Chapter 76: Cali Jeane

Cali Jeane.


I moved towards the darkest part of the hall and stopped. This was my mom's private chambers. It was this place she stayed in and practiced her dark magic.

"Make him loose it. Make him…" I could hear Wendy's low voice say to mom. I wondered what they were both planning on doing this time.

So I looked into the room and I was shocked at what I saw. Stefan was lying unconsciously on the metal table, mom was standing before him with the pot of dark magic. She was chanting viciously and the dark smoke from the pot was going right into his nostrils.

"No." I shouted and ran in, an unknown wind swept me off the floor and stucked me right on the wall. My back snapped and I grunted out in pain. I tried to use my powers against her force but mom was holding it strongly.

"You can't let this happen. You can't…" I shouted at Wendy. "Have you lost your mind?What the hell are you doing here?." She yelled back at me.

"Wendy, Stefan can never be yours. He's got a mate whose bond is greater than you can ever imagine and you want to…"

"Shut up. He is mine. Stefan is mine. After today, you'll see whether or if he can leave me for that bitch again."

"Quiet both of you now!!. Let me see if I can concentrate." Mom shouted at the both of us. Wendy turned back and I closed my eyes and thought of mind linking Aaron to come.

*Where are you?, Aaron. Come immediately.* I mindlinked.

*I'm at the farthest land of the dragons. Are you okay?. I don't feel good either*

Fuck!!. I closed my eyes, the dragon land?.

"Mindlinking Aaron?. The master sent him to Gazas yesterday night." Wendy mocked me with an evil grin on her lips.

He went to Gazas and didn't tell me, how could he make such mistakes?.

"Lest I forget, he asked me to send the message across." She disclosed and I cursed her internally. Wendy told me last night that Aaron isn't staying for the night. Even if I knew, would I have stopped him from carrying out his father's orders?.

Mom turned and got our attention. I looked down at her with so much anger and hatred.I've hated mom since I was child, the only person I ever liked was my dad and I barely knew my mom. She's such an evil woman and what she did with Wendy today would never make me look at them ever.

Mom finally released the power and threw me on the floor. I watched mom step forward to me and bent down. She grabbed my chin roughly and slapped me hard on the cheek. I winced…

"Child!. Would you like to see your sister sad instead?." She asked me calmly. I looked at her angrily, "You're wrong. This is all wrong." I shouted and there was silence, then an evily laugh from her, Wendy joined into the ridiculous laughter and walked to stand with mom.

"Who does the right thing these days?. The fact that I do what makes me happy makes it all right, okay." Wendy said. I glared at each one of them.

"Mom. You're selfish, you never cared about us, you're only after yourself. You think I don't know you did this for your own benefit. Stop deceiving us, okay. I guess that's why dad left you." I spat out angrily.

"Shut up, Cali. Shut up. You're the only selfish one here. You don't love me, you never did, save the gibberish talk about selfishness." Wendy retorted back and I shook my head at her.

"Now, you'll stay behind and promise me not to say anything to anyone, not even your mate." Mom said and I looked at her, I scoffed, "Make me." I dared…

Mom chuckled and started walking further into the room. I muster up the last strength in me to stand up to my feet.

"I'll definitely make you. You know the last thing you would ever want to see is someone you've ever loved to collapse in the blink of an eye." I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. She smiled and turned back to Stefan, who hadn't woken up from his slumber.

"Make a blood sealed promise with me and I'll spare him which you love so much."

Soon enough, the pieces of what she was saying started coming up into my mind. She's threatening me with my mate's life.

"Mom, what did you do?." I asked between gritted teeth. My cheeks were burning up and my hands were folded in anger.

"Believe me, you won't like to know." She said, I closed my eyes frustratedly, I unclenched my fist and breathed out.

"What did you do, mom?." A voice beside me asked. Wendy was asking this time.

"I'm securing your future. Soon, the castle will be ours and the town, your inheritance." I narrowed my eyes at Wendy.

"Did you hear that?. Did you fucking hear her?." She rolled her eyes at me, and I turned to mom, "Scratch that. We'll deal with that later. What did you do to the twins?." I questioned agitatedly.

"Leave my office. Get out!!." She commanded.


I looked at my dad's grave with my tears rolling down my cheeks. I had been here after talking to Stefan in the room. After I looked for answers myself and got none, I took it that she might be bluffing or trying to scare me away with it.

Then today, after I saw him looking that pathetic, I was in pain. I almost told him about his mate.

"Cali Jeane." I heard my name from behind and I turned. I found the maid I saw in Stefan's room standing and looking at me strangely. The one who I almost thought to be Elena. But the way she was looking at me, I thought of her as Elena.

"Elena.." I called.., and she waited for a little while before nodding. "It's me Cali. It's really me." She said and quickly I ran and embraced her.