Crazy witches

Chapter 27: Crazy witches.

~Stefan's POV~.

It didn't take long before we were sent into Jacobi's office. As we walked, I could still remember what I went through in the hands of the vamps. I felt overly annoyed and pissed myself into believing I was weak. The vamps took advantage of me, they saw my weakness and then, they might be trailing on my path to know how weak I was to fight.

After my encounter with the pure goddess, the moon. My strength left me, i knew it was gonna take many days to get myself revived. The vamps saw that and seized me. They had me gabled into the cell and chained me down.

I sat leg crossed on the chair and waited for Jacobi to attend to us. It didn't take long before that annoying scent of a vamp swept across my nostrils. I scrunched up my nose and by merely looking at Wendy, she wasn't pleased either.

"Damned fucking smell. I hate to find myself here." Her voice voluminously rang into the office. I knew for a fact that whosoever had that smell heard her clearly. The wooden door creaked open and footsteps were heard.

A young looking 18 guy walked to a chair opposite us and sat down. He was Jacobi, looking very young but a millennium older.

"You could still leave if you like." Wendy was raged, I slowly tapped her to calm herself down. We all know Jacobi, so fucking annoying.

He smirked, "Glad you did that. Let's get to business." His words held venom, fucking silly vamps who think they are lord over all supernatural beings. I agree they are stronger but I think we're more powerful. They are annoying.

"Our festival is the day after tomorrow. Do you know?" I asked, trying to keep my voice in check.

"Who would forget the blood oath festival?, where the nice ladies are fucked till they scream their lungs out. " I squeezed my face in disgust.

"If that's all your fucking damn dirty mind thought about our festival. We don't give a shit." Wendy scowled and I sighed. Jacobi is quick to anger and any mistakes down this lane might be the end of us.

'Stay calm and be careful.' I whispered.

"I wish you to take his words seriously, young lady. There won't be next time." The vamp said and looked down on the paper on his desk. He signed the papers and pushed it to us. "Get the fuck out of my office." He commanded. I didn't like the way he ordered us.

He lacked respect, but I self-controlled myself. "Gladly." Wendy said as we got up.

"Is that sweet little mate of yours still in your possession?."

I chewed back the anger trying to explode inside of me. For the fact he let us go because of Elena, I knew he had his eyes on us, her definitely. I ignored him and left.

The black SUV car which took us to the vampire's headquarters drove us back to town. I was increasingly angry at being reminded of my mate once again. The dare of Jacobi. I'll get him for that, I will.

"What do you think?." Wendy asked me. "What do I think?" I asked back and she scoffed. "About Jacobi's proposal. Don't you think you need to consider taking Jacobi's words seriously."

"Wendy, when did you start taking his words seriously?." I asked, she tilted her head to the other side and said nothing afterwards.

I kidnapped her, took her powers, rejected her and wouldn't let her go. The height of it. No mate would do that to their own and here I am, instead of protecting, cherishing and keeping her in my soul, I pushed her to her own world of sorrow and pains.

Her dream yesterday, I couldn't take off what happened last night out of mind. It made me realize how much I have missed her.

She was visibly shaking by my side last night. I got worried when I patted her to sleep. I ran my hand over our mark and calmed her down a bit but it didn't stop her from muttering things and shaking. The only words I could make out was, "Don't kill me, Stefan. You would regret this for the rest of your life." I was broken, even in her sleep, I hunted her.

The car screeched to a stop in front of the building and I stepped down. I walked into the elevator which took me up to the third floor, where my room was situated.

As I opened my door, the door to the elevator opened and my eyes caught Elena laughing with Cali. I stood amazed at how beautiful she looked with her heavenly smiles. Is she even human?. Of course she isn't silly.

Her gaze turned on me and I quickly averted my eyes. I walked in and shut the door.

Elena's POV.

Cali walked in, dressed in a long gray dress with some metallic hand bands and a tight bun, accessorized her dress with a gray clutch to complete her look.

"Aaron must be lucky to have you, sweetheart." I said, trying on getting into the black maxi dress with a hood she bought for me yesterday. "Thanks hunny. "

"I was thinking, is it right to go to this festival?. I ain't bonding with anyone." She smiled and made me sit in front of her classy makeup mirror. She took up her blush and started blushing my gold hair backwards.

"Darling. Not physically drinking up blood. We use red wine to seal the oath. Witches do not drink blood, though my mom does. " I scrunched up my face.

"Your mom does what?" I almost yelled. She chuckled and cleared her throat, "It's no news. Everyone knows she does. She's from the descendant of Ursula Cordelia. The dark witch."

I turned immediately to look at her. "What?" She asked.

"She's your mother, lady Ursula right?"

"Yes." Oh my God.

"Do you drink human...blood too?" I almost choked on my words. I gagged. A feeling of nausea suddenly came over me. My stomach churned up and I felt sick.

"No, I mean yes, actually.."

She didn't finish her statement after I had run into the bathroom to empty the fried chips I just ate into the sink. I rinsed my mouth and came out.

She bursted into laughter leaving me wondering what she was laughing at.

"What?. I'm not the one drinking human blood."

"Oh silly. I don't take human blood. I only drink from animals to survive. I'm not a fucking vampire. "

"You are a dark witch. That sums it up." I sat back down and she continued talking and talking...