere I'd like to sit, i scrutinized the seat and scoffed.

I smell a prank. My table had no legs neither is the chair. I noticed that once i sank my butt in that chair, it would instantly gum to my butt. I heard a cleared throat behind me and i turned to see Mr Alan. "Find a seat." He ordered.

I looked at where she was supposed to stand and teach, a bucket of paint placed up the ceiling with a rope tied down the window. "Take my advice, avoid the front corners of the classroom." I told him and started going to sit in between two guys, Jackson and his friend to their utmost surprise.

I was still glaring back at Jackson when I heard a shout from Mr Alan. I gasped when I saw Mr Alan covered with crimson red paint and everyone burst into laughter except me. I don't find it funny.

I frowned and looked at Jackson who had a smirk pasted on his lips. He whispered. "You passed the welcome party."

"A prank is your welcome party?." I scoffed. "Take it as a gift to you. Look at him," He points at the teacher who turned to leave the classroom. "He made the dean wipe me with a cane. That's his punishment, and you.."

"I made you go into detention, I know."

Another teacher walks in looking angry. He walked behind the teacher's table and dropped his book. He then glared at us, we were like 20-30 in the classroom, all filled with stubborn students except me. They are hoodlums and the reason behind the school board building up the detention class. It was a class meant for troublesome kids like Jackson. Kids who find it hard to learn with others, kids who fight and cause trouble. Anything can happen in detention class, a teacher gets you wiped unlike the other normal classes where you are sent to be interrogated and meet yourself here. It's just like the second phase of the school and the third is to be handed to the police.

The teacher walked around the class inspecting any foul play before clearing his throat. He had a deep frown across his face. "As the person in charge of the detention class, i brought you news." He says.

None of us spoke, we only listened raptly to hear what he had to say. "The school board for the first time has requested us to join the upcoming quiz."

Murmurings erupted from the class as everyone rendered their complaints to each other. "Quiet."

The class was back to silence.

"I sense foul play in this." I told my companions who no doubt nodded. "They want to disgrace us, " added Jackson's friend, who I didn't know his name. "Gid, we can't be disgraced, I am Jackson." He boasted. I roll my eyes at them, "We aren't doing it. We are not doing it." He shouted and everyone joined the chaos.

"Shut up!!" The teacher shouted and walked through the aisle. "You must find someone to represent you," he started walking away but turned. "You don't know, your days over here might be numbered." He took his book and walked out. "Did you hear that, Jack?."

"Perfect. They might look into our case."

"Wait!. What do you mean they will look into your case?" He sighed. "After you reported us, the dean searched for other crimes attached to us and called us off. He said 'you'll be called back in future,' "

He said in the dean's voice and everyone burst out laughing. "No one has called us, we don't know when we'll be out of here."

Is this my fate too?.

A red colored brunette looked at me. "I heard you wore the last year's spelling bee." All of them looked at me. "I can't do it. I'm restricted from participating"

"Catherine can." A boy said. "Who's Catherine?" I asked them. "She's a girl who has been in the detention class for as long as I can remember, she's always late. None of us know why she's here, though she was rumored to come here willingly."

"No one would want a dungeon willing.''I stated. "Hehe. She's a freak. I think she should be here already." Jack said checking out his wrist watch. I smiled slightly at him. I didn't know I would be speaking so freely with Jack. I thought he would grab me in front of the class and beat me for sending him into isolation.

He acts really friendly, something I never thought he would act like. Detention class is really amusing.

My nose instantly picked up a scent of lavender mixed with honey locust. The familiar scent became stronger and I shifted uncomfortably to Jack who never noticed as he assigned everyone their duty. He was like the head and the lead and he was doing pretty well. "You'll give us points." I look at him. "Yes. You've been to the quiz before, you'll give us few points,"

"But..." I was cut short when the smell intensed and I looked in the direction of everyone to see a pale yellow to brownish haired blonde girl standing at the door. She had deep blue ocean eyes like mine and a very slender modelled body. Her skin was glistening as she walked into the classroom. My mind screamed out the first thought 'Siren'.

"Catherine is here." The brunette said. She walked into the class and sat at the front not sparing us a glance.

Jackson stood from his seat and walked towards her form. He bent down and whispered into her ear, that only I heard.

She stood up and walked with him towards us. "Cathy. You'll represent us in the quiz." She battled her lashes at me, with an intense look. Her eyes scrutinized me very well before she removed her eyes from mine to look back at Jack. "I don't want to"

Her prim look marching her oval beautiful face. She is beautiful, I admitted. Sirens were very beautiful mermaids, but they are extremely dangerous. They had all features except for a good heart. They kill without second thought and that was why mermaids were at war with them.

Mermaids of the sea were harmless, so they were against sirens. "Why?" Jack questioned. "I don't want to." She answered plainly. "I told you." The brunette girl said.

"You don't want us to leave detention class?." Gid asked.

"I don't wish to." They gasped. "The rumors were true. She love this godforsaken place." Gid whispered lowly to his friend.

Cathy frowned. Apparently she heard them. "I'll do it." Everyone bright up instantly. "Really?. You're really going to do it?"

"Well, yes. I don't want you guys to think I love the detention class." She replied glaringly at Gid. I chuckled. "Okay. Miss Ellie, you'll take care of the points. Both of you will work together."

"You know what to do, right Cathy?" I asked her. She looked at me strangely. I had a feeling she had been trying to discern what I was. She scrunched up her face and inhaled deeply but smelt nothing. Why is she doing that?. "Cathy?" I called her. She jerked up and perked at me. "Cool." She replies.


The bell for lunch rang and I exited the class to see my friends. I had missed them although it was fun back at detention class.

I was walking through the hallway when strong hands grabbed me and in a sec, I was thrown into a bathroom. The person turned and pinned me to the wall.

I opened the eyes I didn't know were shut all this while and saw a sneering Cathy. "Not too surprised, siren." Her eyes grew wide when I said that, she inhaled and sniffed parts of my body. "Ew! Stop that." I said in disgust. "Who're you?" She asked.

"Human." I answered. She pushed me more in an idea to choke words out of me and I coughed. "You're one of us, right?"

We heard footsteps approaching the bathroom and she immediately released me.

We were standing in front of the mirror when the door opened and a blonde guy walked in. He was Aaron. He stared at us strangely and said, ``I thought i heard something, Miss Wilson." I looked at Cathy who turned to the other side. "Nothing. Get out of here. This isn't the male's bathroom." I yelled and he walked out. I turned and saw Cathy seething in anger. Her eyes had turned light blue and I went into her thoughts. 'Hunters.'