Chapter 49: Found who I am.

Incantation: Fire, Earth, Metal, Air, Water and Blood. By these elements, we bind the circle, and follow in the steps of our ancestors; who pledged themselves to fight against the forces of darkness. When evil assails us, when fear weakens us, when descent threatens us, in the circle we will find our power. We come to this place alone, but leave bound as one. With this oath, our journey begins together. Do you accept the circle?

All: I accept.

Incantations: We fight to connect to your immortal body and speak with the language of yours. We ask that you send your divine power and repeat your answers to our mortal ears, we also ask that you give us wisdom and understanding towards your spoken words, hear ye lunar queen, mother of the moon divinity.

All: Ami..

Just when she finished the incantation, a great wind began blowing around and I went into his soul. Our bond connected and flowed together to a river bank. Lo and behold, the pure queen.

Which reflection shone upon the clean water, her body glistened and her moist skin stainless. She had long gold hair and a golden crown upon her head.

I and Stefan stayed close to each other as we bowed our heads to her realm. She looked into the water, squashing it with her hand. You could find her sitting on a rock. I admired her peaceful existence, and then she said,


She looked at me with a beautiful smile.



I slowly opened my eyes, looking intently at my mate as he did so. I saw the goddess, the thought of that sent chills down my spine. I felt cold inside, but for once in my life, I could feel that peace settling in my soul.

"I know how you feel. The moon goddess is pure and filled with peace. Not too many people have been this lucky." The old woman got my attention back. She started walking back inside the wooden house while I followed, then came Stefan.

"You have something for me." She said to Stefan, settling back on the mat. I felt Stefan's cold hand on mine, and I assured him that everything was fine. He then started..

"थे चोसेन ओने इस योउर् मते. (The chosen one is your mate)

शे विलल सवे हुमन्स (She will save humans)

I गवे हेर पोवेर्स (I gave her powers)

शे इस अ हुमान गोद्देस्स (She is a human goddess)."

All the books I've read, I've never come across this language before. Even when I tried to study the Tamil language which dated back to 350bc, I couldn't learn any.

"The language's Sanskrit. The second oldest language ever. You could find it in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism etc..this was the language of the gods back in the days, when they ruled among us. It could be found essential in 5000bc. I can not tell you the meaning of the language. This is only done by royal witches." She explained.

My heart stopped, and my breathing ceased. Does it mean my hard work had been nothing?. Where do I find a royal witch after her sudden disappearance years ago?.

"Gliselda. The only surviving royal witch can't be found for many years. And as a matter of fact, we do not know if she's alive or dead. Is there something you can do?." I asked, careful not to sound frustrated.

I watched the old woman laugh and point at Stefan. "You're lucky, young girl. He is a royal witch."

I opened my mouth in awe, unable to contain my shock. We looked at each other, Stefan had not spoken since we began the rituals but the look he had on wasn't that of shock but of acknowledgement, meaning he could be seeing the signs since we got here.

Yet I wanted to confirm, "You knew about this?."

"No. I had the signs, I felt it when I stayed with the white witches. How do you think I found out Ethan was flirting with you?I saw it that night. It baffled me and I never believed that I could be a royal blood witch. I've never seen the signs before but after I stayed back here, I found I could do many other things which the royals had the gift of."

"Believe him. Being in the midst of his own could trigger his gift. You can't be a royal, do evil and expect to be with your gifts, it is not done."

"But he never told him how he felt." I said, feeling guilty that I never stayed back with him, to notice how he felt with them. It was starting to make sense now, the way he dealt with Ethan and why everyone avoided him, they must have seen it.

"This only could become one thing, Ann is your mother." She smiled, "She could be alive."

"I've never seen my mom before, my dad told us she ran away after giving birth to my twin brother and I."

He turned to me, standing before me, "You're about to find who you are.*

"The chosen one is your mate, she will save humans, I gave her powers, she is a human goddess. These are the words the divine queen said to me." I stood and listened, I am the human goddess.

Stefan surprised me next, he knelt down on his other leg and bowed, "My respect, goddess." I quickly made him stand to his feet and held our hands together.

"Stefan, you're my mate, you do not have to go through that, nothing changes about me. I am Elena, your human mate." I look at Griselda. "So far, you've been helpful tonight, I am still not satisfied, why did she choose me?. Why did the moon goddess give me such powers to save humans?. "

"My dear. gods and goddesses can not be seen by immortal eyes, they are spirits. The pure queen knew about this war, which could wipe out humans from the face of the earth. She knew the immortals she created and gave powers to were going to be against each other some day, hence tried to fight one another. So she created and put you in your mother's womb."