Chapter 73: Caught up by him

His bathroom was as beautiful and large as it was. There was no shower but a large jacuzzi style bathtub. I started to run the bath until steam was billowing around and condensing on the mirror.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, my face was smeared with dirt and my bleached gold hair was falling messily on my shoulders. I could now see why he was disgustedly looking at me earlier but I do not find myself smelling awfully.

The hot bath was tempting me and Stefan seemed preoccupied with his laptop. I wandered over the door and closed it under the pretense of collecting a towel from the rack. As quietly as I could, I bolted the door and ran across the room to the bathtub. My feet made no sound on the tiled floor. I knew I would be quick if I didn't want Stefan to discover me.

It was foolish, I knew but the feeling of dirtiness hung around me and I wanted to be clean to Stefan. I yanked off my old-fashioned clothes and then lowered myself slowly into the hot water, careful not to make any noise.

I'd never appreciated how a hot bath could feel on my aching bones. I was equally careful rubbing beneath the soapy water, rubbing any filthy dirt off my body and never pulling my hair under the water to avoid suspicion. When I felt my eyes closing, I jerked myself out of my relaxed state and pulled myself out of the tub.

"Abigail.." I heard Stefan call and I panicked, snatching up my clothes and pulling my underwear as quickly as possible. I tried unsuccessfully to tie up all the strings on my white dress but I kept fumbling with them.

"Abi.." He called accompanied by twisting the door handle and made my heart fly. "Why is the door locked?" He asked, angrily. I pulled the black dress over my hastily done up petticoat, aware that I was dripping on the floor. I didn't stop to clean it up but dashed toward the door, out of breath.

Stefan took in my appearance with one sweeping gaze. I bit my lip because the ends of my hair was wet and there was a puddle of water on the floor beneath me. My chest was rising and falling rapidly, waiting for him to speak.

"Abigail…" He said in a quiet,menacing voice, "What do you think you're doing?,"

I avoided his gaze and fixed my eyes on the blondest piece of hair hanging in his fringe. I felt like an idiot. There was no excuse I could think of to explain why I was wet. Why had I even taken a bath in the first place?.

"I'm sorry." I pleaded in a meek voice.

"You're sorry?You've been here for less than an hour and you have already abused your position!."

His jaw was clenched in obvious anger, his eyes turned steely and I saw his hand clench into a fist. He breathed slowly as if trying to calm himself before speaking.

Then the door went open and Cali Jeane walked in. He turned to look at her, "What is going on here?." She asked Stefan to look at me. And then back on me, her eyes widened, "Elena.." She called, shocked on her face.

She recognized me and I bent down, Stefan looked back on me, his eyes weren't deadly before but it was that of confusion. "What're you talking about?." Stefan asked, I looked up at Cali and muttered, "I'm Abigail. Lord Stefan's personal maid."

I knew she must be confused at the moment and I prayed she'd let it slide. "Stefan, Wendy's about to leave. She's downstairs waiting for you." Cali said to him. I bent down and waited till Stefan walked out, I turned and started walking to his wardrobe.

"I know you're Elena..why did you come as a maid?." I heard her ask. I turned and bowed, "Ma'am. I am not who you think I am." I said, politely.

"Cut the crap, Elena. You and I know you're Elena. I won't tell you, I'm happy that you are here." Cali won't believe me and I am not ready to admit I am me.

"You've lost some weight, add green lenses on. I almost didn't recognize you but sure be careful. Others might, you are lucky Wendy's traveling out, otherwise your cover would have blown out." I hid my smiling face and bent to take out Stefan's dirty clothes.

"I do not know what you think, ma'am but I'm telling you that I'm Abigail..living in Alagba village with her grandmother. My grandmother was killed trying to protect me and here I am as a maid to lord Stefan. Excuse me, ma." I said and scurried off before she can ask me more questions.


I dropped his clothes in a washing machine and breathed out. How the hell did I make such stories?. I need to see the spy immediately.

I walked into the kitchen to see other maids doing one thing or the other. Bosy looked up and saw me. "She's here." She whispered to Grace and she turned.

"Wow. Here she is." Grace said out loud and all eyes in the kitchen went on me.

"How was it serving the master?, eh." Grace asked, "Horrible.." I replied and Grace turned to Bosy. "I told you.."

"Sure?. Like you ain't comfortable with him?,. He's the most handsome in hill town." Bosy said blushing deeply. Is this girl crushing on my mate?.

"Lord Stefan's deadly indeed. His look alone could make you pee on your body. You're strong enough to stay with him for hours." Grace said, here comes the truthful one. She's absolutely right about Stefan.

"Then you should be happy Wendy isn't staying here for like months to come. She's traveling with her mother abroad for business. Should I say a mission?." Grace scoffed and turned back to what she was doing.

"I've arranged the room for you to freshen up before Stefan comes back from the airport. Dress and come down to us for breakfast." Bosy mumbled and also turned back to whatever she was doing before I came in.

I walked into the bathroom and stood, looking at it, it was neatly kept but was a smaller size compared to the room. It was like the size of my walk-in closet back at the clan. I saw an unused brush and toothpaste, then I took one and started brushing my teeth. There was no reason to bathe now cos I've done that with Stefan's shampoo.

I used the one I saw in the bathroom for everyone to wash my hair.