Chapter 42: The bonfire party.

Reaching the arena, I and the other two girls walked towards the field crowded with young girls and boys. A house is situated not too far from the field and it was the only house in the vicinity.

I stayed behind as the girls greeted few friends and I fed my eyes with other things happening around me. Some girls flocked around with their already exposed clothes, dancing to the tune of the music in the background.

I made out with one doltish person I had seen in Mrs Maggie's office. He was Ethan, the naughtiest who behaved uncouthly in the presence of girls. He looked ill-bred and I decided to become very cautious of him.

Few hours passed with nothing special going on, I felt angry that I had to come, perhaps Stefan was right about this. This was a terrible party and I regretted coming along with Ava.

But after a while of standing and watching the girls discuss loudly as a result of the heavy band playing at the party, I tapped Ava and she turned with a smile, "could it be that someone would take a cab home at this hour?." I asked, checking my wrist watch for time. It was getting to midnight and I was beginning to feel very tired.

"Relax, babe. The party has not started yet.." I almost gasped at this but I was able to refrain myself. What the fuck has since been going on?.

When I looked at her again, she had turned back to her friends and I sighed. This is the moment where you feel like you've gone to a party where you ain't invited. You just stand and watch the invited guests.

Staying on my bed, talking to my mate all night could be funnier than this.

My mind went to those weird things I could be doing with him, in the room. But to think of what he might be doing in the bedroom alone baffled me.

I ended up finding a place to sit, very close to them so I wouldn't miss their trail into the crowd. I bent down on my own world and allowed myself get bored into it.

An offensive alcoholic odor sweeps past my nose and I twitch my nose in disgust. Ethan walked to stand in front of me. I rolled my eyes trying not to waste a glance on him. He bent over to my size and tried to touch me, and I slapped his hand away, "Piss off." I snapped.

"Angel, you know you look hot tonight that I get a hard on by mere looking at you," I scrunch my face and almost hit him for his raw thoughts. He was the exact definition of stupid.

"Oh, Ethan, why are you troubling her this much?." Ava was able to come to my aid. She pushed him aside and grabbed my hand so that we walked off. "I hope he doesn't trouble you that much." She said,

"What.." I stressed the what and burst into a weird laugh. "I hate him." I told her truthfully hoping she wasn't bothered because they are siblings.

"You got to feel that way. Ethan is more like my dad than mom. He did not grow up in the nicest environment, with mom as I did. I am more cultured than he is so my mom is trying to retrace his steps. His behavior is an influence of my dad, but they'd always come around though. Mom would blame dad everyday for the way he trained Ethan. I must say you must be careful of him."

She led me into the building and I followed her through the long hallway to a backyard. There were few people sitting around a fire, discussing and drinking. This was the main party arena.

"How nice to see you at my party.." A pretty girl with a nice voice said to us as we approached them. She hugged Ava and looked at me. "Hi. I'm Olivia." She introduced bringing out a hand for a handshake. "Elena." I returned the gesture. "Oh come on. Who doesn't know Elena?." She said and giggled. All of them know me. I wasn't surprised at this because I've come to live in the world of being known around, obviously by everyone.

I was surprised that some of them were comfortable as I sat with them. Olivia stood up and went round pouring a cup of wine and giving it to everyone.

"What do we do?. T or d." Diane said and Ava grunted to this. "We've been doing this all the time. Is there a time we take up another game?." Ava asked, I was glad because I didn't want to catch up with this kind of game tonight.

"Oh Elena. What can we do?, and besides we have a visitor in our midst, wouldn't another game bore her?."

"I don't mind the t or d game." I said, obviously surprised that I was concurring to her.

"Okay, two truths, all dares, no further rules guys." Olivia said.

"Game starts." Olivia said and spun the bottle. The bottle landed in between Ava and Diane, and Ava looked at Diane smiling.

"Truth or dare?." She asked. "Truth."

Ava thought for a while, making us wait for what her question would be.

"Okay. Have you ever farted in an elevator?." She asked, and everyone burst into laughter, including Diane. If I were to answer such a question, I would surely be embarrassed.

"Yes." She replied and another roaring laughter was heard around the fire. This was gradually getting really interesting.

The bottle was spun around and it caught up with Olivia and one other guy.

"Truth or dare, Olivia."

*Truth." She replied and everyone became quiet to hear him ask. "Olivia, what is the worst date you've ever been on?."

Olivia looked at everyone before clearing her throat. "Uhm. It was a date with Ethan." She replies.

"Aw. Someone just called my name." A voice was heard and we turned to see Ethan, standing with a can of beer. Who would ever agree to go out on a date with Ethan?. I don't see myself doing that in future.

He sat down opposite me and said, "The game has just begun."