The kiss

Chapter 13: The kiss.

In a dining room, two young girls sat opposite each other. Plates of food were covered at the table but none of the girls ate. They looked so unhappy while they sat at the table.

A very beautiful lady walked into the dinning, with a bigger bowl. She dropped it on the table with a beautiful smile and sat down with them.

"Mom, I do not want to eat please." One of the young girls said with a frown. She was beautiful, with pretty brown eyes. She looked older than the others. "It's your favorite hunny. Why?." The woman asked worriedly.

"She's worried about what Chels said to her today at school." The other girl said. The other younger girl had deep blue eyes and light gold colored hair.

"Abby. What happened?." Their mom asked, facing her.

"She said dad never comes home to us, and added that dad is miserable." She replied. The lady relaxed back on the chair sadly and thought for a while.

"Well, she is wrong about it. Your dad is nice to us, he just leaves to take care of some work in the nearby town. Look, sweetheart, your dad would come around okay." She pats their hair with a fake smile pasted on their lips. "Now eat or it gets cold." She mumbled, opening the plates on the table.

The door opened and a man walked in. The children watched the man stagger into a room not sparing a glance at anyone. The atmosphere became tense as he popped out his head and called the lady in.

The children sat on the chair with tears rolling down their faces as they heard their mom scream, there were clashes and shouts. The man stormed out of the house, banging the door behind.

The children climbed down from the chair and ran into the room, to the weak body of their mother. They bent down and wailed with her. The new marks on her body proved that the man had hit her very badly before storming out.

As they wailed for their mother, the lady managed to sit up. She grabbed the shoulder of one of the children, "You must escape, Abby. You must run and if he finds you back here, he will kill you. Naomi, please protect your sister, okay. Now run!." She cried and hugged each one of them. She then mustered up the last strength in her to stand up. She pushed them out of the house and they ran.

As they ran through the forests, Abby stumbled over a stone and fell into the grassy ground, she cried out in pain. "No, we have to go now. They will catch us if we do not continue." Naomi pleaded.

"Go, Nana. Leave me, save yourself." Young Abby could not continue running, her leg hurts and she was afraid the men chasing after them would catch them. "No. I promised my mother. I'm gonna stand by you till I die. No." Naomi protested.

Just when she was about to help her up, Abby heard a gunshot. It was as if her breath seized after she saw the red blood oozing out of Naomi's heart.

Naomi's lifeless body fell on the ground and there was horror in the young child's eyes. Another shot came on young Abby. It didn't take long before her eyelids closed up, giving herself to utter darkness.

"Wake up, Ellie. Look at me, wake up!!!." I snapped my eyes open immediately and found myself in my room. I was sweating furiously, this time it was real.

"Are you alright, Baby?." My mom asked. I turned toward her and sat up. I hugged her immediately, trying not to weep.

"You'll be fine. Trust me, baby." She reassured me by patting my back slowly. I felt consoled and better. Mom disengaged from the hug and smiled. "My nightmare, this time was real. Had I witnessed all of these people?Could it be that one of the girls was me?."

"No, don't think much of it. We'll visit the doctor soon but don't think about it." My mom said to me,

"Baby, you need a break right now. I know you're going through a lot, so I've decided to take you out after school, how do you see it?" I smiled, "I don't wanna go to school, mom." I whined. "You can't miss classes. Get dressed now. I'll be taking you to school." She didn't let me speak and she walked out of the room.

Mom parked in front of the school and turned to me. "Be careful of your friends out there. School is becoming more dangerous for you. And then, you are destined to do many great things, child. You won't understand now, but you'll understand when the time comes." She kisses my forehead. "Don't get into trouble, girl. I'll come pick you after school. "

"I love you, mom." I said and hugged her. I climbed down and waved a bye. I turned and started walking into the school.

"You're Miss Wilson?" A freshman guy asked me. "Yes." I replied, and he chuckled while walking away. I was confused.

Getting weird stares and looks from people, I became worried. Why are they looking at me?. It didn't take long before I saw Tyson running toward me. I felt relieved at least he was going to tell me what went wrong. "You won't believe this."

He was trying to catch his breath. "Tell me." He nodded. "Jake was caught cheating on you." I raised my brows. "I don't understand."

"Jake and Wendy kissed in class. Stefan caught them and when he confronted him, he said.." He stopped talking. "He said?" I insisted. He looked down. "He were a lesbian. You were also cheating on him with Molly. "

I ran through the hallway into the class. I was getting pissed and why would Jake lie against me to cover up his crimes?. I was at the door of the class and could not get to the scene with students lurking and watching.

My eyes blazed fire when I saw Wendy sitting on Jake's lap. I sauntered up to them with Wendy having a smug smile over her face, Jake pushed her aside and got up when he saw me, I gave him a resounding slap and pushed him so he fell on the floor.

"You idiot!!" I look at Wendy. "I didn't know you could be this shameless, for you to stoop this low to cheat on Stefan, I call you a slut." She raised her hand to slap me and Stefan stopped her hand midwayB. "If you do not want me to do something worse, leave my presence." A warning from Stefan was enough to make her step back and walk away.

I turned to other students, "So you think I'm a lesbian?.Huh ." No one spoke, they all stared at me, I dragged Stefan closer and clasped my lips unto his.

At first, I thought he wouldn't reciprocate, but he did. Then our connection exploded and it sparkled all over, we melted in each other and I pray this feeling lasts between us. Our lips moved together and it was passionate, the most beautiful thing I ever had.