Search party

Chapter 23: The search party.

"I read the book you brought to me, the chronicles of the brown family, it was said that the brown family were the leading humans who killed Sirens. Why so?."

"Long long ago, Jade and his younger brother, Jerome were travelers. They loved adventures so they went to so many places. In one of their travels, they met this beautiful woman. She had a very enchanting smile and lured men to do what she wanted, therefore Jerome became her prey.

Jerome did everything, and said everything in the spell of this woman.

Jerome went missing one day, leaving Jade heartbroken, as the relationship turned into hatred between the two, Jade went home. One day, he received a letter that his brother, Jerome, was found dead in Bohai sea of china. In his body, no heart was found.

Jade was devastated. He meets a Sibyl who tells him that the woman who killed his brother was the one of the most dangerous water creatures and that it'd be hard to find this siren. That didn't go down well as he vowed to kill every siren on sight.

In his quest to do such, he came across a witch, Cordelia with her company. He joined hands with them to give him powers and in exchange to that, he would give them a place in his town. That was how the witches came to live with humans in this town."

Cali leaves through the door why I put everything she said together on my head.

But the book forgot to mention how the mermaid hunters started hunting everything that lives under the water, even the cleanest mermaid. They keep them and make them cry so as to extract pearls from them. They were rich through the mermaid's tears.

Cali came back looking very tired. She walked to the cushion and sat. Packing her hair into a ponytail, she pulls off her blouse leaving her exposed in a bra. "Are you okay?" I questioned.

"I can't feel my bond with my mate anymore. I'm worried something must have happened to them."

How do they feel the bond?, because I don't feel anything toward Stefan, even while he is close to me.

"I don't feel anything either." I said. She scoffed and stood up. "You can't feel something unless you complete your mating process. It's done to witches, but I don't know what you are and how it's done. "

She pushed down her trousers and walked towards me, I gulped down and looked away. Not growing up with plenty of people in my life has made it awkward when I have a stranger close and bare.

She went under her bed cover and turned to me. It's glowing daily. Tracing her eyes to my golden hair, I nodded. "It needs its power back."

"What would you do if you had your powers back?" She asked. "Find a way to escape," I replied truthfully. She scoffs. "You can't escape Hill town. No one had."

"Really?. I can't escape?"

"Yes. A dragon is there to burn you. We all have identity cards, when we place them on the computer, we go unharmed. But if we go without it, it burns us alive.

The door opened and Wendy barged in. She looked really worried when I saw her. But when her eyes rested on me, it turned to anger. "We have a problem."

The bed cover instantly flew off our body. Cali turns to her immediately. "What is it?"

"Stefan and Aaron has been captured by the vamps"



The two what's from i and Cali rang into the room. "We have to save them and my source said that Stefan was badly injured and he needs his mate to recuperate."

"What do you mean to recuperate?"

The question left my mouth before I stopped it, which I regretted after being sent flying to the wall. I hit my back on the wall and all I heard was a crack of bones in my back. My eyes became hazier as Cali carried me and placed me on the bed. "Why the fuck did you do that?" That was all I heard before giving myself to darkness.

I woke up with several voices penetrating into my head. I groaned, attracting attention to myself. "Oh, girl. I'm so sorry, you've really suffered in the hands of these two." Cali's worried voice rings into my head. She helped me up, and my back didn't hurt like before,I mean not exclusively painful as before.


I was like a teenager being protected in the middle of her senior ones. But they didn't protect me from the glares and hard stares of people in town. I really looked like a puppy following its mother as we moved on. I kept looking around, trying to find an escape route to the outside of the wall surrounding the town. The walls look so gigantic like the great walls of china.

We stopped in front of an opening and Wendy stepped up. She raised her two hands up to heaven and muttered some words in latin. We watched her break into the boundary and we continued our journey to the outskirts of the town.

As we walked through the bushes, I saw the walls around knowing fully that we were still in town but the rest were of the woods.

We stopped in front of a cave that's specifically a space large enough for a human to enter.

I had to go through bumpy/knobby/sharp stone, crumbling rock, jamming hands in fissures for handholds, slipping on a patch of wet rock, scraping against the wall, a fist of stone poking me in the back as i lean against a wall, bumping my head on a low ceiling, sweeping aside debris.

We made it to the opening as we could see lights from an entrance and the two siblings who hadn't done any more than to keep quiet. There was no swapping of I.D as Cali told me, just three big guys who guarded the cave. I think she must have been teasing when she said about a dragon.